posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 04:26 AM
So, the people of Scotland have spoken:
2 million want our Union of nations
1.6 million want independence
Over a million didn't care enough to vote either way.
That is a pretty clear result to last a good generation or more.
For the record, I am glad the Union has not been broken, not for reasons of oil, not because I feared problems for England, Wales, and N.Ireland if
Scotland had left us, but simply because I have only known a United Kingdom, and I genuinely believe we would all be weaker divided.
I am also glad that the Scots had the vote, and made the choice to continue working with us as the dysfunctional family we can often be.
Let's now put an end to the silly cries of 'freedom from British rule' now, Scotland has chosen to continue as a key player in the Union, not to be
'ruled' by Britain or anyone else. Let's forget the bickering of the last few years and move on together as a stronger more representative Union of
4 nations working for our common good. Let's all recognise who the enemy of our people is, the corrupt politicions in Westminster, the shady
multinational corporations who are in bed with them, and those who wish to divide our family of nations.
I say thank you to all those good folk who have chosen the Union over separation, thanks for the vote of confidence in the people of Wales, N.Ireland,
and England who share the same challenges and aspirations as you do in your daily life. All the problems in Scotland exist equally in the rest of the
UK so let's move on and work together to change our country for the better.
I don't know the answers, but one thing is certain, our Union will forever be changed after this vote. It is now up to us to shape it for the next
century into a fairer, more representative country which can be an example to the rest of the world of how decent thinking folk can work together in a
modern nation.
There are many problems such as the West Lothian question, the Barnett Formula and all the rest of it but if we all are working 'for the family' now
instead of our separate nations we can be stronger...and better together.
I'm glad you decided to stay Scotland, the bickering is over, and I hope all the energy of the independence campaigners can be directed towards a
fairer UK for all of us...and against those self-serving bastards in Westminster.
We are a powerful mix of tribes when we work together so let's focus on that and actually do it now...together.