a reply to:
I've never heard those claims before. Is there evidence? Or is this simply conjecture set forth by debunkers after the fact? Playing the 'what if'
game and applying reasoning and justification to bias the view a certain way? As I've always read the story of Lenora Piper, as a true mystery. Who
even allowed herself to be removed from her home and environment to prove the veracity of her claims.
But I will rise up to the challenge and share with you some other intriguing people, I find may have possibly possessed remarkable abilities that have
befuddled researchers and scientists. And could be defined as 'paranormal' per title of this thread. I'm sure you'll disagree or find some fault with
them all, and I look forward to the debate.
Stella Cranshaw is an interesting case study conducted by and inventor and scientist named Price. Of course, only after the fact, was it suggested
that foul play was at hand. The debunkers theory to this case study is that Price himself paid Stella Cranshaw to act out a psychic medium ruse, to
raise funding and promote psychic research. Whether or not these people actually did have any abilities, and regardless of the public doubt and
ridicule and skepticism regarding the idea of paranormal/supernatural abilities. It would seem that the scientific and government industrial complex
took the bait. As we all know Project Stargate actually did happen, with all seriousness, and in top secrecy.
Nina Kulagina, was purported to be telekinetic. She was able to move and levitate things with her mind. Scientists studied her extensively, in a
controlled environment, in the 1960's. Yet, like with all other cases of documented psychic ability - doubt is cast upon the findings. Debunkers and
skeptics in this particular case claim that it was odd that Nina Kulagina needed so much time to prepare herself for an experiment. After her
excursions in mental discipline at the art of telekinesis, she would be exhausted. Detractors suggest that she needed this time to put in place her
trickery and deceive them. Despite being in their facilities, under their watch, with their controls in place. Supposedly this crafty little lady, out
foxed em' all.
The same could be said of Ed Dames and his work with remote viewing and his knowledge of the Stargate Project. You see, it's not that the government
doesn't believe. They already know it's real. But their mission isn't to uncover that for you, or help you understand it, or explain it to you. Their
job is to suppress it and
control it. It's a dangerous possible evolution in our conscious evolutionary development, from a certain
perspective. Of course, they are attempting to suppress and control it and handle the emotional response of the public at large, to those who do
present with paranormal abilities or perceptions.
edit on 24-9-2014 by CirqueDeTruth because: sentence correction