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AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA - Compelling Information

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posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:38 PM
Since its inception in 1958 the truth of NASA’s occult origins has been discretely hidden from public awareness; origins linked to perhaps the most “wicked” of all occult practitioners in modern history, Satanist, Aleister Crowley. As well, the highest echelons of NASA’s administration were dominated by secret society initiates including Freemasons and Nazi SS personnel, most notably, Wernher Von Braun. This high-tech occult cabal secretly used the Apollo moon missions, not to advance science, but to serve their devotion to the mystery gods of ancient Egypt.

Full of inflammatory conspiracy, but compelling as well. I've always doubted NASA when it comes to the information they provide the public with regarding their missions. I doubt we ever get the full truth and I also wouldn't doubt they are a part of the underground government that exists. It is my belief that NASA covers up UFO incidents with denial or ridiculous explanations like "ice crystals" for instance.

For instance the Tether Incident that NASA claimed was Ice Crystals.
This video debunks that theory, but my main focus is on the second video below.

The Occult History of NASA

Your thoughts?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Just my opinion, but scientists are the last ones to dabble in religion…

They didn't go to the moon by magic, horoscopes or incantations.

And Crawley wasn't in Mission control as far as I know.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I agree, but many do believe it went as deep as that. The documentary was quite compelling, but not enough so to bring me into that realm of thinking.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Well no, AC wasn't in the control room,,(at least in body) but all you have to do is go to Jet Propulsion Laboratory's History Page and right there bigger than life himself is Jack Parsons,, who yes did a bit more than Dabble in Magick, so your facts are wrong here,, scientist DO mix Religion and Science all the time. In fact many hard nosed scientist hate that Jack was the brilliant mind he was because of this mixing of 'faiths'.
Anyway,, will return after viewing the video,, just wanted to mention this in case you didn't know about Jack Parsons,, you should look him up,, Great story behind the Story of our Rockets progress in the 50's.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

The documentary was quite compelling, but not enough so to bring me into that realm of thinking.

Me neither, thats why I didn't watch it. its just too ludicrous. I grew up during Nasa moon phase. My dad was a Lockheed engineer, the TV was tuned to every aspect and I never saw the devil in Nasa footage, not once.

Lockheed is the evilest warmonger corporation on the planet. if the devil is anywhere, he's there.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: FearYourMind

Just my opinion, but scientists are the last ones to dabble in religion…

They didn't go to the moon by magic, horoscopes or incantations.

And Crawley wasn't in Mission control as far as I know.

Tesla, Einstein and Da Vinci were religious men more or less. Tesla claimed that beings from another dimension gave him his ideas. So, considering they are some of the prominent geniuses of our time, I would say that they do in fact dabble in religion.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Do you believe the Illuminati exist and is a force among us including our government?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: FearYourMind

The documentary was quite compelling, but not enough so to bring me into that realm of thinking.

Me neither, thats why I didn't watch it. its just too ludicrous.

You should watch it anyways. You could learn something new unexpectedly.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:02 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
the TV was tuned to every aspect and I never saw the devil in Nasa footage, not once.

Well if it wasnt on the tube, then it couldnt have happened, right?

Excuse me while I go smash my head through a wall.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Tesla claimed that beings from another dimension gave him his ideas[

I believe him… in his case.

Verner Von Braun was just an ambitious, vain man. Germans are like that. They started two world wars last century, you know. Untold millions died. They are smart and self serving. They are busy and inventive. They developed and we stole from them every weapons system that we now currently deploy.

We made them better. Thats the problem with spoils of war from evil empires. We also took in a significant number of cruel police state members from German intel to help us defeat the Russians. Hey guess what?

By the way, I am half German, I know of what I speak.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: intrptr
the TV was tuned to every aspect and I never saw the devil in Nasa footage, not once.

Well if it wasnt on the tube, then it couldnt have happened, right?

Excuse me while I go smash my head through a wall.

Make sure someone films you or I wont believe you did it

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Tucket

originally posted by: intrptr
the TV was tuned to every aspect and I never saw the devil in Nasa footage, not once.

Well if it wasnt on the tube, then it couldnt have happened, right?

Excuse me while I go smash my head through a wall.:pus:

That was a joke. I know where the devil is.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: intrptr

My grandfather was good friends with Von Braun. He was a patent lawyer for NASA and spoke very highly of Von Braun. Never spoke of any conspiracy related things, but I never really asked either. I was really young back then.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

I have been studying the history of WWII since I was a kid in the early 60's. I have never stopped learning about it. The Nazis had personal psychics, Hitler sent his to camps. Others dabbled in Astrology and used some for propaganda. Mostly they were twisted weird little men. They wanted power and control and they didn't care who they killed to get ti. Hitler was beaten and left for dead by his own father. The Nazi Heil salute is a raised hand to strike.

Thirst for money, power (control), territory and resources were their goal, not some BS ideology that was marketed for the world as a distraction or diversion. They didn't believe in a god or devil they believed only in themselves.

