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Does anyone on ATS know of a cure for Type 1 (NOT Type 2) diabetes?

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posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: Biotech2024

More recently, James Shapiro and his colleagues in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, have developed an experimental protocol for transplanting islet cells that involves using a much larger amount of islet cells and a different type of immunosuppressant therapy. In a recent study, they report that [17], seven of seven patients who received islet cell transplants no longer needed to take insulin, and their blood glucose concentrations were normal a year after surgery. The success of the Edmonton protocol is now being tested at 10 centers around the world.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Biotech2024
The problem is relying on the pharmaceutical industry. I wouldn't want to knowing what lowlifes they are I mean look at peter mcflys reply this guy has not got a clue about natural remedies and he is telling people not to take this and that because its toxic this is extreme brainwashing trying to kill other people by lack of knowledge he has believed all what he has been told by the pharma companies and media (the 2 are the same both working with each other) none of the things are toxic in the right amount and the pharma drugs are loaded with toxins in the form of hydrocarbons and fluoride with no thought of building up a resistance to the side effects this is why I classify most doctors as murderers 90% of them have no clue how to repair the body all they do is hand out the drugs they are told to and collect the rewards.

The problem is people blindly take their advice and don't educate themselves, a 2 hour search on the internet would come up with natural cures for cancer and arthritis almost all disease's when you apply further study and break that down it may take you a week to work out how to cure yourself yet millions of people suffer, this is why I would always look at being able to do something naturally its far safer once you have worked it out if it's possible to work out.

They tell you not to fast but if everybody fasted the pharmaceutical companies would not be in business ask yourself who tells you not to fast, remember 6 families run about 95% of the world's media then there are another handful of families that run the pharma companies another couple of families own virtually all the farms as well as the oil industries, fasting completely removes all bad things in your body, the body is designed to fast maybe if its dangerous for type 1's then you would look at starting with a 1 day fast but adding the things your body needs through an enema just to be on the safe side, you can't rely on the pharma industry its run by psychotic maniacs.

read this infin

one thing you may or may not know is that out of the 205,000 pharma drugs on the market only 26 are reported to work this is due to the heavy metals in our body the drugs are tested in a laboratory where there are no impurities and this is why the drugs work in vivo that's why you need the sulphur borax and iodine to remove all the heavy metals out of your body as well as fasting
edit on 16-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 06:26 PM
research potassium hydrochloride this is needed for the start of our digestive process and most diabetics need this it stimulates cell activity in the pancreas as well as settling your stomach issues in absorption (I think i'll check the book again later Grossett encyclopedia of natural medicine)
awesome book its well worth buying different natural medicine books as they all have different things for curing people that are hidden from us.

this is how to extract it from lite salt

I believe the constitution of your stomach acid is 10 parts water one part hydrochloric acid so make sure you find out the correct dosage to put in you.
I would always start maybe 2 or 3 times less and build up over a month or couple of weeks at least if you are trying anything yourself
edit on 19-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

I know this is an old thread but just found some reading that may be of interest to you: Bringing Light to the Dark Side of Insulin


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: PeterMcFly
a reply to: InFriNiTee

I know this is an old thread but just found some reading that may be of interest to you: Bringing Light to the Dark Side of Insulin


I'm pretty sure this is going to be the cure. I think that if the modern diet keeps going their will be so many sufferers, that it will cost to much.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Yes I agree. That image I was actually going to make my avatar. So be it. I have decided to finally make an avatar for ATS! I have looked at everything, and that is the one that always looked the best to me.

Let's hope that it gets the chance to see the light of day...
Instead of ending up in a box in a dark room somewhere...

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 08:38 PM
Sweetie, if there was a cure for Type I diabetes, someone would get very rich, very fast.
I wish there was. It's such a pain in the butt to have. My BFF has it. : (

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 09:09 PM
I do have a little bit of an update to post in this thread. I recently switched types of insulin and GOT AWAY from the insulin made by the company that cut it off from the Greeks when their economy collapsed. I switched to the other long-acting, and not NPH. Since then, I have noticed things are getting better with the blood sugar control.

