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Why aren't ISIS and Al-Qaeda attacking Israel?

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posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: xavi1000

It's not easy to misinterpret or hard to understand the words "those under duress"...
And it only holds true for Faith...
I have my Sunni beliefs...
I cannot forsake them or I will suffer Allah's wrath...
However I can lie and pretend to forsake them "under duress"...

It doesn't relate to anything other than faith and when in danger...

So those who try to interpret it another way are missing out words or just making s# up...
Like Robert Spencer who made the claim with the verses!

Yes, and it all depends on how it is decided to interpret "under duress." This is why you see them using schools to hide their rockets in and using ambulances as transports for their fighters.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

They aren't attacking Israel likely because Israel would just go #ing kill them, their parents, their children, their cousin, the guy who sells them meat, the man down the street just because a school in the middle of no where for #s, and then still find a way to blame there disgusting over reaction on ISIS and have the world buy into it completely.

Why attack a country that can kill the # out of you and more with the world backing them 100%.

ISIS would rather have countries it can make look like it's losing, or make look like the bad guy come after them.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: xavi1000
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Ehh, if all Muslims were like you, World will be better place

If all people were like that, the world would be a better place, if you think any religion has the bees knees, spit it out man, or go to another place. Soundbites are too easy.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Hijinx

Netanyahu: ‘ISIS is good for Israel’
Last Sunday, Netanyahu in his first comment on ISIS victory in Iraq, said that Washington should stay out of the Iraqi conflict – and let the Sunni militants defeat the Shia-dominated government of prime minister al-Maliki and break-up Iraq. “This will weaken Iranian influence in the Arab region,” said Netanyahu during his address at Tel Aviv University’s INSS think-tank.

friendly fire would be rood

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 09:50 PM
DUH!! Because IS only kills muslims!!!! Little kids and all. Why would they go stomping through little ol' Israel for?? Or Saudi Arabia??


posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: Hijinx
Yeah right. You mean that if IS was heading for Israel, They would order The United States to drop troops in and save their asses. Isreal couldn't even beat Hamas. Only murder helpless Palestinians.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: gladtobehere

I guess we're supposed to believe that these groups would rather attack fellow Moslems (even if they are different sects) as opposed to attacking the one common enemy in the region?

Yes, if you consider the actual ideological basis of which IS and their counterparts operate.

The majority of influential Islamic terrorist organisations operate under the Salafist Jihadist ideology. IS, in particular, believes that it must first purify and unite all Muslims under a caliphate. That in and of itself explains why IS is currently focusing on establishing a caliphate of united Muslims, before advancing on other opponents (like Israel).

Here's some more information which may be of interest:

In addition, for Salafists, if non-Muslims control Islamic countries and apostates exist in the Islamic world, the Islamic world must be cleansed of them before all else. In short, the purification of Islamic society takes priority over combat against non-Islamic societies. On this basis, Salafists see conflict with an allegedly illegitimate Hamas government as a first step toward confrontation with Israel. Should the opportunity for military action present itself in the Palestinian territories, Salafists would fight Hamas and other factions deemed in need of “cleansing” from the land and engage Israel afterward.

This approach has its roots in Islamic history, which Salafists believe confirms the validity of their position. Relevant points of historical reference include the first caliphate of Abu Bakr, which gave priority to fighting apostates over expanding Islamic conquests, which occurred later, during the second caliphate, under Umar bin al-Khattab. Likewise, Saladin fought the Shiites and suppressed them before he engaged the crusaders in the Holy Land.

Everyone knows that our government was supporting the Syrian "rebels" in hopes to overthrow yet another nation in the Middle East.


Our government was so desperate to attack Syria, they tried to blame the Syrian government for the gas attack but the American people didnt buy it.


Not so coincidentally, these same rebels would join ISUS.

Not all of them though. It is true that many moderate rebels have pledged allegiance to IS, but a lot of them also fled in fear. Some still fight them. It achieves nothing to simplify the conflict and claim that the moderate rebels have joined IS, without first clarifying your statement.

