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Weapon of Mass Deception..

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:05 PM
What the Pentagon doesn�t want us to know about depleted uranium.
In the weeks leading up to the war on Iraq, TV screens across America were crowded with images of U.S. soldiers readying for upcoming battles with a crazed dictator who would stop at nothing. One clip after another showed U.S. soldiers racing to don $211 suits designed to protect them from the chemical and biological attacks they would surely suffer on the road to ousting Saddam Hussein.
But these grim forecasts were wrong. Despite the advance hype, Hussein�s dreaded arsenal was not the biggest threat to Americans on the battlefield in Iraq. In fact, it was no threat at all.
The real threat�not only to U.S. troops but to Iraqis as well�may prove to be a weapon scarcely mentioned before, during or after the war: depleted uranium.

I am VERY frustrated by this depleted uranium issue. It is so obvious that this supposedly "democratic" government is feeding us propoganda that is worse than that of the dictators we call evil, but it seems we are all powerless to do anything about it. This is the best modern day example of how this 'Great' nation has lost it's freedom and gets closer and closer to being a facist state every day. "And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for"... surely it's not for freedom anymore. Freedom is just the word this nation hides behind, as it takes more and more freedom away from us all through the years. It seems like there are two options, do nothing or have a revolution. Neither one is a good option. Working at it democratically isn't an option anymore because of the uncheckable power the peole'majority' have given this current administration. You've made it impossible to call your "leaders" to account. The Only thing left to do is to Hope that 'GoD' Blesses US All....Whatever That means...I think He's confused Himself if He should let Us All live Or bring Back The Dinos....

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Banshee]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:20 PM
Please provide a link when copying and pasting other's words.

The article as it appeared in "In These Times" on 6/20/03..........

Here are the facts on depleted uranium as described by the World Health Organization.......

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:24 PM
Yep, the stuff is very nasty.
I started a topic just a week ago stating that the americans are making iraq unhabitable.They are still using the ammo right now, and not only big caliber ammo but also small armsfire.

Making Iraq a graveyard and making everybody sick including their own soldiers.

Yes, Dubya and his gangsters are doing a fine job..

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:27 PM
You did expect me to type all that.I was gonna stick the link to another post about depleted Ur..but that thread stopped I have observed it.
My intention was to revive the topic whith some clear facts..But your right It is mainly a copy and paste..does this mean the subject falls out..PROUD AMERICAN ???cause I can write my own..but I honestly doupt I will Bother..

And I did my best in using as much italics as I could tolerrate...
No offense I HOPE..

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Horus_Re]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Horus_Re
But your right It is mainly a copy and paste..does this mean the subject falls out..PROUD AMERICAN ???

I don't think he means that at all. Normal posting etiquette here is to post a paragraph or so in the bbcode quote tags and then also past in the link where you got the info. Follow that up by your own thoughts and observations and you 're set.

That means that people can read the full story by following the link if they wish and you still get your point across.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander

Originally posted by Horus_Re
But your right It is mainly a copy and paste..does this mean the subject falls out..PROUD AMERICAN ???

I don't think he means that at all. Normal posting etiquette here is to post a paragraph or so in the bbcode quote tags and then also past in the link where you got the info. Follow that up by your own thoughts and observations and you 're set.

That means that people can read the full story by following the link if they wish and you still get your point across.

Zeddicus I'm a BIG fan Of Your WORK...If Only I had your Talent..

I'm sorry...I really had to think more than twice trust me befor I replied to the other thread or post a new one....I guess I should have Just edited the http///and added my thoughts afterall..
Well there's no point in Crying Over Spilled Milk..Ej

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