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The 154 GB NARA Blue Book Archive

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posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: blackvault

Wheres your server site search engine, cant seem to find it, and wheres the Project blue book papers ?

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Squiip

think your talking about this bud

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Davg80

I have no problem finding the site, just not the server site search engine, he is talking about, but thanks

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: Squiip

Long story short, John Greenewald Jr. the owner of The Black Vault was a dick, and backstabbed the OP.

Basically John wanted some quick press to plug his website and make easy ad revenue off of the Blue Book docs that he downloaded from this thread. John gave an interview with OpenMinds, then the DailyMail picked up the story, and from there it started to explode. Unsurprisingly the OP -- who authored the FootnoteReap software to pull and compile all the Blue Book docs available in the Bittorrent Sync folder -- was conveniently never included in any of the interviews.

After the news started to get worldwide attention details started to come out that the documents were ripped from's private servers. Things quickly got too hot to handle. So Greenewald sold Xtraeme down the river and let the poor bastard OP take the fall (notice Xtraeme hasn't logged on since Jan 2015), all the while John and OpenMinds author Alejandro Rojas continued to do interviews with the BBC and the other major news sites, promoting themselves as freedom fighters responsible for the hard work of compiling the documents over 20 years of sending out FOIA requests. All of it being a massive heaping pile of bull, of course.

John readily confessed (lied is more like it) to the Ancestry lawyers saying he didn't know how the material was obtained. This was complete BS. Anyone can see just reading through this thread that Greenewald clearly knew where the original docs came from.

Then the ultimate joke, two weeks later after John was done milking the free publicity, to limit his liability and prevent himself from being sued, Greenewald decided to take the Blue Book documents offline claiming was a "bad guy" for demanding recognition for the thousands of man-hours they put in to scanning the 130,000 NARA documents on their own dime. John deleted the docs, the website, and then wrote a faux "I'm a VICTIM blog-spam" post vainly trying to make himself look like a martyr and soak up whatever last little bit of press he could get by implying the government and the big bad corporations were somehow oppressing him. That is the long and short of it anyways.

TL;DR John rips off documents, claims them as his own, gets global press attention, blames original guy for shenanigans (getting the OP sued or who knows what), destroys the docs to cover his ass, and finally rides off in to the sunset pretending he's a great FOIA crusader.

This is why you can't find the website or the docs because John imploded the entire project.

He wins. We lose.

edit on 20-7-2016 by TheMalefactor because: fixing links

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