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The Collapse Of The American Economy Has Begun... o Great

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posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 06:53 PM
So i finally beat that threshold of poor and i read this article i guess it was bound to happen just a matter of time before the bubble that i was living in burst lmao...

“The process of undermining the US dollar is well on schedule as well; more than 105 countries have decided that the dollar no longer works for them, joining Russia, China and other BRICS nations in leaving the dollar as the entire world comes to the realization that America’s leaders are insane. Their recklessness and evil ways have left tremendous shame upon our nation. Though there has been much manipulation and propping up, but that is only setting us up for the inevitable massive crash.

“V” begins by updating us on recent information that he has received from his 4-Star General source and warns that events are still on schedule, a schedule that he previously warned would leave the US dollar ‘undermined’ by 2015 and the US ceasing to exist as a nation by 2017“.

I know this above has been in the works since 2008 when other countries started smelling the blood from the wounded lion... i dont blame them alot of carelessness on behalf of the "LENDERS" and "CONSUMERS" from housing to student loans to credit cards and so on.

Halfway to Economic Armageddon

“V’s” claims notwithstanding, the American economy is already in severe danger as we consider the following facts.

There are 35 states in this country in which it is better to accept welfare than work at an entry level job. Much like crack coc aine or heroin addicts, much of our nation is hopelessly addicted to living in the welfare state or on unsustainable levels of credit.

From a micro perspective, the personal economic health of America is abysmal. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either “poor” or “low income”. Stunningly, more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government, not including the massive entitlement programs of Social Security or Medicare. The number of people on food stamps has grown to 47.79 million Americans. In 2008, when Obama first took office, only 32 million Americans were on food stamps. Approximately, 20.2 million Americans spend more than half of their incomes on housing, which represents a 46% increase from 2001. Parents under the age of 30 experience poverty rates consisting of 37 percent. The number of Americans living in poverty has grown to one out of every six US citizens.

The above information could be considered to be the good news. What follows is grim.

I was once dependent of the system i always worked but couldnt catch a break but i finally broke the chains and it was not easy but i can tell you felt like a GINORMOUS relief it made me value every penny ive made since then!!! Its funny i work a pest control job and i do a low income or section8 housing and i cant believe that out of the 30 units i do i can count on one hand the people i can say really need the help and actually maintain the units they are given in tip top shape and then there are the other which i call the "LEECHES" that conditions are as bad as some third world slums....

IMHO beeing dependent and poor is 80 percent choice 20 percent given economics i was never handed a golden spoon but i have worked countless hours i pushed my self through college with first kid on the way working a 60hr a week job and still managed to maintain a 3.8GPA.

The FDIC does not have the money to cover your deposits as it has only $25 billion in its deposit insurance fund. By law, the FDIC is required to keep a balance equivalent to only 1.15% of insured deposits on hand. Yes, America, that means that less than 2% of your deposits are covered.

i love it when i cash my checks and they try to get me to open an account and i break those statistics to them and you get that deer caught in the headlights stare 😂😂😂

The bottom line is we are the RMS TITANIC and the violinists are playing the final song or america

Now i know there will be the pessimist that will come on this post eith falsified numbers and try to descredit this post have at it id like to laugh a bit!!!


edit on 29-9-2014 by elevatedone because: removed all caps

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:01 PM
I have to wonder if it's a controlled demolition or is pure greed blinding American leaders and their corporate masters? Either way, when the US does crash and burn I don't think the rest of us will be laughing to hard as the countries tentacles are wound pretty tightly throughout global economics as far as I can tell. I'm also not to sure this wounded lion won't lash out intent on burning the whole forest down!
edit on 29-9-2014 by minkmouse because: damned words were wrong!

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:14 PM
A major collapse will happen when the government fails to divert the problem of no buyers for U.S. debt securities.

Who controls those securities?.....

The banks.

When they say it stops, it will stop.

A default will kill off the Dollar, and the U.S. Government.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:18 PM
Well the Chinese are banking on the US economy growing otherwise... that would be the end of China and pretty much the entire global economy.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:22 PM
Pffft if things go too bad the USA and EU will just start a big war!

