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Next Level BS #2: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, From a Journalist's Point of View

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posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

it's naive of Knapp to ignore the fact that any governing super power who conducts a false flag attack and the like would concentrate the majority of their efforts in suppressing any incriminating evidence against them. Though it's also possible he's withholding his true thoughts to appease his corporate superiors.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 02:24 AM
Knapp's proffesion should be not overlooked. I know some international journalists. They have extremely immense experience in international affairs, politics, economics along with excellent knowledge of human nature. They also know where to look for the answers. Its their investigative nature that earns them money.

Hence, their view should not be ignored or dismissed. It's a valuable take on the entire 9/11 affair.
Also, the man is just expressing his opinion and instaneously gets flak for doing it. Sheesh. Did he say anywhere that his opinion about 9/11 is the only truth? No. He stated his opinion. It would be great if opinions of everyone, not only the conspiracy believers, were honored.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: theNLBS

This is an extremely good show.
Very shareable because it is level-headed and well organized.

A+ effort, I look forward to the next episode.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:37 AM
What makes me think this is a conspiracy is that the BBC was reporting on the collapse of WTC7 even before it had collapsed?

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 08:22 AM
I would have liked to hear his perspective on the implications of Bush and Cheney hiding from the investigation.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 09:15 AM
Watching that last bit made me a bit teary.
The guy who carried that girl down 68 flights of stairs...humanity at its best.
Kudos to the New York City fire department and the New York City police and to everyone who helped another person that day.
On days like that,humanity shines.
(look at the silver lining to the cloud and not at the darkness in it)

Also,I love George Knapp.
Thumbs up on a good job guys.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: freedom12

Click here for more information.

It's sad to say but everyone has to protect their job really who wants to be blackballed?
There's so many unanswered questions about 911 and I feel until they get another true investigation by trusted people any and all conspiracies are up for grabs.
By the government staying silent and lying they have created this mess.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: theNLBS

I felt like George was referring to Alex when he talked about some “conspiracy theorists” who wanted to sell something.

I also think it was interesting when he referenced Building 7’s collapse as questionable.

I don’t however agree with you when you said that both the government’s explanation and the online conspiracy theories are bullsh*t. We know that the government is full of NLBS but the online community has been responsible for a lot of what we now know to be 9/11 Truth.

Not “conspiracy theories” but plausible alternative theories. I agree that some of the online theories are less than believable, they may even be disinfo but lets be honest, the Popular Mechanics book you flashed, “Debunking 9/11 Myths”, is complete and total NLBS.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

I do not post often. A believable scenario indeed Skeptic. I do think the outlandish theories whitewash the reasonable ones.

The best NLBS so far. This is becoming something to look forward too.Thanks.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:45 PM
Great video as always.

No one ever wants to discuss the very simple theory that on 9/11 the US got caught bent over with its pants squarely down in the midst of post cold-war complacency and got a very painful kick in the ass (suicide hi-jacks) that bought about some unexpected results (the tower collapses)

Instead people need to invent a whole host of other reasons why/how it happened instead, because they are too scared to understand/admit that such a thing is possible, because they see the US as being somehow untouchable.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: neformore
Great video as always.

No one ever wants to discuss the very simple theory that on 9/11 the US got caught bent over with its pants squarely down in the midst of post cold-war complacency and got a very painful kick in the ass (suicide hi-jacks) that bought about some unexpected results (the tower collapses)

Instead people need to invent a whole host of other reasons why/how it happened instead, because they are too scared to understand/admit that such a thing is possible, because they see the US as being somehow untouchable.

I fail to see how understanding the government of the US has fallen into the hands of Nazi spooks and corporations owing allegiance to no country and willing to commit terror on any and all persons, regardless of nationality, translates into being too scared to call out the bastards who really did it...

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 07:45 PM
What an excellent episode!

Knapp is a class act. I liked how this interview was conducted. 9/11, so many questions remain unanswered after all those years but it still is a pinch to the heart to see footage from the attack.

Personally, I believe that incompetence brought 9/11 to happen. There was a lot of chatter of intelligence before it happened but no one followed through.

And like with any other tragedy that could serve their agendas, the gubments were frantically in a " convenient..." situation to implement changes that would alter the way we lived forever. I absolutely agree with Knapp on that point.

But some conspiracies, or I would prefer to call them dissimulation of information, remain. Flight 93 comes to mind.

Anyway, Joe, kepp em' coming. I love these and you're doing great !

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: neformore
Great video as always.

Instead people need to invent a whole host of other reasons why/how it happened instead, because they are too scared to understand/admit that such a thing is possible, because they see the US as being somehow untouchable.

