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A TR3B topic on

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posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: gort51

Some. Others were put up, and pretty much just stay there is the word through the grapevine.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Cool Thanks. I guess the X37-B is a "Space Plane". Will they just fly that back to Earth as a normal plane one day?

I wonder if these craft can fly to the Moon and back as required.

I hope so, I like to think Human technology is reasonable advanced.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: gort51

The X-37 is just a smaller shuttle, doing some long term building and experimentation projects. It'll eventually come back down, and they'll launch the other one shortly after.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: FirePiston

Thanks for starting this discussion! The American anti-gravity triangle (TR-3B) is one of my favorite topics. We've been flying the TR-3B since the last century, and store them overseas (UK RAF bases, possibly Pine Gap in Australia too), away from all the citizens in the U.S. with camera-phones.

It also stands as mute testimony to the schizoid nature of the U.S. today. I mean, we've gutted NASA down to just a "school science fair" of unmanned probes. George W. dropped the ball before Team Obama, and let our manned space-exploration drift away by putting an end-date on using the shuttle - and then having NO new shuttle replacements lined up! And while the politicians scream about budget overrides, we've been paying the Russians $60 Million a seat to get our astronauts to and from the International Space Station, because we have no shuttle replacement.

But the most astounding fact of all, is that the U.S. HAS workable anti-gravity technology in the TR-3B! A big part of orbital/space costs are Launching, with all that fuel blown just to get the rocket off and away from Earth's gravity. If TPTB could open up or transfer that astounding anti--gravity technology to languishing NASA, we'd finally have a robust manned space-exploration program!

Anyone want to see some links to TR-3B articles?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: MKMoniker

So yet again, we're supposed to believe that every single detail of a super mega classified program has been leaked onto the internet and the DIA is SO incompetent that no one was arrested, and they couldn't get the information off the net.

Pull the other one. Please.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: MKMoniker

Post the links it's worth a look even if you get ridiculed by a few in here

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

So it's ridicule to point out that IF it existed, it would be classified deep black, and there's absolutely no chance in hell the DIA would allow ANY information to stay on the net about it?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: gort51
a reply to: Zaphod58

Hey Zaphod58, have you ever heard thru your travels, whether these "Black Triangles" or other "Black" platforms are space vehicles?
Can they flip flop, from the atmosphere into space and return?

I can answer this one thanks to astro. YEah they can if they are later models. where do you think they are based at? Of course the air force has atmosphere only versions as well hidden about on terrestrial bases.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Well they had no problems using these craft in Uk Airspace or over Belgium with members of the public seeing them from the late 80s and early 90s

One was witnessed by a few people hovering over the home secretary's house and a local paper picked up the story

Perhaps it was the RAF who were naughty with these toys but there is clear evidence since the 80s they have been flown in the UK

Who cares if we can't see the paper trail when the actual craft has been seen and I've seen a terrestrial craft that could be this over the Irish Sea accelerating so fast it left a blur before it vanished

Tr3b or not our aviation boys have amazing craft that make no sound,can hover regardless of their immense size and achieve speeds that are frankly insane in the blink of an eye bypassing g force effects

But they have never been used in warfare,as far that I'm aware so what the hell do they do with them?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

Thanks, Whereismypassword! The TR-3B is definitely real. And to have a Moderator jumping in every other post to try and debunk it, just shows how much the military wants this topic to "go away."

"The TR-3B is Code named Astra. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B first operational flight was in the early 90s. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Top Secret, Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. At least 3 of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994.

"The Aurora is the most classified aerospace development program in existence, and the TR-3B is the most exotic vehicle created by the Aurora Program. It is funded and operationally tasked by the National Reconnaissance Office, the NSA, and the CIA. The TR-3B flying triangle is not fiction and was built with technology available in the mid 80s. Not every UFO spotted is one of theirs.

"The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent. Do not misunderstand. This is not antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for propulsion. The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth’s gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator.

"To be able to protect the name, TR-3B the top government agencies like the NSA, NRO, CIA and United States Air Force have been playing a game to keep the aircraft nomenclature as secret and under wraps as possible. The reason is to create confusion to any other country that may try to steal the technology. With this reasoning; there are various modification to the original TR-3B which include the TR-3A, which also include tiers of 2, 3, and 4 versions with suffix that are plus or minus added which again confuse further that the fact of each of these designations are of a different aircraft and not the same as the original space vehicle.

"Any government other than ours that would try to steal this technology would be confused as to what technology they were stealing, would it be the technology for the TR-3B? TR-3A? Or what designation of this aircraft would they be stealing? If they even attempted to do so. A TR3B vehicle is as different from a TR-3A vehicle as is the difference between night and day, and some of these different and various versions have the capability to be manned or unmanned."
At the :39 mark, a red laser is emitted from the nose. Scanning? Surveillance? And about the :50 mark, watch the round opening in the center underneath, with its bluish morphing-circle. (Is this its "circular accelerator" generating its "magnetic vortex field"?)
edit on 22-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarification

edit on Mon Sep 22 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: EX TAGS ADDED IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: MKMoniker
a reply to: Whereismypassword

Thanks, Whereismypassword! The TR-3B is definitely real. And to have a Moderator jumping in every other post to try and debunk it, just shows how much the military wants this topic to "go away."

A quick bit of research will show you that, while being a moderator, Zaphod has proven to be incredibly knowledgeable and forthcoming (with what he can, anyway) when it comes to these topics. Also, his credibility stretches back to the days before he was a moderator.

Has it ever occurred to you that people spouting that the TR-3B is real are the actual disinformation agents? They purport it in order to keep the real stuff buried. Secondly, could it be possible that the video is a misidentification of one of these other, legitimate projects? There are two sides to your accusation coin...

