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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

I gave you a star!

I think too many people are bothered by what it might be called or what it may exactly look like when the plain fact is that this kind of technology is technical feasible and has military industrial complex applications.

The alphabet soup agencies hide behind national and global security so they get to have a monopoly on the tech and the black project tax funds that the public pays for that secret tech!

Didn't the original picture and story posting ATS member say something along the lines of that the Military Industrial Complex robber barons have got us all in a bind that we all need to breakaway from them and their blood lust for more money if we are to truly advance and become a level 1 civilization?

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Interesting post Mystik. Keep an eye out for a U2U from me in about 30 minutes.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: IBlewMyLastFuse

Because one is BS. It's like saying the shuttle is a truck. It's the same as having a discussion about aliens and giving information that you know is false. If you're going to have a legitimate discussion you can't do it with BS information.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

"But I can tell you the real triangles don't look anything like how fouche describes."

So I'm walking home from dinner around 9pm last night. I live in west Los Angeles, near the Bundy & Santa Monica intersection. I'm walking down hill on a suburb street that goes between Wilshire near the top of the hill and Santa Monica near the bottom of the hill.

So listen, I finally have to ask, seeing as these descriptions of yours just get richer and richer:

Have you mentioned that as you were walking down that hill, that you were also facing the section of sky, east to west, that planes, especially expensive Lear jets, use for Santa Monica airport?

Honestly. All anyone has to do is look at a Google map to see how nicely the part of Santa Monica you were walking in frames up the airport's airspace.

Oh, and you would have been elevated a bit above the city from that vantage point.

I've walked down that hill before, and I have worked in the elevated buildings in Century City (same air trafic corridor) and have seen the pretty lear jets landing. They look rather unreal.

edit on 31-12-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: aynock

Here is the original post by the member who posted the photos.

originally posted by: Astr0

Spinning on the spot .....

...and away she goes.

I look forward to your detailed reply.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:43 AM
As far as the Fouche stuff, it was handled nicely, already, but just wanna say if someone has a wealth of info and has made a little niche regarding black tech dissemination, then it's much likelier they are chock full o' hooey.

And ByBy... it's entirely possible BASS saw a nifty Lear -type jet and wigged out... possible ...but not all that likely. I wasn't there and can only say he seems to be a very reliable witness, at the least.

My insistence is that this tech is there... and thus the answer (likely) lies closer to home than many's alien meme, though "alien" covers far far more than the Zeta grey pop icons.

If you are sure no higher than normal tech is seen, this whole tale seems much more unlikely... I get it. It's just that many of us are pretty sure that the tech IS around... and that has us asking questions. We may have gotten a partial answer... yippy.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: IBlewMyLastFuse
a reply to: aynock

Here is the original post by the member who posted the photos.

originally posted by: Astr0

Spinning on the spot .....

...and away she goes.

I look forward to your detailed reply.

in the second picture the object is not blurred - look at the highlight on the lamp side of the pole (caused by the lamp)

now look at the same highlight in the first picture - it's blurred across the entire width of the pole (instead of sharp and on the lamp side of the pole only)

now look at the shape of the top of the blurred highlight, and compare it with the shape of the blurred object - they match

either the camera moved, or the object and the post both moved, and in a manner that produced an identical blur

i think the former more likely

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

If the subject matter was merely harmless banter and wild speculation then there would be no harm in discussing it.

Yet people have been committed to asylums and have been suicided as a consequence of speaking out on these matters when they weren't the ones who had to sign non-disclosure agreements!

So again I think all this talk about names and looks is merely frantic handwaving when it is obviously clear that this technology is feasible.

Let me turn this around ok,

1stly I am willing to completely lose all the Fouche based data set from my mind IF you can provide me another, and in your opinion, a 'credible' dataset about the specs of the claimed BLACK TRIANGLE CRAFT [how big, how fast, how high] etc.

2nd Upon being given that 'credible' dataset I will gladly redo the equations using the calculator I linked to give information such as how far away it might be and how fast it may be moving and what kind of G-forces it may be experiencing and I will post the results in this thread asap.

However until such a credible dataset appears ,we are all left with the dodgy Fouche dataset and until something better appears we have to make do with what we have available to us.

Would that plan of action satisfy you?

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

it's entirely possible BASS saw a nifty Lear -type jet and wigged out... possible ...but not all that likely.


Okay. But you didn't know that Santa Monica airport was right there? Did you?

Happy New Year!

See you all in 2015!

edit on 31-12-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: IBlewMyLastFuse

Which is the entire point. They've managed to suppress black information in the past to the point people have committed suicide, but they don't touch this. At all.

What's the point of having a discussion based on lousy information? It doesn't prove anything. Hell if you want to to that, let's sit and talk about the aliens shooting down MH370 because they needed to resupply they're kitchen. It's about as relevant to the MH370 discussion as the TR3B is to this discussion.
edit on 12/31/2014 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

My descriptions don't get richer and richer they have been pretty darned consistent. The story hasn't changed. I may add more detail now that I've had time to digest a bit what I had seen but they don't get richer and richer. That sounds like some obvious bias from you. Did you read the rest of the sighting report in that thread? Explain the dead quiet 900 mph lear jet I saw at low altitude. BTW the second sighting wasn't walking down hill that was the first which was not as interesting as the second. The second sighting was perpendicular to any flight paths for LAX or SM airports. Also explain how there are now several reports going back to late 2011 of the exact same craft doing much of the same stuff I posted flying the exact same corridor by witnesses of all different walks. We all mistook a lear jet? OK.

Thanks for the veiled insult though I always appreciate that. I saw a lear jet pffftt. whatever.

