Cmon bro... listen to yourself! Getting all sappy about a chick. "But I love her!" No, you just want to boink her. You know Im right. But theres
nothing wrong with that. You Should want to boink her! The reason youre not is because youre not being a man about it. You let "love" get in the
way... love can come later! After you take care of whats important. Showing her that youre a man so she will desire you.
In order for love to happen, she has to desire you, right? And how can she desire you if she doesnt know you are a man? A man stands up for what is
right, stands up for what he believes in, and isnt afraid of the repurcussions. You MIGHT have already messed things up with this girl, who knows?
Luckily there will be another you can set your sights on before long.
You said you shouldve told her that you loved her or had feelings for her or whatever... well, sure, but you dont just tell a girl that kind of thing
verbally, by talking with your mouth. No, you tell her with your Actions. Look in the mirror when youre done reading this... there is a man in there
somehwere. Now look at yourself. Are you a man or a mouse? You're a man, right? Well what kind of man are you then? The kind who sits around talking
all day about what youre gonna do? Or a man of action who goes out to take what he wants while the others sit around talking about it?
A man of action would wait for the right moment, when you two are alone, or nobody is looking at least, and pull her close and lay a kiss right smack
on the lips. If she struggles or pushes you away, dont force her into it. Youre not a rapist for f#s sake! But that right there will let her know how
you feel about her real quick. And if she kisses you back, then its like you are practically already bf/gf. Dont assume this though. You still have to
ask her to be your gf...
Dont be afraid of any of this. The best that can happen is you get what you wanted, she gets what she wanted, everyones happy. The worst that happens
is...whats already hapoening to you right now anyways. But what will everyone think after they find out you tried to kiss her and she rejected you??
Who gives a damn?! Just say "What? I thought she was minda cute, so I kissed her/tried to kiss her?" Youre a hetero male right? Thats what we do!
Its been shoved down our throat that theres nothing wrong with being gay, and that may be true, but theres also nothing wrong with being Not gay, or
hetero. Be proud to be hetero! We are the reason humanity has continued for over a hundred thousand years! Dont ever let anyone make you feel shame
for making a sexual advancement on a female. She may not want what you are offering and if thats the case, dont be rude about it. Be a gentleman and
apologize. But dont feel any shame. If another man tries to give you a hard time about any of your failures, give him a hard time right back. At least
you were brave enough to give it your best shot!
Love is the ultimate goal, sure, but dont start falling in love before you even know what her lips taste like! And how is she gonna know if she loves
you or not until you make a move and she can see how you would be as a lover and not just a friend. You gave her your friend mode, so she was still
waiting to see what you would be like as a lover because you never showed her that side of yourself. Maybe you dont even know what that side of you
looks like. I suggest you get over your fears and find out. The sooner you know the sooner you can show the next "her" that comes along. Im just
sayin, if youre waiting for a girl to grab You and kiss You and tell You all the things she likes about You, then you could be waiting waiting a
while... cause most, not all, but most girls dream of a guy doing that to them... are you going to fulfill some lucky girls dreams or be a jerk about
it and just sit there waiting ...for what?
edit on 9/11/2014 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)