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US federal air marshal attacked with syringe in Lagos airport

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posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:13 PM
US federal air marshal attacked with syringe in Lagos airport

EXCLUSIVE – The FBI and CDC are investigating an attack on a federal air marshal who was injected with a syringe full of an unknown substance inside the Lagos, Nigeria airport on Sunday, according to a Situational Awareness notice obtained by

A federal air marshal reported being attacked by a subject while on the public side of the Lagos Airport on Sunday, according to an alert from TSA's Transportation Security Operations Center distributed throughout the agency on Monday afternoon.

It appeared to be an isolated incident, the alert says.

"The [air marshal] reported that the subject stuck him with a syringe and it is believed he was injected with an unknown substance," the alert says.

Well we do know extremists wish to use Ebola and other diseases for biological warfare ... at least

The CDC and the FBI are involved and have opened investigations, the alert states.

The TSA, State Department and CDC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"This investigation is still in the preliminary stage and early indications are limited to a criminal nexus."

Short write up from Time
US Air Marshal Attacked With Syringe

Some more details from ABC News.
US Air Marshal in 'Quarantine' After Syringe Attack in Nigeria

A federal air marshal is in quarantine in Houston today after being attacked last night by an unknown assailant at the Lagos, Nigeria airport wielding a syringe.

Yes! It was handled properly.

The air marshal was traveling with a team of other marshals when the attack took place in an unsecured area of the airport terminal in Lagos, the officials said.

He was able to board the United Airlines flight to Houston he was scheduled to work and was met early this morning in Houston by FBI agents and health workers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Amid fears the substance could contain some form of the Ebola virus, the air marshal was immediately put into quarantine and screened "on-scene... out of an abundance of caution," according to the FBI.

An FBI spokesperson said, “The victim did not exhibit any signs of illness during the flight and was transported to a hospital upon landing for further testing. None of the testing conducted has indicated a danger to other passengers."

Health experts say most infectious agents would not immediately manifest or make the patient contagious.

Ok, fair enough, but the question is, can an agent be manipulated in a way to do just that? I think they should have been flown home separately and alone or have all passengers tested and followed up with. Did the passengers even know?

While the unknown assailant ran away and could not be located, officials said the other air marshals on the team were able to secure the needle and bring it on the flight for testing in the U.S.
“While there is no immediate intelligence to confirm this was a targeted attack, this is our reminder that international cowards will attempt to take sneaky lethal shots at our honorable men and women abroad,” said Jon Adler, the national president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

One thing I noticed that was not asked or addressed in the three articles attached is this. What is the possiblity this has been done to a normal passenger? Especially given the fact that

U.S. air marshals travel undercover in plain clothes and it would not be immediately obvious to an attacker that his target was an American law enforcement agent, officials say.
then we have to assume that this is not an isolated incident. Further, we also have to assume that not everyone might noticed they have been stuck with a needle given circumstance.

We should also consider the information in the following threads just posted African Union LIFTS Restrictions To and From Countries Affected by Ebola and WHO: Ebola Spreads Exponentially in Liberia, Many More Cases Soon

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:23 PM

I feel so incredibly sorry for this poor man and his family. I hope to God that he is okay, and that his family can have peace soon. I really hope it was just a saline solution or something benign, hoping it was just done as a scare tactic or as the result of a mental problem.

It's equally alarming that the assailant escaped. Hopefully it was just some strung-out person, and not a more organized and nefarious group of people.

Prayers for all involved.

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: AllSourceIntel

While horrible, this story actually highlights a critical component that is not being addressed.

People are flying out of West Africa to all destinations available with no controls whatsoever. There is nothing being done to quarantine the infected area from travelers leaving and potentially spreading the virus.

Given the magnitude of the outbreak and the lethality of the disease, I would think the quarantine should be complete and total. Only people with critical business going in, and no one coming out.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: gatorboi117

I hope so as well but am not as optimistic as hopeful. It might have been a test run as well. We'll have to see how much information we get.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:34 PM
All I can think of in the scene is at 0:44 Richard Pryor says "Oh i heard something about that, somebody shot him up with battery acid...NASTY!" considering it was him and Goldie who shot the fatman up. Shot Up

Kinda makes me think the same thing here....without the battery acid though.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: AllSourceIntel


It can be manipulated to become infectious after a couple of hours flight. A virus just doesnt work that fast.

Plus I doubt muslim extremisist ( who are not exactly bright sparks) could even keep viable ebola alive to use as aweapon let have the brain power and equipment to go in to genticaly engineering.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: bbracken677

Yes, I agree with you in whole. It is not being handled to the full extent it could and should be.

I am off to dinner so I won't be able to discuss for an hour or two everyone.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: gatorboi117

Agreed. Very scary circumstance for the marshal and other members of his team. Considering that they were outright attacked, whatever was in that syringe was probably not good and doesn't even begin to consider that HIV is actually pretty rampant in Africa as well so throw that possibility into the mix. Very horrifying.

