posted on Sep, 14 2014 @ 12:56 AM
My My, the jeans have certainly taken themselves on a adventure while I was out! Even some of their close cousins (girdles) have a story of dance and
run... Goodness, that ought to have been a sight, and bonus 2 shows at that
Oh man not the ol fork in the zipper pull and catch all... And we all know that truly does mean "Catch All!"
Personally, I think I would like to hear the brothers tales of his memories. How about you ladies?
Not sure how to tackle this ... um... ego, tight Jeans??? Unbeknownst to the wearer, Camel Toe... oh nooooooooo...
Alex? I'll take fork and zipper catch all for 500 please... Heck with that.
Cant have jeans without rap. They do kind of go together I suppose
Yes, I concur, the butter was nasty but funny at the same time... One of those ewwww moments
Last but not least, that is one thing I love about being old. You can wear "comfortable jeans" and no one really notices, and bonus, you get to feel
skinny too!
Have I mentioned I love the stories so far
edit on 9/14/14 by onehuman because: typo