posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 03:48 PM
Originally posted by iori_komei
I'm in between on if we should have a black budget, I mean developing new tech is good, but hiding it, especialy from your own kinsmen, well I think
its quit deplorable.
I highly doubt all the presidents had the same level of clearance as each other.
I think there was a thread or a news article about a new branch being added to the military and it would be made up of an all space vehical fleet.
I think you mean the USAFSF (United States Air Force Space Force), Though from what I've read on military sites, publicly the only things they do is
stuff having to do with with missiles and military satelites not space vehicles, I could be wrong though.
I sort of agree with you on being in between on the "black Budget" thing. I do support it because I think it's vital for National Security and to
keep our edge in Military dominance. But I think people with alot of power tend to seek more power which would be bad for the country. Do it
responsibly and don't have intentions of keeping it away from the American people as if we're the enemies. But I can also understand that if the US
Gov. told the American people everything it had and every secret about advanced weapons then it would spread and other countries would know everything
we had which would endanger us because they would counter it with other weapons. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that but some people
think it's ludacris for the Gov. to keep secrets so it had to be said.
On the question about the president having Top Secret access to Area 51 and other secret bases I would say they do get briefed on some advanced
weapons if they choose to know and could visit Area 51 if they really wanted to but I kinda doubt it considering the president can't go anywhere
without the media following him. If the president leaves the white House it's immediately reported. I mean honestly, watch the news, they always
mention the president and what he's doing or has done that day because things are happening all over the world constantly and people look to the
president for leadership. I do believe military officials will tell the president about Top secret info in the war room, perhaps even during briefings
about Iraq, Afghanistan, or the War on Terrorism else where in the world.
Now the "new Branch" thing, I think (United States Air Force Space Force) might have been what I read about. I'll look for a link about it, it was
pretty interesting, so if you want I can look. I might have is saved somewhere so just ask if u want me to look for it... MF out