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FACEBOOK demanding Photo I.D to re-access my account? Anyone else?

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+10 more 
posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:43 PM
Ladies and Gentlment,

The social network and CIA data-mining operation we all call "Facebook" has taken it to a new level in my books. I would appreciate it if anyone else who has encountered similar situation could offer some advise.

1. I use an acronym for my surname on Facebook. This is to keep people from finding me or requesting to be friends that I dont want. I have my own little social circle of friends and thats it.

2. a Month ago Facebook closed my account and requested I changed my screen name to my proper I just added an extra letter to my acronym I use instead of my surname and they let me back on.

3. This morning my account closed and I received this message:
Screen Shot of Facebook request

In order to proceed then next screen asks you to upload a file copy of your identification in order for Facebook to verify who you are.

Why? Why does Facebook have to verify who I am? I am not doing anything illegal or wrong.

I have been pretty active and vocal on various Facebook discussion groups and News Media Facebook pages the last 2 days in regards to the "911 - dont beleive the official story" kind of topics. So Im wondering if I have been reported or something.

Anyway, I beleive having to provide my identification is WRONG, UNWARRANTED, and an INVASION ON MY PERSONAL RIGHTS.

Facebook is not a Banking organisation, I am not trying to get a loan, it is not a Police Law Enforcement Agency and I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PROVE WHO I AM.

Thats like ATS requesting all members submit a Photo ID to verify they are real people behind the made-up is just unjust.

4. Anyway, instead of uploading a photo I.D, I wrote a letter and saved it as an image file and uploaded the following instead:

Dear Facebook,
The request by yourself for me to upload proof of my identity in order for me to access my Facebook account again , I beleive is an infringement on my individual rights, and my right to use a different surname in order to protect myself somewhat from all the trolls out there.

I have not caused any issues on Facebook and Facebook is not a Banking Institution or a Law Enforcement Organisation where proof of my identification is required. I am not a terrorist or a threat to anyone in anyway, and therefore I dont beleive that I should have to submit to this request.

So unless you can prove otherwise, and can justify your request for me to submit identification, I beleive your request is invalid, it is an infringement, and an unreasonable request. I know of many people out there not using their real names and have never been questioned about this.

If this has anything to do with any political posts I may have made, shared, or commented on, that are against the grain of public opinion or what society has been led to beleive is true, then please state so, man-up, and call it what it is. I would appreciate it if a Facebook representative could contact me on my email address with a phone number so we could discuss this in person. else Mark Zuckerberg and his CIA "data-mining"accomplices can go and suck on a fresh one!

As my little protest to their request.

Would appreciate any advice and opinions on this matter....has anyone else encountered similar?
edit on 12/9/14 by Melbourne_Militia because: Correcting grammar.

+22 more 
posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Melbourne_Militia

Best advice from me to you is:

Get rid of Facebook.

Betch you saw that coming.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Melbourne_Militia
Wow, you still belong to Face Book. Traitor.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:50 PM
I have heard about this and you are not alone. Transgendered and Drag queens are dealing with the same issue, where they are being told that they can not use their stage names.

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Melbourne_Militia
Facebook T&C's state that you must use your real name in order to use their free service. If you don't like the rules, don't play the game, IMHO.

Disclosure: I have no Facebook account, or desire one for precisely that reason. The people that need to find me can do so without Facebook or their crappy service, while selling my details and information to 3rd parties. Obviously other people's mileage may vary but I hated FB from the start, but then again, I knew what it was really about, namely amassing a global database of immense financial and strategic value to governments and corporations alike.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Melbourne_Militia
Ladies and Gentlment,

The social network and CIA data-mining operation we all call "Facebook" has taken it to a new level in my books. I would appreciate it if anyone else who has encountered similar situation could offer some advise.

1. I use an acronym for my surname on Facebook. This is to keep people from finding me or requesting to be friends that I dont want. I have my own little social circle of friends and thats it.