They were the highest power (legends in their own minds). The propaganda was the lie. They went to church, festivals, ceremonies to promote their ideology to garner the widest support from the population they could. Mean while they lived out their twisted fantasies behind closed doors out of the public view. Hitler was a dope addict and sexual deviant. So was Goering.

They didn't worship the devil they were addicted to sex, drugs murder and wealth.

I suppose that is the epitome of evil but has little to do with religious worship or practice. That was the propaganda.

Don't buy into it all over again.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

My grandfather was good friends with Von Braun. He was a patent lawyer for NASA and spoke very highly of Von Braun.

I believe it. He had to be principled to be that good at leading the team that went to the moon. Thats all he ever always wanted to do. Regardless of the fact it brought about the worlds first ballistic missiles that rained destruction on cities in WWII and eventually led to the entire intercontinental missile fleet threatening the entire planet today.

Not to mention the moon shots. What a waste of resources. The moon is there, un occupied and littered with a bazillion dollars of toxic junk. BFD

Thanks Verner. Maybe in all that ambition and ignorance you could have foreseen that? i bet he did? And didn't give a rats ass, as long as he got to fulfill his destiny. Like I said, Germans are blinded by their own ambition and selfish pursuits.

Sorry about the wind and any unanswered replies to me, gotta go.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: FearYourMind
a reply to: intrptr

Do you believe the Illuminati exist and is a force among us including our government?

I believe in a malignant spirit that misleads us through our own desire. I believe it is in charge by proxy through people in all the dark places in the world. Since humanity has been here.

If you want to call that Illuminati or the Devil or Annunaki, whatever… different terms over the eons for the same thing.

Definitely evil and in control of the world at large. The only thing we can do is not be a part of the slide to darkness wherever that may be found. Hard to do today. Not impossible though. And I can't tell you how to do it for you. Thats your own journey.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: EarthCitizen23

ight there bigger than life himself is Jack Parsons,, who yes did a bit more than Dabble in Magick, so your facts are wrong here,, scientist DO mix Religion and Science all the time.

Lots of engineers and scientists went to church back then, too. So what? One guy did "Magick"? and that is supposed to to convince me NASA was a bunch of devil worshippers?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: EarthCitizen23

I just finished the video. It was good! Thanks OP.
Its true the average Dilbert-like scientist has very little in common with Crowley. But a fearless rulebreaker in the realm of spirit will be a magician, and a fearless rule breaker in the ground of science will end up working on weird stuff for secret agencies, so they are kind of the same type. Hell, Didn't Michael Aquino of the Temple of Set post here not to long ago? That' totally the type. PhD, NSA worker, proud satanist.

Anyway, the conclusion most people jump to when talking about Thelema is that its not real, its nonsense made up by some ring of powerful people, which is why we see hints of it at levels of power all over the world - because they control so much. But Crowley died an impoverished addict, he wasn't powerful. What people don't think about is the fact that he tapped into something powerful and real he did not control. The fact that maybe Lam is freaking real, and Thelema is something that's actually out there. Call it some kind of quantum information anomaly, some kind of weird truth, call it fallen angels, but some real aspect of life.

Once you open your mind to that possibility, your view of magicians like Crowley and Parsons changes, they are all just scientists of the weird. What they discover may be natural forces that are out there, but invisible to us, like radio waves used to be. But moving voices through radio isn't magic, its just nature. The discoverer of it isn't super powerful, he just saw something others didn't. But in the case of Thelema, it was only dimly understood and not fully controlled.

Once you see it this way, two things become clear. A) Magicians probably work at NASA B) Most of them probably aren't magicians, and there is probably no big conspiracy. Blaming all the hints you see of the occult all over the world power structures is like blaming scientists for suppressing things like free energy: Once you actually try it yourself, you realize that the forces that don't allow free energy come from the laws of nature, and the suppression, if it comes from an intelligence at all, comes from an intelligence way, way beyond us.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: intrptr
Correct me if I am wrong, but I have only seen you mention the Devil and devil worshipers. This is a little different than some Victorian Hellsfire Club and I think the information though lacking in some details did a good job of covering a subject without sensationalism.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: tridentblue
I have been following the line of thought also that Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, The Alphabet soup gang among others have 'tapped' into something that they can not control. The Atavistic component to the whole story is usually passed over for the more prosaic, mundane magickal explanations of what is taking place with such events. Basically I follow the Interventionist route, looking for those moments,, like the Babylon workings, which rip the fabric between the worlds. Crowley had a Tulpa that helped tap into the Chlthonic beings 'above' human space and time. Tools such as the Enochian calls became Memes that have grown and evolved into our current time. As with Pathwork, useful in surfing the landscape we are speaking of. It is a real chess game of multiple dimensions with some of the physics that are at play in the heart of Deep Magick. Definitely an interesting Rabbit hole to visit. Don't leave without your Holy Guardian Angel.

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