Coming full circle, it was reported that the head of ISUS is a Mossad agent.


Any Snowden material from any source other than the Guardian, the Intercept, the Washington Post and Der Spiegel should not be trusted, at all (unless otherwise stated by Snowden or Greenwald).

And more recently, Israel has apparently been caring for wounded ISUS fighters?

Wrong again. I point you to Kemal's comment in this thread for this topic.

You could argue that Israel is taking the position that the "enemy of my enemy" is my friend, which many believe was the reason for Israel's creation of Hamas.

There is no proof to suggest that Israel had a direct role in creating and establishing Hamas. That said, there is evidence to warrant further investigation of Israeli leniency in regards to Hamas' activities during its early existence.

But IMHO, all of this just gives more credibility to the premise that these groups are Western backed and controlled.

No, your links prove nothing and achieve nothing. IS is not Western controlled. It is clearly evident that they operate under an extreme ideology and are only fulfilling the requirements of their own beliefs. This doesn't make them controlled by the West. It makes them brainwashed and potential threats to the security of the world.

It took our government some time, but they finally got to bomb Syria.

They are not 'bombing Syria' in the sense you would like to portray. They are bombing IS and Khorasan locations inside Syria. That said, the USA has threatened attacks on the Syrian government providing US jets come under fire by their forces.

Simply put, IS is not Western controlled. It is not directly financed by the West either. They operate under an extreme ideology and that is why they focus on 'purifying' and 'uniting' all Muslims before attacking the likes of Israel and the West.
edit on 24-9-2014 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:33 PM
ISIS only seems capable of taking on soft targets right now. That's why they're targeting civilians. It's about terror, it's about fear. It's not about installing a middle-east wide caliphate or even 'winning.' It's a play.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:42 PM
Israel is in a very heightened military state currently.
One can only imagine the response if ISIS tried to pull anything there.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: gladtobehere
Why aren't ISIS (ISUS) and Al-Qaeda (Al-CIAeda) attacking Israel?

For all of Israel’s whining about how it is being targeted by “Islamic extremists” and “terrorists,”(which should be translated to mean Palestinians, Iran, or any other secular or nationalist Arab government in the region) there is a curious and deafening silence when it is confronted with actual terrorists and Muslim fanatics such as ISIS, al-Nusra, and the myriad of other fundamentalist groups waging jihad in Syria and Iraq.

This bizarre silence has yet to raise the eyebrows of the somnambulant general public.

While Israel does not respond with its usual apoplectic frothing of victimhood and danger regarding these terrorist groups that have now so infested the Middle East as to make the entire region a general war zone, it is important to point out that these same terrorist groups do not launch coordinated military attacks in Tel Aviv, they launch them in Damascus and Mosul – cities belonging to secular nations seen by Israel as the enemy.

The question then is “Why?” Why does Israel not share the concern it has over Palestinians, Iranians, Syrians, and Lebanese with al-Nusra, ISIS, and al-Qaeda? Why do these groups wage jihad against Israel’s enemies but not against Israel itself?

Indeed, this curious fact was also raised by Nabil, the former al-Qaeda commander who recently gave an interview to Al-Maydeen where he stated that these organizations of Islamic terror were in fact controlled by the CIA.

Seems like a reasonable question. I guess we're supposed to believe that these groups would rather attack fellow Moslems (even if they are different sects) as opposed to attacking the one common enemy in the region?

First a little history.

Everyone knows that our government was supporting the Syrian "rebels" in hopes to overthrow yet another nation in the Middle East.

Our government was so desperate to attack Syria, they tried to blame the Syrian government for the gas attack but the American people didnt buy it.

Not so coincidentally, these same rebels would join ISUS.

Coming full circle, it was reported that the head of ISUS is a Mossad agent.

And more recently, Israel has apparently been caring for wounded ISUS fighters?

You could argue that Israel is taking the position that the "enemy of my enemy" is my friend, which many believe was the reason for Israel's creation of Hamas.

