The elevator began to slow, and as it did so Gary, Bailey, and The Rage, found themselves lowered to the floor of the elevator car, which calmed Gary
down enough that the occupants of the cab could once again hear the movement of the car down the cables which kept it suspended in the shaft. Gary and
Bailey looked at one another nervously, and The Rage? He just stood at the door, rooted, unflustered.
The moment the car came to a halt, The Rage pulled open the elevator door, allowing an eye watering light into the small space. Bailey and Gary walked
out past him, Gary's cannon once again scanning left and right, Baileys own weapon primed and moving as they moved forward into the light. It had a
strange blue hue, that light, as if the sky was trapped within the space beyond the short hall way, connected to the elevator access.
"Gary, take forward point, TR, on my three o'clock as we enter please. Stay sharp fellas." Bailey ordered, as they moved through a large doorway.
The light, they could see now, was coming from a huge pool of liquid, surrounded by what looked like a ring of some bizarre assortment of cocoons, as
if massive insects had taken up residence. These cocoons were all attached by cables to the pool.
"Boss, you seeing what I am seeing? " asked Gary.
"Yeah... But I do not know why I am seeing it here. Last we saw something like this, was that nest of bastards out to the west, do you remember?
Thousands of them..." Before he could continue, a mechanical wailing began above their heads, as if a massive pneumatic system had come online. A
vast hole opened above the heads of the Doormen, and through it, a mechanical claw swiftly sought out a cocoon, dipped it into the pool, and then shot
up through the ceiling with the cocoon still in its mechanised maw, dripping the blue liquid.
Just then, an urgent electronic bleeping began to issue from all three suits if armour. "Oh Hells teeth!" shouted Gary over the personal radiation
sensor alarm. "Boss, we have to go, now, this room just went hotter than the guts of Gaia!" he yelled.
"Agreed. Gentlemen, lets be off." Bailey muttered, scrambling for the door. Gary, Bailey, and The Rage sprinted from the room, and just before they
dragged the door closed, Gary threw a gout of refined plasma through the door, impacting on the cocoons at the rear. The sound of a cascading series
of organic popping noises pounded on the closed door, as they threw weight against it. With the cessation of the sound, they fell back, and stumbled
away from the door. "Its time we rendezvoused with the others. This place has all the hallmarks of a crapstorm waiting to happen, and I am not in any
way comfortable with the implications of the presence of those cocoons here."
"Lemming! LEMMING! TARGETS AT ALL POINTS, RETREAT BY FIRE!" Roared Samson, stowing his cartographic gear and unslinging his plasma caster. Targets
had indeed started appearing at every point of the compass, and Lemming had been busy gathering a stash of the choicest goodies on offer in the
cavern. These he threw into a hold all bag, put it over his shoulder, and then pulled his own weapon. He rolled around the corner, spotted Samson, and
sprinted over to him. Sliding to a stop, he took a position next to his teammate, and they laid down a suppressive curtain of plasma, while backing
toward the exit. "Bloody NIGHTMARE! Remind me why I do this job?" Lemming shouted above their fire.
"Probably because you are too dumb for anything else! Now move your arse!" Samson shouted back, slotting a target which had been about to charge
Lemming from the left. They moved backward as they fired, constantly making their way toward the door. Upon reaching it, Lemming pushed Samson
through, turned around, and lobbed a modified wrecking charge through the door, into the mass of the shuffling beast forms. A fat boom, and the wet
slap of bioforms hitting the door, let him know that they had some breathing room. "Right, off we go then! He said, and without further ado, ran like
hell, Samson following on behind.
The elevator hit the top of the shaft, and Bailey, Gary, and The Rage disembarked, and made for their rope lines. "Quick as you can fellas. The
others are just above us somewhere. God knows what fun THEY managed to find." They scaled their ropes, and hit the first floor level where they had
said good bye to the others. No sooner had they reeled in their deep lines, than frantic footsteps were heard issuing from the corridor that Samson
and Lemming had taken earlier.
"Boss! Get up those escape lines Boss, there are bloody hundreds of them directly up our tailpipes!" Lemming yelped. Samson just kept running. They
all hit the infiltration lines at the same moment, and started to ascend using a quickline system. They had cleared five of the fifteen feet required
to make good their escape, when a horde of War Form Rotted made it to the lines, and started to swing them side to side, spoiling the grip of the team
on their escape route."TR, KILL THEM ALL!" Bailey roared. The Rage's dull eyes came into full focus, his mouth turned from a befuddled 'O' to a
rictus grin, and then he dropped backward and head first off the line, spinning himself around his middle to land on the decking beneath.
"COME, COME MEET YOUR DEATH!" He screamed, launching himself bodily at a mob of War Forms. He smashed into them, spilling half a dozen of them off
the gantry, before leaping, spinning through the air, with his fingers turned to blades, the armoured gloves around which, he plunged through a skull,
a belly, a spine, he was lost then to the violence itself. That was the only problem with The Rage. Well... It was not nearly the only problem, but
that was the main one. There were two ways to recall The Rage from combat. One, would be in a body bag, and that had never come up. The other, was if
you were prepared to carry his exhausted carcass from the charnel house he had turned every fight he had ever been in, into. He created a one man
beachhead, and the others saluted him, and continued to ascend.
Four days had passed, and suit sensor logs and cameras had been scoured of all possible data, which had been passed to the city elders for analysis.
In shadowed rooms, connections were made, understandings achieved, things learned, others confirmed. No one knew what CDC stood for, what it really
meant, but the cocoons presence in close proximity to a radioactive source, and all in this clean facility, lead the engineers to the conclusion that
the Rot had been released deliberately, that it had been done on an industrial scale. The logicians were of unanimous opinion, that there must have
been more than one of those facilities. The next team that was sent out, dropped a MOAB down the hole, razing the entire thing from its subterranean
depths, to its shielded heights.
Doormen Team Gamma had returned safely, minus The Rage initially. He had shown up twenty four hours ago, having murdered every living thing he could
find, before his augmentations had taken over his body, and returned him to the cell in which he lived. He had shown up at the North gate, and merely
stood there until it opened. His suit cam revealed that the entire walk home, The Rot had avoided his path. For the first time in a long time, he
smiled at the guards at his door as he walked past clamped in irons, a smile of peace.