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Does Something Else Wake Up When We Go To Sleep??

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posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 03:16 PM
WOW so many interesting responses!

3am the "witching hour" id like to know more about this.

I have heard of the Russian sleep experiment, if real, it seems that the subjects became taken over and possessed by entities who needed the body to stay awake, to maintain their existence....or conversely it could have been some really good stimulant drugs they pumped into that chamber..

I also would like to hear more about these "astral" spiders...

I'm slowly realizing that yes...we are NOT the top of the food chain...there is always something else out there that eats YOU!


posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 05:32 PM
I have been an insomniac most of my life and haven't experienced anything like what you mentioned....however, when I do sleep and have nightmares, I often wake up wondering if "something" has either put that dream in my head or simply fed off of it once it came into being. I have had some really unsettling and horrific dreams and would wake up wondering...where on earth did that come from or wondering if/why my subconscious put forth such in my head/dream.

I've had dreams that were actually hard to wake up from and dreams where I'd wake up with my heart pounding and in a cold sweat. Sometimes, it would feel like the dreams occurred on purpose...somehow. Either from my own subconscious trying to empty out something that was bothering me or maybe my dream world actually being manipulated by "something" somehow. I know what you mean gives one pause. The dream world is so unusual and complex at times, I can't help but wonder what causes them, what causes the content, what makes them feel so real sometimes. I feel like negative dreams are a kind of "food" for something sometimes.

posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 05:46 PM
I *believe* that your experiences are merely because you are not used to being awake at odd hours or maybe even have some sort of "guilt" because of it. This is what I read between the lines, sort-of.

You are maybe more aware of your surroundings (or possibly also more "paranoid")....simply because it's an unusual time for you and your "experience" and see things in a different light as opposed to during busy day time.

I myself cannot have more odd hours, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am..I actually like those hours best, there is a different "energy" if you will.

Does sleep deprivation allow us to access a layer of reality, an ever present dimension that is usually hidden from our 5 senses?

Yes. ANY other, different state of consciousness allows access to another layer of reality (or "dimension", however you want to call it.) But whether this other reality is objectively "true" is a different story. After all, ALL reality is perceived and possibly "created" by our mind.

posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 07:20 PM
I want to share with you my experiences from the past month or so. I have been staying up lately working on assignments for school, sometimes until 5 or 6AM. The first thing I saw was a shadow, but unlike the shadows you see from peripheral, this one was directly in front of me on the ceiling. Soon after I noticed it there, it vanished.

On another night I was just getting into bed, and was about to fall asleep until I saw these orb type things flying across the room like really fast ping pong balls. I was a bit freaked out but at the same time I was astonished, they vanished after a couple of seconds. I also keep waking up at the same time, even if I hadn't been to sleep but an hour or two, I always wake up at 4:34 AM. I'll get up get a drink of water and go back to sleep.

But on one night a sound woke me up. I have heard about the "exploding head syndrome", I have experienced it and the past and know what it is. I've heard people yelling at me, conversations, etc. I heard two loud clunk sounds. I woke up confused, looked around and heard it once more. It sounded like someone was trying to wake me, right next to me. It was 4:34 AM.

The following day (later) I looked for a source for the noise but never found one. I researched the web about strange happenings at night, including devils hour/witching hour. Everything kinda fell together but with no explanation. Now here is where things get really weird. I decided to play the lottery pick three numbers of 434 after the noises. The drawing that night came up as: 424. Didn't win, but I have never been that close to winning anything.

Really enjoying the thread

posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: JustKeepSpiraling

Glad your enjoying the thread....I have have heard abduction reports where there is a "click" type sound that indicates the ETs presence is near and impending...perhaps these were the "clunk" sounds you heard?


posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

I think you should try some experiments.
Go to bed really early, around 5 pm and get up at 1 am for a week or so.

Then you will be very alert yet also awake during the "forbidden zone".
See if you still notice all of the "traffic".

edit on 15-9-2014 by FinalCountdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 08:37 PM
I used to listen to Art Bell years ago when the mood struck me.
During those early AM hours when you are normally asleep, the conscious filtering shuts down.
Sleep is natures way of cleaning up the filing cabinets.
Stay awake long enough instead of sleeping and you can hear the bustle in your hedgerow.

posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: Cauliflower
I used to listen to Art Bell years ago when the mood struck me.
During those early AM hours when you are normally asleep, the conscious filtering shuts down.
Sleep is natures way of cleaning up the filing cabinets.
Stay awake long enough instead of sleeping and you can hear the bustle in your hedgerow.