As for working in the highrises over in Century City. Good for you. I like the mall there. Makes for a more interesting lunch break then the stupid skyrises I work in on wilshire. Seriously all we have is crappy tremana.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

You and I should make that walk,


posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

walk where? You looking to meet up for a beer or something? If your paying I know some good sushi spots real close. I love blue fin. Lots of Blue fin.

I'm open about what I saw and where. It's as strange to me that I saw what I did where I did. But I did. Not sure what your going on about.

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Interesting post Mystik. Keep an eye out for a U2U from me in about 30 minutes.

Sounds good...

If the events (dramatized of course) in the movie "Argo" are based on a true story, then we have precedent that the CIAworked in part with the entertainment industry in the late 70's to early 80's.

Who knows what other collaborative projects in the industry have been influenced/nudged over the years?

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Well, I think this story, whether true or not-so, would make a really cool (and long- maybe Jackson can make a trilogy?) movie.

You could sell it as a "Galactica" "2001" "Interstellar" "Raiders (as in warehousing ALIICE)" mash up... hmmm... where's my "Screenplays for Idiots" book?

edit on 12/31/2014 by Baddogma because: Forgot the warehouse scene where ALIICE awakens

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: Baddogma
Thanks for the interesting read Baddogma. Longtime lurker, fairly new member. Being intrigued by the story, I've followed most of the thread train, so I think I'm onto most of the pertinent information. What a fascinating tale! I'm sure there are many readers lurking in the shadows who would agree. It's too bad so many of these fascinating threads get crapped up by all the would-be debunkers, and in the Gray Area Forum no less. You've been a gracious host. I do not feel so kind, especially after slogging through98 pages, most of which had nothing to do with the subject of the OP. If only a mod would get in here and spend a few days paring this thread down to the pertinent material; but then I suppose that would remove some of the data pertinent to the psyop at work here. Oh well.

To those members who have contributed to the subject of the OP, thank you. Zaphod58, combatmaster, BASSPLYER, cavtrooper7, Stratosfear, yuppa, foreverman, Tadaman, I'm sure I'm leaving out a few. Great imaginings to ponder. The rest of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Jenesiz-you need a whole post. I'll get to you next post.
Bybyots-Project Condign and/or BASSPLYER is mistaken in his assesment. Got it. Didn't need ten pages on it.
Zeta Rediculan-Hallucinations brought on by temporal lobe lability. Got it. Didn't need ten pages on it.
KellyPrettyBear-Shapeshifting plasma entities. Got it. Didn't need ten pages on it.
THEGUT-You are skeptical as to the veracity of the tale and suspect it may be part of an ongoing psyop(just like the rest of us). Got it. Didn't need ten pages on it.

Valid points from all, none of which needed the amount of posts that you guys made. If any of you are paid disinformation agents, you've done a good job of pooping on this topic with pages of needless material that any would-be researcher will now have to wade through to get to anything pertinent. If you aren't paid disinformation agents, well then you've still done the same thing.

Think you guys could try to sum up a little more, start a Skunk Works thread on it, take some finger pepto or something? We're trying to talk about the dream-sucking breakaway g-men with Black Triangles offworld colonies and nuclear powered starships for cryin' out loud!

edit on 14-1-2015 by engineercutout because: to add a space

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: engineercutout

Bravo. Lotta BS in it, but damn brilliant and humorous BS. Starred sir.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: Jenisiz

I've noticed your efforts here debunking this thread that was created for the purpose of speculation(located in the forum reserved for speculative topics), and I can't help but wonder why you're so heavily invested in this thread. Oh I've read your answers to that question, but why are you really here? Your fervor makes one wonder if you've been tasked with debunking this topic; or perhaps you're here to give it a debunkatory bump to draw attention to it. Perhaps there is some other reason that you feel so strongly compelled to debunk this topic. Your actions do make one wonder...
I found it amusing that you have asked at least twice to have this topic moved to the HOAX bin. The title of the topic is "Black Triangle UFO's and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization-Discuss". How could this topic be deemed a hoax-ever? It's a speculative discussion topic. Furthermore, its been posted in the Gray Area Forum, a forum for speculative topics. I don't see why you feel the need to debunk it here. Go start a Skunk Works thread.
Can't we suspend our disbelief for awhile and consider the story? Hmmm? All that education you've recieved can't have fried your imagination. It's a wild tale. Let's consider it for what it is.
At the very least, if you could limit yourself to new debunking comments, it would be greatly appreciated. You don't buy the story, and think that every aspect of the story should be thrown out. Got it. Didn't need ten pages on it.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: ZetaRediculian
a reply to: Baddogma

Trip away my friend, and clutter as much as you want... goes for anyone... more cluttered the better.


Anyway, this whole affair makes me wonder just what form this breakaway society would take and for some reason I cant get The Jetsons out of my mind. Is it all that futuristic technology like those flying cars that George manages to squeeze Jane, Judy, Elroy and that dog of his into? whats that dogs name again?

Anyway, this has been an interesting read. Good work.

rofl. except for this one. I needed this one.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: engineercutout

OK so you like the story and dont like debunkers, got it , no need for the multi post assault (am I doing it right).

Dont get why people ought to be ashamed of themselves for not automatically believing.

You might say that entering the thread purely for a moan, post event, with clear confirmation bias, when a lot of the info has already been churned for you is just as ignominious?

Not having a go but it would be better to see some input- thoughts, links, news snippets, sources, hell - even your opinion?

Try these:

Why do you believe the story?
Which parts interest you?
Which parts would be beyond someone who has contacts/ works in defense aviation themself, is an amateur creative writer and likes playing Kerbal and studying history- especially Greek mythology in their spare time.
edit on 14-1-2015 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

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