But IMHO, all of this just gives more credibility to the premise that these groups are Western backed and controlled.

It took our government some time, but they finally got to bomb Syria.

I can explain this to you.

ISIS is our lapdog. We trained them, and we support them. They only are attacking 2 countrys. Syria, and Iraq. 2 country's we want regime change in. They're not going to attack any of our allies. They're not attacking Jordan either if you notice.

The reason we want regime change in Syria is so we can run an oil pipeline from the middle East to Europe. It can only go through Syria.

In Iraq it's a little different. We want Iraq to stay a wasteland so China can't get access to Iraqi oil. China had agreements to build oil infrastructure with the Iraqi government.

In case you were wondering about Africa, it's the same thing there too. China is building infrastructure there which we don't want them to benefit from, so we're unleashing ebola, and now we're sending troops to mess that place up. We've got to keep propping up the dollar don't you know, and we want to do our best to weaken China economically.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:53 AM
I remember hearing somewhere that ISIS may be trying to "force" some prophecy relating to "Black Flags From Khorasan" in order to garner more support - so that large groups of people would think, "The prophecy is coming true! These are the holy warriors of Allah!". Part of that 'prophecy' allegedly involves this holy army going to Bayt al-Muqqadas, also known as Jerusalem- in Israel.

Another part of the strategy, so they claimed, was that they would force the West into attacking civilian sites and use social media and technological disparity to their advantage. The people living on the ground don't necessarily have any form of internet, and from their point of view it would seem like a foreign aggressor is randomly attacking without provocation, and IS would look like grand protectors. So the more we attack, the more support they would get. In the less developed areas, they would gain support from having their towns blown to hell. Simultaneously they would start flooding the twitterverse with images of women and children killed by U.S. weapons, prompting people outside the area to either join up, send money, or start some lone wolf jihad.

I guess we'll find out how accurate all of that is when it's all over.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:50 AM
Israel is a very powerful "ally". Regardless of their motive (which I think nobody truly knows) it's worth it to the U.S. to have close ties with them for intelligence purposes. For a very long time, up until I'd say the US got PRISM up and running and all that, Israel had the top intelligence agencies. They have 'spies' (or whatever the modern term is) all over the world.. including inside the US (like Sleeper Cells)

Watch some documentaries about it. It's kinda scary really.
edit on 25-9-2014 by introV because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

The same reason they are not attacking the Saudis,EU,US,etc...

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: gladtobehere
They've yet to really attack anyone that could put up a real fight( or obliterate them)
They know if they attacked Isreal right now it would be game over for them

All the above not true, because they are beheading British, Americans, French and on the row, Germans... It haves nothing to do with mighty, unless of course, you are suggesting Israel is more powerful than those countries

edit on 25/9/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: daaskapital
The majority of influential Islamic terrorist organisations operate under the Salafist Jihadist ideology. IS, in particular, believes that it must first purify and unite all Muslims under a caliphate. That in and of itself explains why IS is currently focusing on establishing a caliphate of united Muslims, before advancing on other opponents (like Israel).

Tend Not To agree with you, because their focus has been the attack on the foreign western powers, renouncing for second plan your assertion, like all the "show" on the beheading videos seems to suggest.

James Foley - 19 August 2014 - (USA)
Islamic State militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley

Steven Sotloff - 02 September 2014 (USA)
Steven Sotloff: Isis video claims to show beheading of US journalist

Mr Haines - 13 September 2014 (UK)
Cameron hails David Haines as 'British hero' and vows to hunt down killers

Herve Gourdel - 24 September (France)
French tourist beheaded in Algeria by jihadis linked to Islamic State

Next, Germany:
Islamists in Philippines threaten to kill German hostages

If the first intent was what you defend, I believe they weren't wasting their time threatening all this western powers, specially the US.
And still the question remains, WHY!? What's motivates this threats and murders in the name of Islam? Why now?

