a reply to:
Not knowing the case, or whether there really even is a case (not planning to research it at this time), I can offer some possibilities.
1) The obvious. Past incarnation / astral world memories being transferred to this incarnation's consciousness (I know that what people call
'sub-consciousness' without really understanding what they speak of, has a part in all this, but I want to keep the explanations simple)
2) Enhanced capacities - waking up things that normally exist in latent form in most people, until they are invoked / awakened. Chakra manipulation
can cause this, spiritual cultivation and old spiritual age opens up these portals of energy and knowledge. How your soul accesses different planes
through different brains is a delicate mechanism, and can be disturbed easily. By 'different brains', I actually mean 'the same brain in different
planes', the lowest of which is the physical, and the highest of which I am not completel sure of, but which includes things like 'astral brain' and
'etheric brain'.
3) Using the 'holographic nature' of time to enhance and speed up learning and experiences (from this side's perspective). There are tales of people,
who have lost their consciousness for a few seconds or minutes, and then 'came back', not believing what they are seeing, taking a really long time to
reorientate. And the reason, according to their own explanations, is, that they lived a 'whole lifetime' somewhere else, they grew up and got a family
and all that, and it was a really enormous amount of time - and then suddenly, they are in this weird place, everyone staring at them, and their
family is no more. I have experienced something similar when we did some 'fainting experiments' as teens. The feeling is like coming to an alien world
after a long time of normal life. I encourage watching some 'Salvia' user videos in youtube, especially the one, where the user later explains
something very similar, and can't believe that one simple plant could have caused something so life-changing.
4) Using an 'astral version' of some of the devices that the Extra-Terrestrial humans use for fast learning of languages and cultures, memorizing
information and all that. It has been said it takes about an hour for a typical visitor to learn pretty much any language of Earth, though it has
also been said that they achieve true fluency and completely perfect pronunciation only after working on Earth within the culture that uses said
language, in everyday basis. But perhaps he also lived in 'astral-China' during his coma.
Well, these are the things I can think of right now (I'd say "from the top of my head", but .. my thoughts do not come from my head, let alone the top
of it, let alone the top of the physical part of it - head of any vibration frequency (etheric, astral, mental, causal or physical) is just a tool for
the soul, which is where my thoughts come from, so I can't really use that odd saying with wisdom - so many Earth sayings are like this, unusable to
any honest individual)..
.. I am sure others can think of more explanations. But it doesn't necessarily mean a past incarnation - it can be ANY of a multitude of possible
explanations. We don't really know, until we investigate and research, and truly know what -actually- happened.
I don't have enough interest to go that far (not that I could anyway, as long as I am trapped by the physical body and the circumstances I am
imprisoned within), but perhaps others can take off from here (is there a saying like this? English is not my first language).
But yeah, it would be way more impressive, if he hadn't already learned mandarin in this incarnation.. that sort of dilutes the whole thing (but at
the same time, makes it more honest - or maybe it has been calculated to do it, exactly like the PUAs use the 'almost right' for bigger effect in
their 'cold readings' and other nonsense, instead of the 'exact number', which would be immediately more suspicious - if you get it slightly wrong,
you can't be a con man, can you? Surely anyone wanting to deceive people would be able to get it right.. so it can't be a trick! Or that's the
psychological effect of such a gimmick).
edit on 13-9-2014 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)