I just wonder if the assailant knew that it was a federal marshal that they had attacked or if it was just a random attack as the marshal was in plain clothes.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: AllSourceIntel

I believe the objective is to (in ebola case scenario) push US into to fast development of a vaccine or to make it an already "secret" vaccine, public.

If "they" (the most of the affected countries or one of them) planned this, in case of survival of the US Marshall, they will know for a fact there is a vaccine.

independently of the above, i hope that nothing bad happens to the victim.
edit on 8/9/2014 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 06:21 PM

He was able to board the United Airlines flight to Houston he was scheduled to work and was met early this morning in Houston by FBI agents and health workers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

So after being injected with an unknown substance he was allowed to board and fly back on the plane with the passengers without testing or quarantine at the scene of the attack?

Quarantined only after arriving in the US.



edit on 8-9-2014 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: AllSourceIntel

Why even risk a person suspected but unconfirmed infection, come on!!! Passengers probably know by now, panic may ensue. Not confirmed that it was directed to him, but almost a no brainier. To conclude that he was just randomly picked out of how many to why him in particular? You're right to ask who else could have been attacked.

Regards to the victim and that would be awful to be used to apparently start a bigger epidemic or if only to bring about fear.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 06:50 PM
How terrifying would that be? Some random nutjob injecting you with who knows what. Whatever it was, it's in his bloodstream now and there's nothing he can do about it, either. I think I would be freaking out.

If he is still alive, I guess we know it wasn't bleach or something else immediately deadly.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: WhiteAlice
a reply to: gatorboi117
I just wonder if the assailant knew that it was a federal marshal that they had attacked or if it was just a random attack as the marshal was in plain clothes.

I doubt they would know it was a marshal, they dress in plain clothes and work undercover. If it was known he was a marshal, well, the marshal's have another problem on their hands.

That is the scary part of the story for me. As it was most likely a random attack, and as I mentioned, how many other people have been pricked with a needle that may have passed it off as bump from someone or a "pins and needles" type of feel, etc.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:04 PM
This is just unbelievable ! I feel sorry for this man and I hope that he is ok . Will be awaiting news .


posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:31 PM

“While there is no immediate intelligence to confirm this was a targeted attack,

Do tell…

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 02:59 AM
Maybe it's my conspiracy nut head going overkill, but there's a lot of things happening lately that I'm convinced is designed to make us scared again about flying.

Weeping pilot tells terrified passengers to brace for a crash landing at sea after plane suffers an engine failure

Read more: ne-suffers-engine-failure.html

Luton Airport Evacuated

Something isn't right.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: scottlpool2003 Yep, does give one pause for thought. All these planes that are going missing or unresponsive and crashing and so forth. What is it, something like 11 planes now not accounted for.

Scared of flying for sure. Those TSA checking peoples nether areas with those filthy gloves that they never change...spreading germs and possible bodily fluids around in the process.

This entire Ebola scenario is playing out so fast and furious, one can't help but wonder what the reality of it all is. I wonder if a fast tracked, experimental vaccine will be offered out or mandatory for us all. That would be scary too. Just seems like too many coincidences and scares anymore...especially relevant to diseases/germs/illnesses. Executive orders signed to cover detaining folks with respiratory illnesses now. Vaccine companies cannot be sued regardless of outcomes of vaccines given to people. New and emerging and "novel" diseases sprouting like mushrooms anymore. Children sick in many states here in the USA with a "bug" they have named, maybe. What next. Pays to stay vigilant and question and give thought to it all. Staying away from crowds and using best of hygiene practices and keeping the immune system strong and taking vitamins can't hurt.

The new t*rrorism now...folks running around with needles. Geez already.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: AllSourceIntel

Wonder what he was injected with.... and I hope we get to find out.

Could be some other disease like 'Pox'.

This is pretty scary to think there are people running round with 'Syringes' ready to inject a random person.

Something out of a Movie.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: AllSourceIntel


It can be manipulated to become infectious after a couple of hours flight. A virus just doesnt work that fast.

Plus I doubt muslim extremisist ( who are not exactly bright sparks) could even keep viable ebola alive to use as aweapon let have the brain power and equipment to go in to genticaly engineering.

Couldn't they just infect someone with a current Ebola carriers blood? does it die outside the body after a short period of time? ..... and they are getting bright .. look at the production of their videos , its modernization has come on in leaps and bounds because they are getting help from westernized Muslims in the know who wish to fight the cause.

The above to me sounds Exactly the way they would do it if this was a preferred method of attack and if they have been doing it to countless other people who are unaware I dread the outcome, i am not saying i am right you are wrong or vice versa i am just mulling all the possibilities and i am starting to like replying to your mostly no nonsense critical posts


posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: jude11

He was able to board the United Airlines flight to Houston he was scheduled to work and was met early this morning in Houston by FBI agents and health workers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

So after being injected with an unknown substance he was allowed to board and fly back on the plane with the passengers without testing or quarantine at the scene of the attack?

Quarantined only after arriving in the US.



I thought so too. Why would they risk this person getting in the plane without having any idea what he was injected with?

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