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posted on May, 31 2003 @ 12:33 AM
orbit impossible to predict due to acummulation of mass during eliptical orbit of solar system. if such a object were to approach past the sun at a different interval we would notice a coronal electron discharge from the sun as with nepa [?' ] [short term memorry loss] which would give warning. Posted by tutankamen

First of all, there would be no accumulation of mass. Ever read the Law of the Conservation of Mass? Where would the mass come from? The CMEs? (Coronal Mass Ejections?) Although they do involve tons of material, and extend to areas hundreds of times the earths volume, it is dilute to a practical vacuum.... there would be no mass accumulation.

There is speculation on electrostatic interaction between a sungrazing object and the suns magnetic field (please note in the comet thread that the sun fired off a series of CMEs directly at comet NEAT), and it should be noted that we have observed 3 LARGE CMEs in the past 24 hours.

only a huge sucking sound that would pull all life and water off of the surface of the planet in a matter of seconds or minutes due to the positive charge of the object and the negative elecrton charge of planet earth. Posted by tutankamen

Absolutely zero scientific evidence for this. Most likely scenario, should a planet sized mass interact with the earth would be an orbital shift (where and to what degree is totally unpredictable without better info), which would spur serious seismic activity.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 12:36 AM
if indeed this situation arose, and the earth's orbit WAS changed, i suppose depending on how dramatic a change, to what degree would this threaten life on the planet?

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by goregrinder
if indeed this situation arose, and the earth's orbit WAS changed, i suppose depending on how dramatic a change, to what degree would this threaten life on the planet?

There is currently no way to accurately predict that without more accurate and specific information.

If there was such a situation in development, I am sure that NASA is in possession of such information, but we will likely never see it, either way.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 01:09 AM
The comet thread

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 01:57 AM
Believe it or not the other place and maybe the only place other than here that you can find this being talked about is another forum. The link that I'm posting goes to the last page out of 6 where these guys have been discussing and trying to verify the same information we are. I haven't read all the previous pages but the combination of the opinions expressed here and there make this a little bit more intense!!

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 04:05 AM
sillyness abounds, there is no spoon, sorry I`m mean planet X of course. This is not a case of mistiming, of a NASA cover up of anything other than a couple of con-artists plying their trade and doing it damn well.

mojom I`d advise you don`t listen to a word that is said on godlike productions, it is quite possibly the silliest board on the net.

What I would do is go here,

and if you don`t believe this guy theres no help for you. I`ve linked it in with the Planet X FAQ page but there is a very good board there as well with plenty of Planet X and other stuff.

This however should say it all

"Look at Jupiter. Literally! It's about ten times the diameter of the Earth, and it's on average about 750 million kilometers (450 million miles) away. It is easily visible to the naked eye, and in fact is usually the fourth or fifth brightest object in the sky (the Sun, Moon, and Venus are brighter, and Mars can sometimes be brighter than Jupiter).

Yet, for Planet X to be here in less then a decade, it can't be farther than a billion or so kilometers away. Even at that distance, it would be one of the brightest objects in the sky. Even if it were too faint to be seen with the naked eye, it would still be seen easily even if it were billions of kilometers away. Remember, tiny Pluto is 5 billion kilometers out, and can be easily detected using modern equipment, and Pluto is way smaller than Planet X is supposed to be"

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 06:04 AM
The "badastronomy" site was one I came across quite early on...

Also you need not worry about me getting caught up in any "Dooms Day" paranoia as I basically don't trust anyone's theory or proof about anything...This would include "Badastrology, NASA, Illuminati, My Mother, and even you Cassini". Although I will entertain the validity of each and every one of them openly and creativly for as long as is desired.

Since "the spoon" only exists or does not exists based on my perspective reality, Planet X, Illuminatist Elite and you all have the same probability as being either fact or fiction. The point I believe is to exercise the ability to contemplate any idea to it full potential while remembering that whatever the conclusion is, it was reached by putting limits where there were no limits before. Therefore no amount of accuracy can truly be placed on any one conclusion.

But before I wander too far off course into philosophy land here.....The true idea behind those pictures and the intent of this forum still have not been solved. Planet-X or not Planet-X isn't important until you first find out that the pictures are real and untampered. If they are genuine then the next question is why it is so hard to find any info providing or disproving the existance of any object where there is not supposed to be one. Especially since any information which is not "currently and intentually being covered up", no matter how minute, abstract or bizzare, is easy to be found in multitude because of the sharing of information in which we live today.

I mean I can probably find more information than I would need to know about the proper technique of building a napalm bomb from household items, complete with remote detonation and probable result statistics....and yet I can't find one thing about an uncharted object out in space that is close enough to see almost with the naked eye.(if in fact the pictures are not faked of course!!)

And then only after that would I start to even wonder what the object may or may not be. Planet-X, a rouge comet, a misconfigured government satalite being piloted by Elvis...who knows. But I just can't see dismissing any or all possible answers without a honest effort first. I feel it's too arrogant and foolish to believe whole heartedly in any human law or "proven theory" when so many times we are shown how wrong we are with our Laws and Systems and Rules that we come up with and think are true and unfoulable.

Anyway, that was just way too long of a rant but I just couldn't help it....I will end by saying thanx for the warning in trusting the credibility of "Godlike". That was the first time I had ever even heard of them and all I read was just that one forum cause it pertained to ours. Although I truly believe some of the consepts and wacko's (me included) around here are just as strange as any over there.

Live Well,

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 06:25 AM
cool, but you are wrong about godlike, the strain of nutta is different because they won`t listen unfortunately I don`t rate some of the people there as having much, if any intelligence, the people who stop here are at least blessed with the ability to use their brains

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 07:05 AM
Like I said, I read 1 of 6 pages of only 1 forum, so I'm in no position to judge the intelligence of "Godlike".

