posted on May, 30 2003 @ 08:55 PM
I just want to say that the short 2-3 months that I have been on this board I have learned a lot. I see the world in a whole new light. I have
realized that the truth, as obscure as it is, truly will set you free.
It�s hard trying to cipher through what is fact and what is fiction. I take everything I learn with a grain of salt. The truth is out there, but
there is just as much misinformation too. And it is there to make sure you don�t find the truth. I just try to let the sprit guide me through the b.s
and to the truth. But every truth is only a half truth. But that half truth has the possibility to help you see the bigger picture.
I am at a turning point in my life. I should of graduated in December of 2002 with a bachelors degree in computer science. My last semester was
rough, I passes all my classes except my MATH 407 class (Linear Algebra). The teacher gave me a D in it
The thing that really sucked is that the class was only offered once a year. When I found out I felt like holding my professor out of a 10 story
building. But I took it like a man packed my # up and went to D.C to stay with my sister.
Summer school is about to start so I�m a bout to make that trek to good old Alabama and finished what I started. I�m going to be M.I.A for a while
because there is a lot I have to do to not only get down there but to find somewhere to stay once I get down there. It�s going to be Hot as hell to
!!!!!! But once I get full settled and my finances taken care of I will return.
Id like to give my shot-outs to Thomas Crowne, illmatic67, believerinchrist, William, Abraham Virtue, alien, Helen, BuddhaCession, Isis Fibonacci,
mikromarius�.hell even Freemaosn/hammerite/hkot/
The master
. Even if I totally disagreed with any of you I still respected all of you.
Thanks for the convo. Sorry if I missed anyone. Peace