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Just give me my meds and stop assuming!

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posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: whyamIhere
Tramadol ruins kidneys.

Fioricet makes you crazy.

Take the Hydocodone for pain. Trust me on that.

Another delightfully addive substance. One that is being cracked down on so people are turning again to heroin.

Ahh - the GERD. If it's legal in your state try Raw Whole Milk. And Raw Sauerkraut. Both have to be raw - it helped me with a herd of digestive problems.

An 18 month old - good advise to nap when they do, but it has to be consistant. Or try going to bed at night when the youngster does - the house doesnt need cleaning, the laudry will wait, yadda, yadda, yadda.... Your health and wellbeing are the only thing that will matter to your child. You husband and family may disagree but F them.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Something about the rant forum brings out the worst in people. They act like judgemental twats to a much greater degree here.
edit on 18-9-2014 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph
Oh wow those headaches sound awful!

I get bad migraines but nothing like what that description is. I do get blurred vision and nausea sometimes but as long as I don't let my neck get too bad and I take my neck meds I don't get the migraines. I do get neurological migraines where the left half is my body goes numb. It's usually the side of my eye, lips, nose, arm and fingers. This is from a pinched nerve in my back. I haven't had one of those in a long time. It usually starts with a tingling in my hands. For years I thought I was having a heart attack and it caused me to have anxiety and panic attacks. Finally I saw a neurologist and got a diagnosis.

I too have been there with the OTC meds and taking too many. Tylenol PM worked great but it made me feel really weird esp my heart rate. It kind of fluttered and I didn't like it. I was given ambien about ten years ago and took it for less than a week. Omg I hated that stuff. It made me hallucinate and forget things. Freaked me out! If I have side effects from something I won't take it. To me side effects tell me my body doesn't like it. Lol

I am lucky to have my doctor. I switched so many times til I found her. She listens to me and will tell me something isn't good for me. She doesn't believe in over medicating and thinks you should start at the smallest dose and go from there where many docs start high and go low. When I see her I'm not rushed and I get answers. It's because of her I finally had a surgery I should have had a year ago where every other doctor dismissed it as after effects from pregnancy when it wasn't! Same goes for my gallbladder issues, she listened instead of just giving me meds.

As for the flexeril for muscle spasms I've taken that for about ten years on and off. One script of 90 lasts me months. It's only a 5mg pill and I will take two max if needed.

I hate taking all these pills. I even have a weekly box that I fill on Sundays so I don't forget.

Honestly I feel better minus the not sleeping lately without my meds but it's nothing I'm not already use to. I'll address that with my doc Tuesday.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I think raw milk is legal here. I do drink almond milk because of my cut back in dairy due to my stomach problems. I'll check the local health food store.

I try to sleep when he naps but I'm not a nap person. I can nap if it rains which yesterday it did and he slept almost 4 hours! I got about an hour nap in when it started to storm. Storms are an instant sleep aid for some reason.

As for cleaning and laundry lol in very OCD about cleaning I can't let it go. My husband is overseas so it's just my son and I. I'm non stop. It's hard to get me to sit down. When I had my surgery that was the worst part, being still! I always feel like I need to be doing something which is probably why I have a hard time winding down at night to sleep. I am bi polar and I'm sure that doesn't help either but the Prozac honestly has made me feel better. I'm amazed. I take a small dose and I can function. Everything else I've been put on for bi polar made me a zombie to where I couldn't function.

As long as I get at least 4 hrs of sleep in a row I'm fine but it's nice to get more!

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver

See my problem is my brain never stops! I will go to bed around 10 after feeling sleepy ok the couch and I just lay in bed tossing and turning and my brain goes a mile a minute.

It's quite annoying. I have even tried listening to different frequency vids on YouTube which did help me sleep but it was a very weird kind of lucid sleep. It was like my body was asleep but my mind was not. Honestly it kind of freaked me out! It was like the time I took melatonin to sleep on an overseas flight, not a good experience!

Hummm - meditation anyone??? Get an EM-Wave to help.

Then in bed, head on pillow do the following. I'm not a Christian but am a huge fan of Emmett Fox's writings. He talks about a 'Golden Key' for monkey mind and other helpful COGNIATIVE measures. This is my bed time take on the "Golden Key" (I'm always mentally going - hither and yond. Trying to figure things out. Plan, Plan Plan, go over the hurt from 25 years ago, one more time - worry about retirement, and so forth.)

Dr. Fox talks about the attributes of God (or any higher power) like Love, Wisdom, Justice, Beauty....) so at night I list from A to Z a different attribute of God and I'm usually asleep in no time. If I lose my place, which I often do, I start over again at the beginning. Much more positive then counting sheep.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph
a reply to: mblahnikluver

General physicians are mostly uneducated when it comes to sleep disorders or sleep disturbances of any kind. Your best bet is either a neurologist, or to find a sleep clinic that deals with apnea and other disorders.

