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The Illuminati: The Good Guys Who Were (And Still Are!) Vilified and Demonized

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posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed
a select few

originally posted by: LittleByLittle
feed like parasites on all under them in the pyramid. They are not the all seeing ones

The chosen (blessed ONES)

We are ALL Chosen and selected or we would not be here !
Those that are NOT 'chosen', elected, are : monarchy, Canaanites
those who founded the 'royals', their 'priests' and their racist scheme of bloodline
in an effort to compete with the True ONE
(one without a beginning nor no end)

Civilization is NOT paramount to
slavery as the elite falsely believe, on the contrary.
Free yourselves, We indeed are ALL chosen.

As in the sign. v

edit on 23/9/14 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/9/14 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: theMediator
It's really hard to know who are the bad guys and who are the good guys these days

I think you've hit the nail on the head. The problem is the derision of terms in the media (terms like illuminati, new world order, conspiracy etc.), and disinformation that abounds. For most people to sort the wheat from the chaff, it would likely require more time than one has to spare in this current world, especially given that we have to constantly dodge obfuscations.

However, if we work on ourselves, our lives and primarily focus on creating our own world with love, the good we can achieve outside of the stage-play that the elites propagate, extends ever outward. One can keep aware and awake, without giving energy over to the drama. There is something to be said, for listening to one's heart, in any given situation.

I came across this (via a link posted in this thread) It really resonated for me.

However, a society will eventually reflect the minds of their leaders, and if the leaders are causing evil deeds and acts, then in turn the society will be evil as well. The people affected by an tyrannical government will start acting like them. However, we are the ones who choose and accept our leaders, therefore we are responsible for the way our societies are run.

All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the overall disasters have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully organized by a few individuals behind the scenes, high up in the society, above any power structure that ordinary citizens are aware of. It is an organized take-over to create a One World Oppressive Government with those people on top, making the rest of us into their slaves in a Super Socialist State!

These individuals are who we refer to as the Global Elite, or Old World Order. The elite have stolen the term (New World Order) and have made it sound like it is their creation. Their so called New World Order is nothing more then the Old World Order simply extended.

How hard is it for people to grasps that the term New World Order means something new?

This is absolutely absurd that people think that the New World Order is a bad thing. And people actually believe this?

You may have heard numorous times that an organization known as the ILLUMINATI are the ones pulling the strings and planning to take over the world.

However that is a blatant lie. It is true that the ILLUMINATI plan to create a New Word Order and a one world meritocratic government.
However they do not plan to take over the world.
The illuminati is not as evil as you think

Ascended Order of The Illuminated Knights

This about sums up their ideals, it would seem:

We ARE individuals and not resources, as (crony)capitalism (or whatever it's called these days) would have us be. To them, we are but Spenders, for the profits of the few.

Meritocracy is about everyone having an equal starting point in society, and being able to realize their true talents in the world. It is not based on financial privilege, luck, or who you know as it is today. I am also in agreeance that the amount of laws, clauses and sub-clauses are sheer insanity today. They ultimately do not serve the common man, only men with agendas.

edit on 23-9-2014 by MoonBlossom because: Spelling

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 06:57 AM
So the argument is basically "God is a lie by bad guys pretending to be the good guys. So believe what we believe because we claim to be the good guys". So why should anyone believe that the Illuminati arent also bad guys pretending to be the progressive good guys?

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

Excellent post. I have said many times here that if the people of ATS would take the time to actually LEARN what the Illuminati was and what it stood for, they would want to join if it were still around. But it's so much easier to not study anything and regurgitate the vomit that others have ignorantly spread.

Today, "Illuminati" is just a term for the lazy to describe their failures in life.

And yes, chemtrails are fantasy.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed



Some say the gods will return, others believe that not God, not Isis, nor those that created Isis will come down to earth, but the devil. The latter in the form of one or more comets. One of Sybil's predictions: 'fire and brimstone will fall from the sky'.

After that, a new cycle of ages -say many thousands of years- will start again. And if the doomsayers are right, it’s time for the real rulers to hurry up and unite mankind a little bit faster. Because if there is a devastating catastrophe to arrive, it is good thing to be organized as much as possible. Collective consciousness and a more centralized governance will then be very necessary to start reconstruction and make a new world (with the text on the Georgia Guide stones as the new stone tables).

To be clear: we are no doomsayers. We are (almost) sure the gods left our real rulers, the good guys, yes the illuminati, everything they need on spaceship moon. Everything they need to divert comets, control earth quakes etcetera …

We hope for the best but we keep an eye on the worst. You never know. The gods were not so much cleverer than our geniuses are now. So they could have made mistakes too. And we don’t have a ticket to the special shelters the real rulers know about.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: bitsforbytes
Jesus was straight foreword and didn't hide in the shadows to operate.