In the Conspiracy International ongoing events, we should add and try to connect, The Ukraine Question, The Malaysia incidents (MH370 and MH17), The Gaza bombings, the EBOLA outbreak (strange issue to add of course) [...add subject here] to understand who benefits from this all?!
edit on 25/9/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 07:20 AM
the fight will never end there , and the ISIS is a creation of the west , it was created only to distract people .... and actually why didn't the ISIS attack Israel , Israel has a big problem against hamas so if they join force maybe others will join and it will be hard enough for israel to fight against them .... anyway i don't believe in any of this BS because everyone fights for himself , for his own agenda no one cares about the other.... and for the arabes for i am one of them , they have agreed to never agree...

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: thesmokingman

originally posted by: Xeven
Cause they know Israel will kill them. Simple.

And, the US will not kill them? I do not think that is the reason.....

Israel is much more ruthless than US. Make no mistake the US will destroy ISIS and reclaim Iraq in the process but they wont systematically spend the rest of their lives chasing down every last remnant of ISIS like Israel will. Israel may even have their mom, or uncle on their payroll and have you extinguished if your an enemy.

Israel has a huge web of spies, assassins etc... in the area. Their long term goal may include Israel but they would not risk it until they are well established and know they are capable of fighting them on a level playing field.

ISIS knows US is reluctant to send ground troops so while there is a threat to them it is not as Dangerous as would be a pissed off Israel. some of ISIS is very likely Israeli agents. You piss off Israel and the guy you been fighting next to for 2 years may remove your head as you sleep.

Israel have had to become brutal in their history to survive while surrounded by enemies. US is protected by two Oceans and has not had too become as lethal or brutal.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: xavi1000

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: ketsuko

You know it's perfectly acceptable in Islam to lie if it furthers the cause of Islam?

Where did you get this "information"?


This video deserves a thread all of its own , is this dis info ? Any Muslims out there able too debunk this ? It seems to be from the perspective of the extremist and obviously everything is open to interpretation but is this the general interpretation of the Koran by your garden variety Islamic believer?

I wonder though how much of this videos agenda is to set the scene for future wars against the "Evil enemies in the east" ; you wouldn't shoot at a reasonable friendly human being now would you? Or am I being blindsided due to my distrust of our media/governance ?

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Units of Ahrar ash-Sham/Free Men of Levant (FML) and Bait al-Maqdis/Holy House (HH) captured military invaders from a so-called "United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)" near the border with "Israel".

43 captured soldiers from "UN forces" are citizens of Fiji. Another group of UN military group consisting of 80 soldiers from the Philippines was blocked.

The condition for the release of "peacekeepers" is to stop bombing Mujahideen positions in the area of Quneitra.

The main battles were ongoing about 20 km west of Quneitra on August 27. As a result of explosions of mortar shells on the occupied territory of the Golan Heights, two Jews, members of the IDF military gang, were injured.

Tel Aviv believe that the most serious threat to its "Israel" comes from Jabhat an-Nusra/Victory Front (VF) and the HH declaring their goal not only to overthrow the Assad regime, but also to liberate the holy Al-Quds. Many units of these groups have recently moved to southern Syria, to the borders with the illegal Jews' enclave on the territory of occupied Palestine which is also known as "Israel".

You better start reading Jihadi sources lol

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: voyger2

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: gladtobehere
They've yet to really attack anyone that could put up a real fight( or obliterate them)
They know if they attacked Isreal right now it would be game over for them

All the above not true, because they are beheading British, Americans, French and on the row, Germans... It haves nothing to do with mighty, unless of course, you are suggesting Israel is more powerful than those countries

Taking out people like that when they know a nation doesnt negotiate with terrorist as some sort of political statement to the west is not the same is assaulting a nation itself ......

Which is exactly what the OP was talking about.....

I agree human life is human life.........but if were being honest we know what the OP was asking.....

The only reason they invaded Iraq like that is because they knew they had the numbers and they knew the Iraqi army would fold......

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