And while I'm sure I would find much humor during the course of verifying your statement reguarding them. I'll just take your word for it until there is reason to think different.

The problem still remains though as to the what those photo's taken by this guy in OZ are. They don't seem to have any evidence of being fakes or retouched. They aren't of anything other comet or anything else that I can match them up to either. So what are they of????? I guess we'll have to wait until he produces some more of them later today, as he promised he would do, to find the answer. I mean what do you think?? Do you think he just decided to create a completely false photo in photoshop or maybe distorting the evidence of something similar from the past to look unique yet happening in the present time??

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 07:40 AM
"The problem still remains though as to the what those photo's taken by this guy in OZ are"

well I know its not proof but firstly I`m wondering...this guy took a pic of the sun and then he did what to see the object? Put it on his computer and started playing withit? I dunno but the situation of how the object was seen seems suspect to me.

The very first piccy on that page looks well suspect as well. Now I`m certainly not an expert on photos but in that black and white type one at the top, it looks like there is a light source behind some glass or something to give the effect of the sun. Now I`m wondering why they are getting all worked about the round object when there is a massive 0bject just left above the sun.

I played around with the main pic (the full colour one) and I certainly don`t see an object in it (I may just be using the wrong technique though as I say I`m not that expert with this type of thing) and why does n`t that other huge object show up in the earlier photos? in fact given its size relative to the sun why has the world missed it? the other object is several times larger than the round one, are they trying to say there are two massive bodies we have missed???

please help,

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 07:49 AM
Well wouldn't everyone else and amateur astronomers across the world say something like "Holy sheet man there is a big planet coming our way, the end is neareth!"

Hehe, I tell you, the end of the world can never come fast enough.

I will believe it when I see it with my own two eyes.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 09:34 AM

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 11:00 AM

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:32 AM
Well, she guaranteed June 1, 2003. Today is technically June 1. We'll see if the cataclysm happens within the next 24 hours!

I am already suspect of people claiming to be in telepathic communication with aliens, but this one takes the cake. I'm wondering if anyone has any biographical/historical info on Nancy's life. If she is psychotic, the entire zetatalk project could be an elaborate delusional system, in which she is the savior of planet earth as the end result. In other words, it could be a self-serving prophetic device. She admitted to putting a dog to sleep because of her beliefs- she is making a fine case for being a danger to herself & others.

Of all of the cases I've seen who display thought insertion & auditory hallucinations, a nice round of anti-psychotics miraculously eliminates the connection.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:51 AM

"The problem still remains though as to the what those photo's taken by this guy in OZ are"

They're camera lens flares.

Shows that if you monkey around with Photoshop enough after taking a direct picture of the sun, you CAN get lens flares to show in other color channels.


Besides, Planet X was supposed to be here on May 15th (did you notice the Earth's rotation stop, and then it flipping over? Yeah... well niether did anybody else.)

If it was there, it wouldn't be just one person taking iffy pictures of it. EVERYONE could see it. Easily.

And you'd see double shadows because the light source would be bright, close, and like a second sun.

Hoaxers and hopers are going to be posting these pictures for the next 12 months, and we'll see a resurgence o them in 2011 and 2012. But Planet X is still a fraud; a fake -- a sham and a flimflam.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 01:03 AM
In fact, if Planet X was out there, THIS is what it'd look like:

(yes the measurements are based on what the "Zetans" told Nancy.)

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:07 PM
Use this link to access the Sitchin archives. There you will find some very interesting info from some very knowledgable people...

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:24 PM
Hehehe, look at the wordplay on the zetatalk website...

Since the inception of ZetaTalk, the passage with rotation stoppage and pole shift has been described as occurring "shortly after May 15, 2003".

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:41 PM
Since the inception of ZetaTalk, the passage with rotation stoppage and pole shift has been described as occurring "shortly after May 15, 2003".

"Shortly" in geologic terms can be upwards of a million years...

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 08:28 PM
only a huge sucking sound that would pull all life and water off of the surface of the planet in a matter of seconds or minutes due to the positive charge of the object and the negative elecrton charge of planet earth. Posted by tutankamen

Absolutely zero scientific evidence for this. Most likely scenario, should a planet sized mass interact with the earth would be an orbital shift

James Mc Canney (jmccanneyscience), a researcher of Celestial Mechanics and Plasma Physics, was Monday night's guest. Comets are not dirty snowballs but "electrical vacuum cleaners that are drawing in material, and the big ones can retain material with their gravitational field and become bigger and bigger," McCanney said, adding that he thinks that most of the planets in our solar system started off as comets.

In fact, McCanney believes the planet Venus is just a few thousand years old, and after it escaped Jupiter's orbit, it tore into the inner solar system, destroying Mars' atmosphere as it passed by on its way to its current position. "My estimate is there are approximately 1,000 objects that are planetary size out there," but when they come through our solar system "they will always look like comets," he said. McCanney suspects there could be at least 10-12 objects that are the size of Jupiter or Saturn and that five of them have come through in the last 10,000 years. The ancients called them the "lawless ones," he said.

Currently "it seems there's something at the outskirts of our solar system," McCanney said, which he believes is indicated by unusual patterns in the sun. He doesn't however back the date of a May arrival of a "Planet X" type body, because he has not found any specific evidence for it.

well there Dragon
your absolutely correct, it is only a theory. but here is the source
and it makes more sense than giant snowballs
and it would explain why known orbits become slower as gravitationl mass accumulates
and it works toward the capture theory

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