Problem solved.

Get ride of a few million useless eaters.

Plunder some enemy nations and force crippling rebuilding loans on them

Conscript unemployed and lower class trouble makers as cannon fodder.

Pump up patrotism to stiffle gov opposition.

Use emergancy war power to raise huge taxes and suck huge amounts of resources from the the middle class down

Cripple the growing economy of a enemy nation or like japan force it under the influnce of the USA

Suck some freedoms away

Yup......... a nice big world wars likely in order.....
edit on 29-9-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Jesus!....Don't sugar coat it like that!

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:25 PM
Bad money drives out good money.

As long as the US Gov't prints money, and pays its serfs and employees in dollars or EBT credits, the dollar will be worth something. TPTB own the corporations, the agriculture, the power companies, the oil companies, and the banks. If they say they will take dollars as payment for their commodities and power/fuel--then the dollar will retain whatever value they determine it should have. The Euro, the Pound, the Canadian and Australian dollars, the Mexican Peso--these will continue to be tied to the dollar, and anyone who wishes to trade with the West will have to trade in dollars or their equivalent.

There will likely be a revaluation as has happened with Mexico in the past. May have to drop or add some zeros.

edit on 10/06/2013 by Tusks because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: minkmouse
a reply to: crazyewok

Jesus!....Don't sugar coat it like that!


When you look at world war I , World war 2 and even Korea and vietnam you can see at least a few of those points.

In fact most wars in history gives those perks to the victors.

The romans invented the game, europe perfected it and the USA has mastered it.
edit on 29-9-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

I don't know, I would like to think the world revolves around our economy but I think we are starting to see differently. They have been setting the stage for the dollars demise and I believe the BRICS nations are bracing themselves by making the change early.

What happens when a corporation fails? Many times they are absorbed or bought out by other corporations. I'm afraid other corporations (countries) are setting the stage to absorb us.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:29 PM
I guess the meek were the Chinese all along!

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:33 PM
Only problem with that theory "NUCLEAR CAPABILITY" "BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS" "EMP" and so on sorry no sugar here just Vinegar a reply to: crazyewok

edit on 29-9-2014 by ATF1886 because: misspelling

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:36 PM
Theyve probably been strategizing for decades how to destroy us... like the commercial where theyre laughing saying if they only knew...a reply to: minkmouse

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: ATF1886
Only problem with that thoery "NUCLEAR CAPABILITY" "BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS" "EMP" and so on sorry no sugar here just Vinegar a reply to: crazyewok

Depends on what USA capabilitys truely are.

I have a feeling the US black tec could counter most of russia and china WMD's

If not now likely very soon.

Just in the UK black world iv heard of the weird shiz from some former mates worked in army R&D.

The stuff they are bombing goat herders with I doubt is what they got lined up for a real war.

Im talking directed energy weapons that are WMDs in there own right.
edit on 29-9-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:40 PM
Of course they wouldnt play poker a show there hand early..a reply to: crazyewok

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:41 PM
How much longer can they keep the stale charade going till people figure it out??a reply to: Tusks

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:42 PM
I will believe it when the street riots and mass looting begin across the country, till then Im not worried

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: ATF1886
I think the plan is for wages to be identical everywhere, Chinese wages are rising, so are India's.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:46 PM
Well All I Know is, if we'll end up being absorbed then hopefully it will be somebody wealthy enough to pay for All The S##t we need to amuse, feed and house us. Or maybe we'll just end up in some Rotten Slave Labor Camp??? Oh Well, Atsa Life I Guess
Arjunanda reply to: TheLieWeLive

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: ATF1886
Of course they wouldnt play poker a show there hand early..a reply to: crazyewok

Im remember reading last year how some dip# made a x ray lasor out of parts on ebay for a few thousand bucks.

If they can do that?

What have the best minds, with billions of dollers, the best military R&D facilities and decades of resesrch since the mid 60's come up ?

If the USA+ western economic supremcy comed under REAL threat the teeth will come out.

War is good for buisness.......if you know your going to win it

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Certainly would explain the seemingly reckless way The US struts its stuff around the globe.

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