Right now my general physician thinks narcolepsy is psychological, and my psychologist seems to think I'm making it up.

When it comes to certain things, patients who spend an hour on google are already more educated and understanding about their own conditions.

Long story short--If you want sleep meds, go to a sleep clinic or an office that deals with sleep disorders.

edit on 18-9-2014 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Exactly! I would rather deal with no sleep than all the weird side effects of the OTC meds and prescription meds.

I did not know temazepam was addictive and now that freaks me out. Lol I don't want to take it now even though I'm on the lowest dose but took twice so that is still pretty low. I like how it helps my mind stop racing but I don't want to rely on meds my whole life.

Maybe if I use the meds with some reaction methods mentioned in this thread? Maybe the meds can help train my body since they calm me down. I hope that made sense!! I could use it and once I've trained my body to relax I can wean off the meds?

I have tried yoga, which my doctor told me I should do to relax. I told her kick boxing was more my style for relaxing and she just looked at me and said that will not help. I've tried yoga and tried but my god it's so slow. I'm very high energy so it's hard to make myself sit still like that.

I'm going to check out the vids the other member posted first thing in the morning and try them tomorrow night.

Thanks NB hope you get some rest too!

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
a reply to: FyreByrd

I think raw milk is legal here. I do drink almond milk because of my cut back in dairy due to my stomach problems. I'll check the local health food store.

I try to sleep when he naps but I'm not a nap person. I can nap if it rains which yesterday it did and he slept almost 4 hours! I got about an hour nap in when it started to storm. Storms are an instant sleep aid for some reason.

As for cleaning and laundry lol in very OCD about cleaning I can't let it go. My husband is overseas so it's just my son and I. I'm non stop. It's hard to get me to sit down. When I had my surgery that was the worst part, being still! I always feel like I need to be doing something which is probably why I have a hard time winding down at night to sleep. I am bi polar and I'm sure that doesn't help either but the Prozac honestly has made me feel better. I'm amazed. I take a small dose and I can function. Everything else I've been put on for bi polar made me a zombie to where I couldn't function.

As long as I get at least 4 hrs of sleep in a row I'm fine but it's nice to get more!

You have some very fixed ideas about who you are. The only thing certain is that things will change - look a baby. "I don't take pills" - maybe not in the past, but now??? "I've very OCD" - you can change.

With all kindness, you've got a lot going on and looking outside for solutions isn't the wisest course of action. It may help temporarily, but not long term. The idea is to expand your world not narrow with drugs and 'have tos'.

Hey, a mom's group, actually two, really helped me as a new Mom in all areas and provided grown up companionship. La Leche League, A Baby-Sitting Co-op, Mommy and me at the park ---- or this saved my life. Every day I'd pack up and go to the park at about 10:00 am and other moms (now often the nannys sadly) and their kids were there. My best friends all came from the local park - almost all anyway.

You don't have to go it alone. In fact the worst thing you can do is try to go it alone.

Church perhaps?

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:14 AM
Melatonin works wonders. Relaxes me just enough to fall asleep. Taking one now. LOL! It can be found anywhere even your grocery store.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Strange you mention a sleep clinic. There is one here up the street from me. The intersection has doctors on all four corners. You can find any doctor there. I noticed the sleep center the last time I went for my endoscopy. I thought ok I wonder if insurance covers that but then I got the temazepam. I should call them and see if my insurance covers it. I didn't even think of a sleep clinic until you mentioned it.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Okay, what I said earlier about winding down..If you are more inclined to activity and energy like I am, then it's good to exhaust that energy with something like kick-boxing

Winding down doesn't have to mean brandy and a romance novel by the fire, just whatever helps send that signal to your body + mind that it's time to rest. You'll have to search for it and/or decide what that signal will be.

Melatonin and light/ darkness reactivity is supposed to handle that for us biologically, automatically, but most of us live in a world of 24 hour light and electricity. It's really wreaking havoc on some of us. I'm very curious to see how the 24-hour electric lifestyle will affect the next few generations in terms of sleep habits.

edit on 18-9-2014 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

I would love to find a mom group! Most of my friends have kids in school.

I was going to the la leche where I use to live when I first had my son. I have a hard time connecting with people. I'm outgoing but I'm also very outspoken and sometimes I just don't know when to zip it basically lol.

No church is not for me. I'm not a religious person by any means.

I take my son to the book store and pool and little park we have here but there are never any moms in the baby section. I've actually joked about making a Facebook group for my area for moms with little ones like I have and having little get togethers.

As for my OCD I've been that way my whole life I dont think that will change. I don't like disorder at all, drives me nuts!

I keep my day pretty busy between cleaning, laundry, cooking and playing with my son. He's getting more active and I can't wait til he is a little older and we can do little art projects and stuff together or go to the museums and science center or zoo. I just think he's too young for that right now. He just started using crayons and that lasts about a min before he breaks it or tries to eat it.