None of the prophets or teachers needed to be secretive.

This is correct. And this is why he was crucified at a rather young age. Bummer, really...

It doesn't require rocket science to see WHY those, let's call it "secret societies" have kept and still are in hiding. Because anyone, the church, the rulers wanted them dead. The same way as the church wanted ANYONE dead who only remotely posed a thread or made discoveries which went "against the teachings of the Church".

The Illuminati want(ed) to separate religion from state. Back at that time, even more so than today, UNTHINKABLE. The Church, the pope, WAS the highest authority. Making people realize the truth would mean that entire power structures would come down. Back then, same as today, no one in power normally voluntarily would give up their power.

The bible even says that satan will disguise himself as an angel of light. Now why would the good guys actually call themselves the illuminati??

I trust those whom I can see in action
Not always is everything as it SEEMS. What you see, hear or are told may sometimes only be an act.

Most criminals, by the way, when caught, will at first deny they did something bad. They will lie and point fingers at someone else. OLLLLLLDDDEST trick in the book. A trick that's also used by politicians etc. and whatever scum else walks this earth.

Also..mind you, I am not talking about Jesus neither have I reason to criticize the teachings of Jesus. I am talking about the CHURCH, not the actual teachings of Jesus.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

Excellent post. I have said many times here that if the people of ATS would take the time to actually LEARN what the Illuminati was and what it stood for, they would want to join if it were still around. But it's so much easier to not study anything and regurgitate the vomit that others have ignorantly spread.

Today, "Illuminati" is just a term for the lazy to describe their failures in life.

And yes, chemtrails are fantasy.

The fact that literature, movies etc. actually spreads the lies, sometimes maybe even unintentionally...doesn't really help either.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: MoonBlossom

We ARE individuals and not resources, as (crony)capitalism (or whatever it's called these days) would have us be. To them, we are but Spenders, for the profits of the few.

Meritocracy is about everyone having an equal starting point in society, and being able to realize their true talents in the world. It is not based on financial privilege, luck, or who you know as it is today.

We are individuals and not resources, correct. But of course,a religion (or a cult, a sect, a political party etc.) needs believers. Without them, they're powerless. What is a political party no-one belongs to? What is a church where no-one shares that faith?

Worse, our own society DEPENDS on individuals made into resources, and I mean it LITERALLY.
You go to work for $10/hr while the CEO of your company makes $80M a year, $20,000/hr. You think this is normal? Our capitalsm (TODAY it's really more or less the same as hundreds of years ago) depends on exploiting many for the profit of a few. It MUST BE like that because this is where the wealth of the 1% comes from, mostly.

But, I am just repeating what you already said, of course.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 11:33 AM
Theyre Evil and the enemy. Look at all the blackop projects.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 01:29 PM
Apparently OP doesn't know the Illuminati = Vatican/Jesuits...
Hegelian Dialect in simple terms for you = When you create something you also create it's opposition before someone else you don't control remembers to do so.

Other examples:

Hamas = CIA/Mossad
ISIS = CIA/Mossad

edit on 23-9-2014 by Vehemens because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2014 by Vehemens because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

The words of a puppet.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 02:36 PM
I attend church at least once a week. I hang out with people from my church multiple times during the week. That to say I see, talk with, live with, and enjoy life with quite a few people that claim Christianity as their religion.

To say that churches teach nothing but hate, intolerance, dead(i think you meant death), fear and all kinds of other negative things is a flat out lie and comes from an ignorant point of view.

I am so tired of Christians being called out as all kinds of horrible things when it simply is not the case. Pick any group of people and I can point out instances throughout history where that group of people, to put it bluntly, sucked. The reason I can do this is that more often than not the loudest, most ignorant, and most foolish people from all walks of life are the ones that attention gravitates towards. Are all kinds of horrible things done in the name of religion? Yes they are. Just as well as in science, environmentalism, economical purposes, and I could go on and on.

More often then not people are people. The vast majority of us have very similar hopes, dreams, wants, fears, dislikes, likes, etc. The sooner we as humanity realize that there is no phantom menace lurking around the next corner the sooner we can come together and take humanity to unfathomable heights.

a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Raxusillian


Explain to me why it is often the Christian right which is involved in spreading false conspiracy theories. Explain to me why it is often the Christian right who want the Elites to amass even more money while wanting the poor get even more poor.

Explain to me why a message like those from the Georgia Guide Stones was vandalized (the first time) as it seems by Christian conspiracy nutcases who see those messages as "demonic".

Explain to me why the tale of the allegedly evil Illuminati and the NWO is spread, most often, by those who are very conservative/right and also Christian.

