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My bi polar thanks Prozac! I feel like ME!

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posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 01:14 PM
I'm slowly replying to everyone.

I don't get on my computer much I use my phone and it's a little hard to type a big reply but I appreciate all responses even if I disagree.

Thank you!

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: antar
a reply to: mblahnikluver


Just opened my heart to hear such good news about a Member who I have ALWAYS respected and enjoyed.

Like a sigh of relief for you honey...

Antar!! How nice to see you on here. I've always enjoyed your posts.

Thank you so much for your kind words. You're one of the members on here I've always liked and respected as well. Always kind and never judging. You are a kind soul for sure.

Thank you!

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: HomerinNC
Bipolar and BPD here Blah, Depakote and Wellbutrin has worked for me the last 5 years.
Prozac made me hear voices

Haha, Wellbutrin made me see every looney toons episode i have ever seen, albeit on fast forward every time I would try to sleep.

My doctor mixed the wrong meds and it gave me seizures and ruined my life for YEARS before I found the problem MYSELF!

Guess who is getting his butt sued off!! I have an undying hate for doctors now, it would have taken the ass 30 seconds to find out if there was an interaction between the two yet he failed to do his dam job. They guess and hardly ever do a test to find out anything. Just so they don't have to fill out the paperwork explaining to the insurance companies why they did the test. Its all BS!!! With Obamacare Doctors now spend 3/4 of their day doing paperwork unlike half the day before. They are quitting in droves.

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

good for you! so happy you found something that works. im not bi polar but have major depressive and GAD. I know its a long hard road. Been on many different things throughout the years. The only constant that truly helps my anxiety is Ativan which is a benzo and most doctors act like its the devil. little do they tell you the withdrawal symptoms you go through coming off the other antidepressants and anti psychotics they shove down your throat. for a good few months Prozac helped me as well. After a while I notice it was just numbing me and came off it. next stop wellbutrin. well lets just say yes ive always been depressed but never once tried killing myself. this drug sent me over the edge and I swallowed a bunch of pills and almost succeeded. they brought me back at the hospital. since then, May, ive been on Effexor and it made me really feel like I had it together. just recently I have been weaning off of it and trying the natural route again. ive tried before but always had to return to antidepressants, but ill never give up. I hope Prozac keeps working for you

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 08:20 PM
SSRI's like prozac are not meant to be used to treat bipolar as a stand a lone treatment and they can't do it. I'm bipolar 1 and I felt really great on one but it turns out I was just completely delusional and in psychosis, it made me have a manic episode that was extreme and I'm surprised I survived it. Also withdrawal from it sent me into a psychotic state that would not respond to treatment and it lasted 3 years. If you are really bipolar 1 your dr is guilty of malpractice by prescribing you prozac as a stand alone, and you'll learn it the hard way. Talk to another Dr. a reply to: mblahnikluver

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 11:00 PM
reply again to OP. was at work at my 1st reply and in a rush. i want to also answer your question on things that help through my depression. My husband is a great support system. i can talk to him about anything and he is always there for me. Pets help alot too. I have 3 cats and love them so much and these silly cats make me laugh and smile so many time a day i cant even count. i also practice gratitude. you can write down daily 3 things that your are grateful for. i do that but i also find myself thru out the day finding other things i am also very grateful for. im lucky enough to have a job i love and on those days where i feel the depression creeping up i force myself out of bed and to work. on those days where im depressed at work and feel like just sitting there and blowing the day off, i also force myself to keep plugging along and working hard cause i know it will pay off come month end. listening to music enjoy also helps greatly. for me a BIG part of it was never giving up and fighting it with everything i had. sometimes you really have tp force yourself to get out and do something. sometimes being out in nature does wonders too. i am also going thru a very hard time in my life right now. not health but legal issues. im very sorry to hear about your cancer and dont know how i would handle it. take everything day by day. when you wake up everyday be thankful for another day on this earth and make the best of it. be thankful for what you can.gratitude really goes a long way. best of luck to you!

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Shana91aus

There are binaurals, which require headphones, and isochronics, which don't.
I use either/or. Some say isochronics work better but in my experiments with an EEG, I think binaurals are more effective. Maybe that's just me though.
The tracks I made with these frequencies have Isochronics, and you can use headphones or speakers.

I'd be happy to email you some mp3's. My mom fell and broke one hand and fractured the other recently, and had to have a few surgeries, was in a LOT of pain - I sent her a couple for pain relief and she said it was "immediate and long lasting."

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