Thanks for all your replies. I truly appreciate them all!

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
Melatonin works wonders. Relaxes me just enough to fall asleep. Taking one now. LOL! It can be found anywhere even your grocery store.

I took it once and it made me have this insane lucid sleep. It freaked me out and I felt hung over the next day. Is that normal? I know my nephew takes one at night to sleep.

I guess it doesn't hurt to try it again. I just don't want the hallucinations I had! It was creepy!

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

sleep clinic...I should call them and see if my insurance covers it.

I'm pretty sure they're classified as specialists (and should have a neurologist on staff,) which may mean getting a referral from your regular doc, which they may not be willing to go for, and/or insurance may not approve... Gah! It's such a nightmarish carousel.

I give up for tonight. Go lie down mblah, and I will do the same.

Sorry for hijacking your thread!

edit on 18-9-2014 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver
a reply to: FyreByrd

I would love to find a mom group! Most of my friends have kids in school.

I was going to the la leche where I use to live when I first had my son. I have a hard time connecting with people. I'm outgoing but I'm also very outspoken and sometimes I just don't know when to zip it basically lol.

No church is not for me. I'm not a religious person by any means.

I take my son to the book store and pool and little park we have here but there are never any moms in the baby section. I've actually joked about making a Facebook group for my area for moms with little ones like I have and having little get togethers.

As for my OCD I've been that way my whole life I dont think that will change. I don't like disorder at all, drives me nuts!

I keep my day pretty busy between cleaning, laundry, cooking and playing with my son. He's getting more active and I can't wait til he is a little older and we can do little art projects and stuff together or go to the museums and science center or zoo. I just think he's too young for that right now. He just started using crayons and that lasts about a min before he breaks it or tries to eat it.

Thanks for all your replies. I truly appreciate them all!

"I've been that way my whole life" not as an infant, you learned it somewhere along the way, it soothed you in some manner - and you can change it. Fatalism is a killer.

I'm not the church type. No - No - Not facebook. You need face time. Are you on or off base??? Working?

Parks have mommy and me classes, pools have mommy and me swim classes. I'm not the most social - let your kids break the ice.

Go for consistancy in a positive direction not a backward one (OCD tendencies). Open your life up - don't shut it down further - show up and you'll make friends - but it ain't goning to happen over night.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 02:18 AM
A few things that may help you sleep better ..
1. turn alarm clock away from bed so it not facing you when you wake up
2. sleep in dark - no nightlight
3. avoid caffiene before sleep
4. listen to relaxing music or nature sounds before sleeping ..

Or the old shot of brandy before bed ..

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Be careful with the meletonin .. it not only cause the strange dreams .. also can cause sleepwalking .. throw off sleep patterns and a host of other problems ..

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: mblahnikluver

I am one who calls their doctor over everything when it comes to meds!

But I thought this is the first time in your life you've been on meds, at least that's what your OP said.
How long have you been taking the tamazepam? Whoever said you can't have another prescription was right, you exceeded your dosage.
Now you've discussed with a Dr and will up your dosage hopefully it'll work.

Exercise, stop looking at phone/tablet screen at least an hour before bed.
There are always side effects to drugs and you've gone from never having been in meds in your life, to now being on about five, and that's a big adjustment.

Good luck.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I suppose it's like anything else where it affects different people in different ways. Yeah I think I read where lucid or vivid dreams can occur with it. There are also different doses. I just take the 1mg. I accidentally bought another bottle not realizing it was 5mg. I know I don't need that much. And yes...I'm still awake LOL! That's because I slept all day today but getting sleepy now.

About those dreams, I don't always remember my dreams, but I once dreamt that butterflies were teaching me their language and it seemed so real! Have had other good and strange dreams too. Wouldn't hurt to try one more time. Maybe talk to your doc first to make sure it doesn't affect your other meds.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 03:44 AM
Mblah...nice to see you :-)

A mentioned you were bipolar and (I may have misread) possibly have anxiety?

A good combination for bipolar AND anxiety AND insomnia (but only if you have a regular sleep schedule) is Depakote and Seroquel

Depakote has no addictive potential and will help knock and manic or hypomanic episodes down. However, Depakote can and sometimes will increase depressive episodes and occasionally anxiety as well. As an additive, Seroquel can be taken a half hour before bed. It is not like Ambien where it will flat out PUT you to bed, but it calms the mind quite a bit and works on depressive episodes. Many find that it helps relax anxiety and with Depakote it is finding a good foothold on insomnia. Of course there are always potential side effects but Seroquel has not been found to be physically addictive, but psychologically yes. Also watch weight gain, but more importantly, increase in triglycerides

On the other hand, if depression/anxiety/pain are more an issue, you could also inquire into Neurontin if you have not already. It works for depression and anxiety but also lowers pain reaction and response

Just some thoughts

As far as the pain, that's outside of my knowledge

I wish you the best! And don't listen to all the judgmental IS ok to ask for assistance

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