posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 01:57 PM
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This is a dramatic interpretation of a monologue performed by a character in one of Ayn Rand's books named John Galt. He is a protagonist of sorts
who gathers together all of the most intelligent inventors and businesspeople from the United States in order to create a Utopian society in the
mountains of Colorado, shielded from detection by a cloaking device. The "we" he is speaking of are the objective thinkers and proactive producers
who revolutionize life on this planet for everyone else. The "I" of course is himself, John Galt.
The premise of the book is that people who buck the system and try to invent new things are treated as heretics by the puritans in their society and
thus instead of suffering along with their torments, they should abandon them wholesale to be consigned to a path of auto-annihilation.
I can agree that many of our most immediate responses are imprinted into us before we even possess any semblance of self awareness, but there are
strategies for dealing with these conditions. One thing I did was a modified version of some of the psychological deprogramming methods that L.Ron
Hubbard designed for his cult. Some of them are actually effective consciousness expanding mechanisms that did allow me to disassociate from myself
enough to begin to observe the difference between self and other within my own impulses and opinions.
There was a rogue agent from within Scientology called the Pilot who pirated many of their teachings and made them available for the entire internet.
99% of what Hubbard taught was really borrowed techniques from eastern schools of philosophy mixed in with a lot of his more zany ideologies. Given
that most mystics have a pearls before swine attitude of the uninitiated, Dianetics is relatively transparent and accessible to the novice by
comparison. You can learn from almost anyone. Kabbalists, Mormons, Sufis, Hindus, you just have to be careful. Take everything piecemeal. Test it out.
Find out in what way is it useful for your purposes and put the parts that you appreciate in your toolbox for future utilization, disregarding the
I would say this: the will has an awesome way of manifesting itself into reality when it is brought into present awareness often enough. If you simply
said to yourself once per hour, I want to decondition myself from the crap my parents did to me, that would probably be enough to seed within yourself
the kinds of interests that will drive you on a path of discovery towards the keys to unlocking that exact possibility. It takes a lot of work from
you. It isn't some magical solution the way that modern New Agers want to make it out to be, but desire is the primary agent which drives all of the
future efforts and outcomes.