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: MKMoniker

Now there's logic. Since I'm a mod, and say it's utter drivel the government is behind it.

I'm still waiting for an explanation of how a SAP that would have an NDA that would make GOD think twice about breaking it, not only gets leaked, in every gory detail, but it gets left online for years, and the best the government can do to stop it is hire people to try to debunk it.

You REALLY don't see an issue there? Not even a little one? Just a tiny one?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

There are a lot of interesting craft out there, and to the extent people can, you can find a lot of good information about quite a few of them on ATS.

But relying on obviously fake information about a fictional craft to tell you about them is the wrong way to go about it.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

The TR-3B is housed at RAF bases in the UK, and possible Pine Gap in Australia as well. Here are videos of the craft spotted above the UK and Australia:
This later model seems to have a red strobe or laser in the bottom center.
Note U.S. Air Force insignae on its side.

And here's a good example of government disinfo/discredit to scare off readers. So just IGNORE the stuff at the beginning of this article about "Alien Rapture" and "Behavior Modification Software"! Scroll down three-quarters thru the article, and start at "SLIDE 79: ORIGINAL SCHEMATIC TR-3B"
This is an older article, but may be the original "source info" about the TR-3B everyone else copied. So it's riddled with disinfo! Yet, look for gems like these:

The TR-3A Manta is a subsonic reconnaissance vehicle shaped like a bat wing and is in no way related to the TR-3B. The nomenclature for the TR-3B is unconventional and was named thus to confuse those who track black budgets. And rumors that got out would be confusing, as most in the aerospace industry would think there MUST be a relationship between the TR-3A and the TR-3B, which there is none."

(Under SLIDE #34): A few years ago The British Magazine, UFO Reality, published this information:

"A top BBC executive let slip recently that there is a D-Notice on media reporting of the so-called 'Black Triangle.' The executive is the former producer of a very popular BBC science program. He told one of our team that the black Triangle 'craft,' first witnessed by the hundreds in the Hudson Valley region of the US in the mid-80s, then by the thousands in Belgium in 89-90, and more in Britain, has been 'heavily D-Noticed' by the government.

For this reason the BBC will NOT be reporting on the enigmatic craft, no matter how many witness reports there are. According to this producer, the government's restrictive notice on reporting the Triangle, was authorized under secrecy laws, in order to protect secret new military projects."


"This vehicle is remotely piloted and communications are made via the DOCILE system at Groom." I'm not usually too slow, but it didn't hit me, until he repeated, "you know, the Direct Orbital Communications Link -- D. O. C. L."

Bingo, the light-bulb went on. I had seen a piece of the DOCILE equipment at Groom. The NSA unit with the large chips. These are old pictures of the Virtual Reality Lab at Brooks Air Force Base, where the software to remotely fly exotic aircraft was developed."

edit on 22-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: typos and clarification

edit on Mon Sep 22 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: EX TAGS ADDED IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: MKMoniker

If the government didn't want you you to see this information, they wouldn't have to put fake stories on the webpage. They'd just shut it down cold.

There are RESEARCH PAPERS that didn't go into NEARLY this kind of detail that have been purged so hard from the web you can't even find them with the wayback machine. But somehow this survives. And you STILL don't see a problem?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Sometimes I feel for the scientists and researchers that work on these projects. You have to wonder if they miss having their work appreciated by the rest of the larger scientific community.

Who knows, by the time some of their research goes white, they may already have died.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

In one sense, it has to suck, but in another I'm sure they feel pride that their invention at least got built in the first place.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

I mean you no disrespect, Zaphod58 and cmdrkeenkid. But I know how the military can strong-arm civilians and especially veterans to keep certain info super-quiet for "National Security." And the fact the UK's been told that the TR-3B is a "heavily D-noticed" topic, adds incredible weight to this idea.

And while some folks just instantly cave when "National Security" is mentioned, I'm not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I think there is definitely a need for secrets when it comes to Hi Tech Military. But let's get to the basics: The most important National Security issue right now that no one talks about are the reality of UFOs/ETs. And the TR-3B is retro-engineered Alien Tech. Are TPTB afraid that admitting to the existence of the TR-3B will throw a spotlight on the UFO/ET Conundrum?

Besides, the TR-3B has been seen globally since the last century, and is always being updated as more and more are being manufactured. How long is the D-List "Can't talk about new military equipment" supposed to last? Personally, I think this Ultra-Secrecy has gone on much too long. NASA wouldn't be jousting with shuttle-replacement companies, with million dollar contracts, for a craft to be expensively flown above Earth before release, if they had access to the TR-3B gravity-cancelling technology.

The U.S. and Europe are in an economic tail-spin right now, while the greedy Bilderburg Elitists agitate for more MidEast wars to line their selfish pockets. To release this gravity-cancelling technology would give the world a massive economic boost. Growing crystals in orbit? Mining rare minerals on the moon? A "real" Space Tourist program to loop around the moon and back?

And as for finally admitting to the UFO/ET Conundrum ... 'Bout frickin' time!

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: MKMoniker

If I wanted to perpetuate false information in the media, I would tell them not to report on the fake information. This would cause people like yourself to think there is something being hidden, and keep you busy chasing dead ends and false information.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: MKMoniker

And somehow they weren't able to strong arm ANYONE when it comes to the alleged TR3B, or arrest anyone anyone for violating their NDA, or ANYTHING ELSE. So which is it, their capable of strong arm tactics that shut down all information, or are so incompetent that they can't even get this information taken down, or find the person, in a very small group of people may I add, that leaked everything. It doesn't work both ways.

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