a reply to:
First off, if not already established, this guy is lieing. It never ceases to amaze me on ATS, tho I've been away for a while, how many people have
such specialist knowledge about things that I can always learn something here, but the same group of people cannot pick out obvious lies, cringeworthy
BS, despite it smacking them in the face. And I say that after these photos were meant to be released, and I bet we're all still waiting.
I actually think it's great 9/11 is still being debated so long as it's for the right reasons. The truthers seem to be from the New Generation so to
me that says people ARE waking up and it's heartening. I actually think it's the people who still want to argue with truthers quoting a 13 year old
pantomime OS that can't let go. Maybe there are agendas, who knows. Tho if there are STILL people worried enough to be working that side, it makes me
worry how big this actually was, maybe we'll find out one day.
As for what did happen on 9/11, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what didn't happen and I'll tell you why.
First, when I look at something to try to work out the facts, the first question I have is;
Is the version of events as im being told them actually POSSIBLE, thus allowing for possible facts?
On 9/11 the official story is so wildly improbable as to allow me fair comfort in stating, it's highly likely impossible the events could have
unfolded as is claimed.
Because too many extremely unlikely (on any other day ever) things had to happen for the OS to be true. In fact, not only did they have to happen at
all, they had to happen AT THE SAME TIME, IN THE SAME CITY, ON THE SAME DAY. Nope, sorry. Bull#.
Pilots experienced with the planes have scoffed at it being possible to do what was done.
The first buildingS (Note PLURAL) of their kind to fall from fire EVER.
Not only ONE first building of it's kind to fall from fire fell but TWO, of a two building set, fell, from fire, the first EVER.
The Buildings, the kind that burn and never fall from fire, were also designed to WITHSTAND impacts from planes taking into account the airliner.
The defence for the airspace had gone on a training program keeping them occupied while this happened.
BUILDING SEVEN (which really is all you ever actually need to talk about to know deep down the OS is just ludicrous) also falls. There is absolutely
no reason for it to fall point one. Larry Silverstein has already told EVERYONE the decision was made to PULL IT. If Building Seven was pulled as
everybody has been told, and as is obvious by the video of it falling, prior knowledge of it going (proven bY the BBC reporting it had fallen BEFORE
it did) if that building was pulled, it was rigged to go PRIOR to 9/11, it was done with Larry Silversteins knowledge as he was privvy to the defision
to pull it being made, and the only reason they rigged it was to pull it or why bother. Either they got lucky with the occurrence of 9/11 despite it
being IMPOSSIBLE to plan for (unless having knowledge of the event prior to it happening, say if a friendly government top dog had signed off on it in
the first place), or Silverstein (the leaseholder for the WTC buildings), was a big part in the planning committee.
For Larry Silverstein and friends, the loss of building seven was not only somewhat convenient owing to what was housed there, but also a nice little
earner. Incredibly, only very recently, the very same man had negotiated a HUGE insurance policy covering specifically acts of terrorism and the use
of aeroplanes in such acts. Building Seven being pulled and a few non sheeple asking questions that needed ignoring could be coped with for Billions
of Dollars. That's exactly how it played out.
The first time a president of ANY COUNTRY hearing of such a catastrophe going on inside his boundaries, makes the decision reading books with 5 year
olds is the necessary first course of action.
All of these events were masterminded by a man people had only been told about but never heard or seen. A FAMILY MEMBER of the Bin Laden's, an
enormously wealthy family from Saudi Arabia, who just so happen to be huge contributers to the US economy, backers for the President G W Bush's early
career forays into business ownership, and essentially huge Bush family friends. (Not to mention flown out of the country immediately on the only
flights allowed to take off in the 9/11 aftermath). VERY VERY UNLIKELY TO VE RIDICULOUS.
The scheming Bin Laden, Usama, did all this by relaying information about the biggest terrorist attack in history to two pilots who apparently when
sighted by trainers, were considered unskilled and not very adequate. However, not only was the attack entrusted onto them, they pulled it off with
sharp 180s in their form and skill. Using maneuvers retired pilots state impossible, at least three planes apparently pulled off their wild plans to a
perfection that would put into action a whole heap of other history, physics, and mind defying feats of IMPOSSIBLES in the hours to come.
Oh, and Bin Laden created and called for this plan without setting foot into the US.
The MSM had him nailed on for the attack within 24hrs despite the only reports of substance saying he had categorically denied the attack. Again, a
first. Real terrorists are proud of their carnage. The terrorist who had just concocted the biggest # THE US in history, carried it off with stunning
results, and for a laugh, had even had the balls to use pilots who weren't very good with planes, usually, you would think, would be crying with
laughter as he claimed such a monstrous victory but he denied it. And yet he was deemed guilty anyway with information gathered in less than 24 hrs,
non of which had even been sniffed by the intelligence agencys beforehand. Yeah, OK.
Building Seven was practically empty as most agencies had advised their staff not to fly or come in to work that day. UGH
Ok, I'm bored now. I realise most won't even bother trying, but I hope one or two get my point.
OS or biggest cover up and FF in history?
Bearing in mind in my opinion if the OS is BS (which it is), so many lies have been told to reach it, it's kbvous then who actually did it, this is
absolutely FALSE FLAG.
The OS is simply NOT POSSIBLE. You would have to stretch the limit of acceptance to be ok with just one of the things I outline, but to accept all of
of these completely ridiculous things as actual events that happened together, one after the other, with no input from the TPTB, (or much input) is
absolutely mind boggling. NOT POSSIBLE. Didn't happen that way. You are NOT awake.
And I'll leave you with this
With such a MONUMENTAL piece of horrendous history playing out almost live to every single home worldwide, everyone watching in awe, in shock, in
Because, as you know, when they don't want us to look, they give all of us something else to look at!