Yea that seems to be close to what Im experiencing....but still whether you are sleepy or wide awake...the middle of the night hours are interesting to say the never hear about things that go bump in the day...


posted on Sep, 16 2014 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: OrionsGem

I really think you are on to something. They say that 90% of people have entities attached to them and 30% of people are possesed and dont even know it. I think most people are unaware of what thoughts are theres, and what thoughts are stimulus from an emotion caused/elaborated by an entity. and thus being taken advantage of.

I think your guess of sleep deprivation minimized the veil between the seen and unseen is spot on.

I think that we have energies mooching off us all the time. Thats why its important to protect ourselves.

Good luck!

posted on Sep, 16 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Onion88

Yes but how do we protect ourselves? I always wondered why the rotation of the earth and the dynamics of our solar system were set up in a way as to always keep one half of humanity asleep. ..I wonder what kind of effect there would be on reality if all 6+billion people were awake at the same time?


posted on Sep, 16 2014 @ 05:12 PM
Interesting posts guys. I was thinking more on the lines of, it's night time and subconsciously you're more alert to things in the dark. Plus once you get your mind into thinking there's something there the "busy street" scenario you mentioned may kick in. We don't tend to notice the little things when it's daytime. It's not as "creepy" to hear a bang or see something out the corner of your eye.

I'm a believer in spirits - only because I truly know the things i've experienced can NOT be explained. But sometimes i think our brains can trick us - big time.

Sleeping is cool - but i sometimes have very bizarre dreams. I half wake up and see things - weird things. My mind is a strange place to be.

posted on Sep, 16 2014 @ 09:53 PM
If they make dreams to feed on, what happens to people who can lucid dream?

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 07:39 AM
If you really are seeing moving shadows and whatnot, maybe it's the shadow people. One of the shadow people, very prominently mentioned regularly, is also known as the "shadow hat man." A google search will give you plenty of info.

A previous poster mentioned it as well.

I've never seen them myself but it's apparently somewhat common. The hat man has a large round brimmed hat, trench coat, completely in shadow at all times, sometimes red glowing eyes.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: OrionsGem

if you are gonna dabble with spirits

you should make sure you dabble with the good ones, and of course for that to work, you yourself need to be good person

don't say nobody told you so

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 09:12 AM
here is my opinion :

I use to work shift work and so stay up all night, during these hours my mind def changed - i had deeper more irrational thoughts. I even had epiphanies about life, that only made sense in a sleep deprived state.

I remember one passing thought i had while trying to get to sleep at 5 am at my desk. I actually answered the reason of life.... in a visual form... it was kind of a straight line that was running into the distance, for some reason the meaning of life was to bend this line back onto itself... crazy stuff i know!

I believe i read some where that the greatest minds of our time slept very little, and had some of their best ideas when heavily sleep deprived...

Maybe depriving one of sleep releases '___' even when you are awake - kind of a way to alter ur perception without taking the drug and being full "conscious"

who knows.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem
I think you should get some sleep. Sleep orientates the minds state into this vibration, trust me you dont want to see what is on the other sides of the veils.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 10:23 PM
Honestly, I think it's just astral bodies of the people who are asleep at night, traveling around. You said it felt similar to being in the presence of other people - well, that's just what it is, only it's their astral bodies, while their physical bodies are asleep. In that sense, something does "wake up" when we go to sleep - our ability to travel out of body. There is more of that going on at night because that's when most people around you are asleep... that's my opinion.
edit on 17-9-2014 by BhayeB because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2014 by BhayeB because: just added a bit

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

Ahhh many call this time "The witching hour" when spirts and other entities are more active. I've woke up at 3am my entire life. I've also had more of the same feeling you have experienced at these later times. I always feel uneasy from around 1am-5am and mostly around 3am. I am so use to it now that I just either watch tv or go online and fall back asleep. I recently started sleep medication, first time in over ten years. It helps because I haven't been waking up.

I do think these night hours are a time when the unseen are more active. Is it because we are asleep or suppose to be? Is it because they feed off us in our sleep? I have no idea but I don't discount it.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:27 AM
Count me in with those that always wake up at 3 AM. I don't see entities, but I always wake up at that time, and usually have to get up and do stuff before I can go back to sleep. It doesn't seem to matter what time I go to bed. If I go to sleep at 9 PM or 1 AM, I will still awaken at 3. (which contradicts my original assumption of natural sleep cycles taking a specific amount of time).
edit on 18-9-2014 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

I do think these night hours are a time when the unseen are more active. Is it because we are asleep or suppose to be? Is it because they feed off us in our sleep? I have no idea but I don't discount it.

Dolphins rest one hemisphere of their brain at a time while the other hemisphere stays awake to keep them from drowning.
Could be something like that goes on with humans.

I went to bed last night thinking about a Greek laurel I had seen somewhere and forgotten. Woke up three hours later with Crosby, Stills and Nash lyrics "Southern Cross" running through my mind.

Maybe a different resonance like seven league boots?

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