You are correct, not all Christians are the same. I in-fact dislike those generalizations. But I am speaking about those often very loud fundamentalists who VERY REAL spread hate and intolerance openly, some of those "christian groups" are actually officially listed as "hate groups". THERE IS A RELATIONSHIP you cannot deny. Yet, I admit that possibly the majority of Christians are good people. It is those loud (alleged) Christians, fundamentalists etc. I am mostly talking about.
edit on 9/23/2014 by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 03:20 PM
they're evil not good just look at rockefeller evil on youtube and you'll see. look at bill and melinda gates foundation and his speech at ted concerning people and global warming and plans on decreasing the population through vaccines.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 03:20 PM
they're evil not good just look at rockefeller evil on youtube and you'll see. look at bill and melinda gates foundation and his speech at ted concerning people and global warming and plans on decreasing the population through vaccines.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed
The same people who spread that the Illuminati and a new order for this world would be bad...are also the same people who spread fantasy stories such as Chemtrails. It serves the purpose that you are even MORE living in fear, in addition from your fear you get taught in Church.

You are told that the current power structures allegedly *are* the NWO or the Illuminati (which of course is entirely absurd!) and it's those groups who allegedly spray chemtrails and poison your drinking water.

You lost me here, first weather modification has been proven to be happening. There are over 200 chemtrail patents in the patent office. Its about weather modification, and radar, thats the story, but just as most military programs they have black programs running along with the disclosed ones.

Now what are those black programs, well that's the conspiracy, but dont say they aren't real, thats just crazy talk. it ruins your whole point.

Secondarily you mention poisoning the water supply, like Sodium Fluoride is not a poison? it is a poison and is not good for your teeth. Now Calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is good for your teeth. But Calcium and Sodium are not the same compound, and if you think they are you are way out there.

So why did you weave these very easily provable falsities into your otherwise decent but in the end flawed argument?

OH and do you know anything about the bush family? Have you read Eustice Mullins "The World Order"?

You need to read that before going on about this.

While the points you made may be correct for the 1776 Illuminati the current group is far from what you have said.
edit on 23-9-2014 by AmenStop because: Spelling

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed
a reply to: Raxusillian


Explain to me why it is often the Christian right which is involved in spreading false conspiracy theories. Explain to me why it is often the Christian right who want the Elites to amass even more money while wanting the poor get even more poor.

Spreading false conspiracy theories? Not once in all of the churches and in all of the years that I have been going to church have I ever heard someone in any sort of authority position talk on conspiracies. Once again not once have I heard the subject of money talked about in the context that you talk about. The only time money is talked about in the church I go to is giving to the poor, and the Dave Ramsey workshops that they put on(that is a discussion for another time).

Maybe it is possible that I have just been lucky/blessed in the years I have gone to church but I have never personally come across these things. They do exist, but mostly by people who use the name of Jesus, and Christianity to push a personal agenda that does not align with how I believe Christ would have us live our lives. Christians should really care nothing of politics, and political issues in general. Money is to be used to live on and a tool to benefits those less fortunate than myself. Violence should never be an option, but the talking heads of Christianity support it. The things you see in the media do not reflect the majority of what Christians believe and how they live their lives. I'm sure the same goes for Islam, Buddhism, et all.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: Ridhya
So the argument is basically "God is a lie by bad guys pretending to be the good guys. So believe what we believe because we claim to be the good guys". So why should anyone believe that the Illuminati arent also bad guys pretending to be the progressive good guys?

Ridhya's quote above is a great place to start. Here is the truth. It doesn't matter what ideology or political affiliation we chose as our leaders. The bottom line is that since regardless of the plan, it will be run by humans. And no matter what you do, or who they are...humans are corrupt, power hungry liars. Look, for example at the Palestinians. They believe they fight for a good, moral cause but are run by corrupt humans that don't want peace. Look at the USA...corrupt politicians propping up corporations. Look at the churches, mosques, etc...corrupt humans trying to continue (and grow) their power control.

So...fact. If you allow yourself to be ruled by will be ruled as a peasant. Sorry...I don't have a solution, just the truth. Humans mess up everything! Humans ruling other humans will never be a good thing. But what other choice is there?

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

This post should be repeated twice, for emphasis. That secret is still "unspeakable". It is hidden in plain view in music, for all. Most listen to the words in songs about "that" on the radio, unaware, everyday. It's starting to filter into movies and TV now as well. Specifically, in Cosmos, during one of the Faraday episodes. It was a one liner, quite hidden, and not emphasized further.

Thankfully, some of the artists are becoming very blatant in the wording and metaphors employed. I only expect them to become even more obvious as time goes on.

I know what I see from the seeds in that video. And what the lyrics of the song itself imply.

edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Not Authorized

Another song about the RadioActive ones.

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