2. a Month ago Facebook closed my account and requested I changed my screen name to my proper I just added an extra letter to my acronym I use instead of my surname and they let me back on.

3. This morning my account closed and I received this message:
Screen Shot of Facebook request

In order to proceed then next screen asks you to upload a file copy of your identification in order for Facebook to verify who you are.

Why? Why does Facebook have to verify who I am? I am not doing anything illegal or wrong.

I have been pretty active and vocal on various Facebook discussion groups and News Media Facebook pages the last 2 days in regards to the "911 - dont beleive the official story" kind of topics. So Im wondering if I have been reported or something.

Anyway, I beleive having to provide my identification is WRONG, UNWARRANTED, and an INVASION ON MY PERSONAL RIGHTS.

Facebook is not a Banking organisation, I am not trying to get a loan, it is not a Police Law Enforcement Agency and I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PROVE WHO I AM.

Thats like ATS requesting all members submit a Photo ID to verify they are real people behind the made-up is just unjust.

4. Anyway, instead of uploading a photo I.D, I wrote a letter and saved it as an image file and uploaded the following instead:

Dear Facebook,
The request by yourself for me to upload proof of my identity in order for me to access my Facebook account again , I beleive is an infringement on my individual rights, and my right to use a different surname in order to protect myself somewhat from all the trolls out there.

I have not caused any issues on Facebook and Facebook is not a Banking Institution or a Law Enforcement Organisation where proof of my identification is required. I am not a terrorist or a threat to anyone in anyway, and therefore I dont beleive that I should have to submit to this request.

So unless you can prove otherwise, and can justify your request for me to submit identification, I beleive your request is invalid, it is an infringement, and an unreasonable request. I know of many people out there not using their real names and have never been questioned about this.

If this has anything to do with any political posts I may have made, shared, or commented on, that are against the grain of public opinion or what society has been led to beleive is true, then please state so, man-up, and call it what it is. I would appreciate it if a Facebook representative could contact me on my email address with a phone number so we could discuss this in person. else Mark Zuckerberg and his CIA "data-mining"accomplices can go and suck on a fresh one!

As my little protest to their request.

Would appreciate any advice and opinions on this matter....has anyone else encountered similar?

This bit of information makes me much happier that I removed myself from that retched "social network" as it is called, more like a spy network. Anyways I too was vocal often times about my own distrust of the government and police forces, which invariably had landed me on the watch list and as such cannot leave the country without a thorough search and I am often subject to police brutality when my name comes up on record due to my perceived threat level. I'm not saying this to sound courageous or anything of the sort but rather to warn you that agencies are very much watching what is posted on social media, I have also had a friend of mine pulled off the street and questioned at gun point regarding my whereabouts and have had friends often tell me they've been stopped and had police ask them of my whereabouts..but that is best left for another thread perhaps
edit on 12-9-2014 by threeeyesopen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:54 PM
No account here, thankfully, so I have no advice but this: I've watched that site go from a fun way to stay in touch with your friends to a complete invasion of your personal information. Screw that....I think it's time for you to wave bye-bye. Seriously.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver

I don't use my real name

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Melbourne_Militia

From my quick search you can also verify your facebook account via text messages. ATS is different because there is supposed to be anonymity, whereas facebook is supposed to represent a real person...hence using your real name.

There are other ways to keeping unwanted people from adding you in the privacy settings. Even if someone sends you a friend request you still have to accept to become their friend.

From the help section of facebook:
"Why do I need to upload and send my ID?

We require everyone using Facebook to use their real name and birthday. This way, you always know who you're connecting with. When we discover accounts that look fake or like they’re using fake information, we ask the owner to verify that they are who they say they are.

In most cases, the easiest way to verify your identity is to follow the on-screen steps to enter your mobile phone number and request a code.

If you can't verify your identity using your mobile number, you'll need to provide a copy of your photo ID.
This could be a scanned copy or a close-up photo you've taken. We'll permanently delete this document after we resolve your issue. Review what types of IDs we accept."

