Dear God
Hi its me.
First of all let me tell you that I think you have made a beautiful world. Its majestic sights (which always remind me of you), its abundant food, so
refreshing, tasty and diverse. Every littlt thing you have done in nature is an absolute marvel. From the universe to the seeds, its beautiful and
awesome and majestic and pure and powerful and great. To me it also holds just the right amount of danger to keep us on our toes and humble.
Humans on this world are also a work of art capable of love and art and wonder and worship and gentleness, not to mention so many other beautiful and
great attributes you put in man and woman. Faith, courage, bravery, loyalty, hope, kindness, generosity, empathy and compassion to name a few. Naked
and innocent men and woman come into this world with but one goal, rule the world and subdue it.
Subdue is a possitive and reassuring word which leads us to believe that we can subdue this beautiful earth which you made and live in harmony with it
while also subduing it. Subdue means to look after it. To watch above it with a certain measure of control and skill, to almost make it tame, if you
will, like the Lord God watches over us in the same way.
Father God nature is beautiful. Everything you have made is perfect and without equal. I love this world of dolphins and beaches and fields of flowers
and all kinds of babies being born and seeds growing in their places and fish and birds and grass and rain and mountains and deserts and stars at
night and fruit of all kinds and ice and snow and fire and mud and sea shells and man and woman. No sweeter paradise has there ever been for a race
who call themselves children of the one true and living God and YOU used to walk with us in the garden in the heat of the day, didn't you? You were
our cream on our strawberries. The Lord God of all the universe used to walk with us in our paradise and was glad to pay us a visit every day, so
beautiful and perfect was earth. God you came with your majesty and let us be in your very presents for an hour or so at the cool of the day other
than that you left us alone to be free and alive. We knew nothing but strong love, peace and joy. We had it all.
We were so close to this. We touched this. We lived this. We are this. We still live in the midsts of paradise. We are still man and woman and God is
still here with us. Nothing has changed. Oh wait what's that you say? Perfection has become stained with the blood of millions and millions of men
and woman who have died sickening, un-neccessary, violent and premature deaths? What's that you say? We traded peace, harmony and fellowship for
mushroom clouds, assult rifles and hand grenades? What's that you say? We have extincted how may species of animals. What's that you say? Half the
world die fat becuase of over indulgence while half the world die of undernourishment and starvation? What's that you say? Children get raped and
have been taught to kill? What's that you say? The rain forests are almost gone and the oceans are becoming acidic? What's that you say? You cannot
see the stars anymore in the city because of all the smog? What's that you say? There are people who hate God? What's that you say? You can view
pictures of men and woman who pose naked in magazines, and videos? What's that you say earth has become a cess pool of violence, perversion, greed,
hate, lies and lust. What's that you say? You can still catch a glimps of the paradise that was even through the cloud of madness on earth today? So
is there still hope?
Mankind has lost his mind. God I'm so depressed because my place is in paradise where dolphins play and flowers grow and where you come to visit me
in the cool of every day. I have been contaminated with all the filth in the world today and I feel so dirty. Every where I look or listen I hear and
see death, pain, agony and decay. Our hope is growing faint and our planet and her people are dying and will one day be dead.
So I just want to say goodbye to the dolphins and the flowers and the rain and the spring and the birds and the fruit and the cows and the camels and
the crickets and the trees and the grass and the lions and the bunny rabbits and the rivers and the sounds you hear in the forests and the babies and
the strong love between a man and a woman and to the desert creatures and the creatures which live on mountains and to you visiting us in the cool of
the day. I wish I never knew sin. I wish I could be saved from my sins, but I can't and now its too late because I can't reach the rest of mankind
to tell them its ok I just wanted to say good bye to it all with tears for the loss.
What's that you say? You forgive us for killing the earth? What's that you say? You sent your son here on earth with a message and as a sacrifise.
What's that you say? You sent your son to die for us and then you raised Him again and all we have to do is believe and repent? What's that you say?
After the final judgement, all who believed in Jesus and repented will live with you in a new heaven and a new earth? What's that you say? You are
coming back to save us oneday? What's that you say? You will restore paradise? Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! Yippppeeeee!!!
God I still walk with you in the cool of every day (because I love Jesus) even in the middle of the global war on righteousness right now I rest in
you. My hope is great that you have wonders in store for me and my family that are even greater than paradise before mankinds fall and I trust you
because of Jesus I still feel you with me.
I am a man born in a fallen paradise. I miss the palm trees and the sunsets and the night time noises of owls and frogs and crickets and the reeds
clapping hands as the breeze races by them and the sunrise and the coo cooing of pigeons and the lo lo lo lo lo looooo of the lourie and the ksheeeeew
of the eagle and the cock a doodle doooo of the morning rooster.
That's ok if I get woken up tomorrow morning to the sights and sounds of a mushroom cloud at least I made my peace with God through Jesus and he who
had the power to make me in the first place has the power to make me again after all of this is said and done. I hope all men and woman can make peace
with God through Jesus while there is still time ie: death or judgement day.
I still love your creation God, I personally think making paradise was a brilliant idea, sorry we let the devil in and didn't crush him when we had a
chance in Eden. He has become such a terrible and destructive leader in the world today and is leading many astray and they in turn are acting just
like him. Its nearly all over now. I want to say thanks for making a way to save us who want to be saved through Jesus also I want to say goodbye to
all the animals who have already gone extinct and to this paradise, goodbye. I hope seeing mushroom clouds all over planet earth is making you happy
(enimies of God) I hope you iether get saved or you are distroyed so in the new heaven and earth we will not be saddened by you anymore.
God through Jesus I have learned to love you. God come quickly and help me not to feel sad anymore. God its almost time. What will you do on judgement