a reply to:
First decide on what kind of desktop you like :
A. The menu bar at the top, apple like - Gnome (although that's the default!)
B. The icon bar at the bottom, windows like. - KDE (although that's the default!)
Some distros have both Gnome and KDE flavours but most tend to be one or the other. I like the KDE flavour.
My distro is PCLinuxOS which comes in both 32 bit and 64 bit. I have found it very easy, slick, stable. Mind you Linux does tend to be very stable
these days, hence why it's used for servers, set top boxes, TV menus etc.
I have tried and liked : Linux Mint and OpenSuse
I did not like Ubuntu, I was seriously frustrated with it and felt like my hand was tied.
I had problems with Fedora.
Rosa was curious , quite neat, worked well. An English russian sourced distro....oooo.
Luna, very interesting, a Mac look alike. And it really is !
what you can do is try almost all distros as a "livecd" to check out which feels right for you and whether it recognises your hardware cleanly. You
can either download the distros or get them on magazine DVD's.
Welcome to the world of Linux, the water is lovely, perfect temperature and free at the point of use for all your apps.
edit on 19/9/2014 by yorkshirelad because: suse to opensuse