posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 08:48 PM
The begining points of this video is so wrong. Why feed theories to a paradox? Paradox's don't exist and come from our errors solving a problem.
To start off. There is no such thing as 1D.
Even in 1D the object is clearly 3D because mass is not 2D.
So any ideas, any thought at all. Weither you drawl lines on paper to make an illusion of a 3D object that our brains reconizes based on shade and
color depth and volume.
You can imagine a world on a chalkboard all you want, Or even a monopoly table and that does not make the images printed on the covers using paint to
trigger paradolia in splotches of paint we reconize as words and shapes.
Relating any of that to another alternate universe is like saying we live in the marvel universe attached by an infinite ammount of universes and so
Anyways/ Dimensions cann't be so easily explained, As they are only within our mental capabilties at understanding mental pictures and places. These
are not literal, You cannot bend a sheet of paper and say * This is one edge of the univer* and this is the other. Because the Universe isn't Flat.
It spans in all directions infinitely. ANd even bacteria and micro-organisms don't live in a 2D world. It is still very much 3D jsut from our
perspective it seems like it is 2D.
Probably where these ideas come from, TO many grad students staring at electron microcopes and trying to explain out point of views seeing through a
lense of technology as some sort of reflection in reality is simiply fraud.
There is no altnerate *DImensions* Because there is only 1 way of viewing the world.
Repeat that again.
THERE IS NO ALTERNATE DIMENSIONS, Why? Because there is only ONE way of viewing the world. And that is, How you the individual views it.
DImensions are not a place lol, its a concept of describing things in the *Physical* world. By adding wideth dimension and volume. Hense the term