originally posted by: onequestion
Does the history of the area leave a violent genetic imprint on the populace making them tend to be more violent?
Do they NEED to be ruled and conquered?
Can democracy exist in a nation considering their history?
I believe so, for example, I'm English, growing up in my area there was a lot of negative views towards foreigners, especially of Asian decent, due
to the influx of them coming over here to the uk (Rich coming from an Englishman I know.
Having gone to a mixed school when I was younger, I had no problem mixing with the foreign kids, in fact my 3 best friends at primary school
were/still are Muslims. However, as I grew up I noticed when speaking to older people, that deep down no one really wanted them here and just
tolerated them as it were.
However, I moved to a more 'white' populated area and quickly found out that games like 'paki bashing' were everyday occurrences.
The people in this predominantly white area had it instilled in them that these people are foreigners, dirty and do not belong. All of this,
basically down to them invading our land (again, rich coming from an Englishman).
So that being said, had these peoples families been bombed and ridiculed over and over again, like what these ME's go through, then I would say why
wouldn't it have an effect on the generations or DNA of sorts..
Do they need to be ruled and conquered?
I think not, as long as they are controllable, and by that I mean as long as they don't try to enforce their beliefs unto other people with or
without force.
Muslims have lived in the UK for a while now and have been accepted and can generally live here in peace but that's because they don't try to
enforce their beliefs on us..
I think Muslims need to understand, it's not a battle against all Muslims, it's a battle against the people who believe that they must enforce their
beliefs in countries that have no Islamic origin (UK, US, Canada, Australia, anywhere you like..
It's the same for black people.. They seem to think the world is against them, no! The world is against the ones who think they are 'gangstas' who
would rob you on the street at gun/knife point, or the ones who stare u out on public transport and then ask you "what you looking at".
And of course to show there is no bias, the same rings true for white people, the world don't hate you, just the ones who think they own the world
and are better then everybody else, when in fact we are all equal.
It's about time people woke up and realised that we live in not a multi cultural society, or city, or town or country but a multi cultural planet..
If your belief system is not the same as your neighbours, say "have a nice day and move on"..
And to answer your final question, I believe democracy can exist in such a place given there history. If Nazi Germany can change then why can't
these people?
But saying all this, when the shepherds direct the flocks, the flocks usually follow. So maybe it would be down to our government to decide, seeing
as they seem to be calling the shots.