Funny you should say that. The BBC did a 9/11 full length documentary, then did another one, to address issues to make sure that WTC7 fell according to the NIST cartoon of events since the first one was not up to par. Looking again at George Knapp's interview, and at the four minute mark he mentions no one doing a full length expose because everything is so flimsy, yet and all, this week the old Discovery Channel? full length documentary has been trotted out yet again, even though certain aspects have since been fairly disproved, that documentary was a kind of invention in itself, as was the BBC's reinvention documentary, except in those cases, it was to make the official story 'true'.
The idea that people need to invent alternative reasons, (something discussed in the Discovery documentary very singularly) is to me rubbish and especially the idea that any country is invulnerable, and it's been that way most definitely since the end of WW2.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 09:05 AM
It seems that it may not be good for Knapp's career if he states anything other than the OS.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 09:59 AM
Ironically, FOX News aired this.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: totallackey

Case in point.

You can't comprehend that it may simply have happened the way it did, and want to deflect the blame elsewhere.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlorda reply to: SkepticOverlordI like your refreshing muse that the neocons simply directed others to "make something happen" and I think something like this did actually occur. But we are faced with two opposites here: one, the Official Conspiracy Theory in which they were in complete bumbling ignorance of the 9/11 plot -- and two, an absurdly evil level of awareness in which the Bush Administration directly orders the death of 3,000 people. I do not subscribe to either of these.

It really is a quandary. To absolve the neocons of all awareness leaves major questions unanswered, such as why in June 2001 for the first time in aviation history base commanders were stripped of direct authority to scramble jets for civilian aircraft; why all the drills; and why would the Pentagon plane execute a complicated turn to strike the one section of the building that had recently been renovated to better withstand -- perhaps -- a plane? And how to resolve the bizarre testimony of Transportation Secretary Mineta on Cheney's terse response to the query "Ten miles out... Do the orders still stand...?"

But then again to involve them with the whole operation is absurd, too. There are people capable of planning such a heinous crime out there. I am no fan of theirs but by my own psychological "read" of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz they are NOT CAPABLE of signing off on 9/11 as it unfolded.

Which is why I came up with an alternate scenario. It is described in this one page thread Layered Scenario, see the four "Hocus Locus" posts there... which I invite everyone to take a gander and consider.

The idea is that the neocons were after their Pearl Harbor event as envisioned by PNAC, and they instructed others to "make it so". The 9/11 event would consist of a single plane into the Pentagon. There would be minimal civilian casualties, targeting the reinforced and sparsely populated section might not even penetrate the structure (they may have been told)... and it would be more than sufficient to let loose the dogs of war.

In order to accomplish this Pentagon attack they had to create a condition where there would be plausible reasons for failing to intercept the plane. Diverting fighters cross-country, having multiple drills running, and the change in scramble policy were steps they took to ensure that the Pearl Harbor event would succeed.

So on the morning of 9/11 they had prepared for the Pentagon-only hit, which was supposed to be a complete surprise.

But unknown to them, others had fleshed out the operation to become the event we all witnessed on that day. And as the neocons are counting down the minutes, their anxious fidgeting is interrupted as others tune into television news from New York. The Real Planners of 9/11 hit Manhattan first.

Imagine the shock of betrayal and horror they would be feeling as they watched the North Tower burn ~50 minutes before their own Pearl Harbor event. The Real Planners no doubt would be in possession of evidence that would prove complicity, and who would ever believe them if they admitted foreknowledge of the Pentagon attack but claimed no knowledge of the planes that struck the towers?

Deeply screwed, their souls bought and paid for. These neocons had confidently been playing the stormcrow with a series of prescient remarks leading up to 9/11. They were each prepared to seize the day and had it all planned out in their heads. When a pure-military target is hit commanders are expected to react publicly in anger. But those mental speeches of fiery indignation were now uncomfortable and inappropriate in light of this new development.

Therefore under this scenario it is easy for me to imagine Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz acting out of character on that day as they did: mumbling, confused and listless. Rumsfeld even out of touch with his own staff for a time.

If he making a phone call... who answered?

Under this scenario, which I believe is what happened, every action of the Bush Administration regarding the Middle East since then has been directed by the Real Planners of 9/11 under threat of blackmail. A puppet regime.

And who is the architect of the innermost layer, who enhanced their Pearl Harbor operation to include the Towers? Perhaps... a State Actor who would greatly benefit from US military intervention.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: HocusLocus

That's a really interesting scenario. I kind of want to go back and re-research everything with this context in mind and see if it can help make sense of some of the oddities and contradictions in both the "official" theory and in all of the "conspiracy" theories.

It's certainly a possible way to make sense of President Bush's initial response in the classroom in Sarasota, and maybe also the lack of Secret Service response there.

Thanks -- to both you and Skeptic Overlord -- for some great thoughts to explore more deeply.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 06:03 PM
all 3 buildings were laced with explosives that is the only way they could free fall it also explains all the explosions heard by civilians and firemen, the question we should be asking is did Osama bin laden lace 3 buildings with explosives?

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 11:08 PM
Ia reply to: neformore

I just think that it looked so perfect the way both buildings came down. And then the third building the administration building collapsed too and it was not hit by a plane. The towers were designed back in the mid 60"s. I heard the surviving architect out of three speak , he was quite old. He said the towers were designed to wistand a commercial aircraft impact and the fire afterwards.

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