posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 10:11 PM
"Nothing better illustrates the bankruptcy of the Obama administration's foreign policy than funding groups that turn on the U.S. again and again, a
neo-con fueled cycle of profits for war makers and destruction of ever-shifting "enemies." "
"The administration, in the belief that you can buy, rent, or lease friends where they otherwise do not exist, labor under the vain assumption that
our newfound comrades-in-arms will remain in place during their three-year employment period, ignoring the inevitability that those "friends" you hire
today could be firing at you tomorrow."
I think Denis Kucinich nailed it here with this story.
LINKedit on 27-9-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because:
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edit on 27-9-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)