With the kind of scamming that happens on facebook, it doesn't surprise me that they deactivated your account for violation the T&C.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: Melbourne_Militia

I got tossed off of Facebook in 2010 for saying how useless the TSA was in stopping a hijacking attempt. It was a closed discussion between 5 of my like minded friends and we even gave a warning to the TSA that 5 people could each carry pieces of a device onto a jet freely and put it together, their system wouldn't catch them.
10 minutes later account closed, no response to emails. It was a good thing in hindsight.
edit on 9/12/2014 by AnteBellum because: spelling

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:01 PM
I don't use my real name in either of my accounts,

edit on 063030p://bFriday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:01 PM
I have used a fake name on Facebook since the beginning. At first only to screen potential friend requests and then because they sold my "information" to 3rd party groups. Go right ahead and sell it... that person does not exist.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: CoherentlyConfused
No account here, thankfully, so I have no advice but this: I've watched that site go from a fun way to stay in touch with your friends to a complete invasion of your personal information. Screw that....I think it's time for you to wave bye-bye. Seriously.

I agree.....before facebook there was that other similar page everyone used that didnt last long. Forget now what it was called by facebook seemed to come up and out of nowhere and became so popular so quickly it wasnt funny.

But yes, it has gone from bad to worse. It can be entertaining, yu can keep infront of breaking news stories and some of the interest groups are great to keep abreast with people on like minded topics......but this I.D requirement is a bloody joke.

Threeyeopen, I would appreciate it if you could take the time to explain the incident/scenario you explained.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:02 PM
I do not use my real name on Facebook but a shortened version and have 2 false names but have not come across this yet ,not that i ever use it much .

Me think's you should be carefull get on twitter etc with fake account's and screw facebook
they are so 2004

s&f for bringing this up

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:02 PM
With respect, and I mean no offense to you here....but it is their site, if they require people to use their real names, and even send ID to prove it (not photo ID, just the usual sort of ID), then that is their call.

If you want to use their services, sadly you have to follow their rules.

Again, I'm not having a pop at you, to some extent I agree, but I say it as I see it.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
I have used a fake name on Facebook since the beginning. At first only to screen potential friend requests and then because they sold my "information" to 3rd party groups. Go right ahead and sell it... that person does not exist.

am old school Internet where everyone used aliases,

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:09 PM
Facebook requires you to use your real name so other people can not pretend to be you or other people. With as so many people using Facebood scamming people while pretending to be other people is common. It also provides Facebook with legal protection so they can say they are doing something about it. So that is why it is a rule. If you do not like it do not use it.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:14 PM

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:18 PM
I have three fake names that I use to move ahead in Candy Crush without having to pay or beg other people to send me a "ticket" when I need one. DONT JUDGE ME!

All three names are plays off of what I use here. They are extremely easy to tell that it could not possibly be a real name. None of those three have ever been asked to show ID. I never log into them but once every few months or so and have never posted with them. They are just idle.

Maybe you posted something they didn't like? It's their sandbox, their rules. As sad as that is to say... Play the game or take your ball and go home. It's the only thing you can do. I can tell you this... I would NEVER give my ID for any of the (in total) 4 names I have registered.

The only reason I maintain an account at all is for Candy Crush (I said don't judge me). But I have on occasion posted some pretty inflammatory things and never had an issue.
edit on 9/12/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Melbourne_Militia

Facebook sucks. I had an account since 2008 and one day I logged in and it was "deactivated" with a link to their "terms and conditions" where it said, "you are required to use your real name". I had used a psuedonym for as long as I had that account. That was an attempt to avoid being stalked/trolled by the gazillion stalkers on facebook (btw, it did not work).

So anyway, long story short. They deactivated my account (with NO option to provide an ID or to change my name). So I created an account with my real name and still I see several fake trolls on there that still have their accounts.

Once again, Facebook sucks.

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