Still, any pump, needle or finger stick will NEVER compare to the body working properly. This should have been fixed for many years by now.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

should have been fixed for many years by now.

I wish. I think they really work hard on it though, and I don't think I'm being naïve or wishful thinking when I say that. It must be an extremely difficult problem to solve. Someday it will happen! I would say 'hang in there', but what choice do you have?
Stay well.

ETA: I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I've had two friends in my life who did very badly with it. The worst. And neither one of them would stop drinking alcohol. It was their ruin. Know everybody knows that. Just sayin'. It's true.
edit on 1/3/2015 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: InFriNiTee

There was another study by a Dr. Michael Salter in the Toronto Hospital For Sick Children that cured diabetes in mice in 2006. It involved injecting capsacin (the concentrated "hot" part of peppers) directly into the pancreas. What happened in that study is that he theorized that the reaction caused by the capsacin would counteract the inflammation that was already occuring in the pancreas by causing production of a substance he called Substance-P. He said that substance-p is a pain signal that would counteract the inflammation signals that were already occuring in the pancreas' of both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. The only problem with the study is that in type 1 diabetic mice, the diabetes would return in 4 months.

I have even thought of the medical procedure that would allow Dr. Salter's work to be tested on humans. It would require an endoscope injector with lighting for gastointestinal procedures that has a needle long enough to poke through the stomach and into the pancreas, and then for the capsacin to be injected. The needle would have to be large enough for the capsacin to get through, yet small enough that the stomach could heal after the procedure. I am sure that it would be painful, but it would be worth it to lots of people like me. The only problem with that is that is that you have to be a "qualified professional" in order to get access to all of the required equipment.

The only other thing I know of is pancreas transplants that require deadly immune suppressor drugs.

Is there way to get it cured? I KNOW there has got to be a way. I have searched for years, and Dr. Salter's method is the best thing I have come up with. The only problem with that is that it would be highly illegal, because it is not approved by the FDA, NIH, NHS, etc. Any ideas are welcome!

Just some random thoughts for you

No-one can say to you its illegal gods law runs this world and states that we are all equal no one has any authority over you if you do not give it to them (you give it to them by giving your name),
so if a policeman asks you your name politely refuse and just say to take you to the police station when you get in the police station the desk clerk will ask your name again politely just ask to speak to your solicitor and refuse to give your name when the solicitor comes in don't give them your name just tell her your position on not wishing to give your name and ask her to just get you a court date by law they are not allowed to lock you up if you don't give your name when you get in front of the judge the first thing he will ask you is for your name again refuse he is only allowed to ask you one more time then he and the clerk have to leave the court he is not allowed to ask you three times as it is against the law sorry this bit is a bit long but people need to understand we are all the same and no one can tell you what to do.

you could use dmso or honey to attach to the capsaicin, dmso would take it through the skin and honey takes it deeper in through ingestion.
or you could try and go up the haemorroidal tube which is how coffee works so well in an enema at clearing out the bile juices don't know if it will reach the pancreas but they is close

also there is a herb that replaces t-cells ill come across it as ive forgotten where I read it but it was in a chinese medicine book. and apparently coconut water is great for balancing your cells so that they communicate better as well as structured water which s probably the same thing.
blended organic lemon and lime works on the liver and components and is perfect for stomach acid juice
google whitetigerqigong
one other thing you could do is research the diamond stance in qi gong (this is possibly how the lahkovsky machine works) apparently this is a stance that puts your body into a configuration that absorbs the energy of the universe zen Buddhists are said to live 800 years once they have mastered this do not believe the crap they tell us that we only live 70 years this is utter crap and if someone tells you its true then poke them in the eye and then don't give your name to the policeman

edit on 3-1-2015 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: InFriNiTee

have you completely cut unnatural sugar out of your diet?

just wondering why you need to supplement with the insulin that's all, as the main reason insulin is used is to take sugar into the cell so cut out sugar and you don't need the extra insulin and the body should then be able to produce enough to carry out its other functions as its not being used on something completely irrelevant for our body.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 02:22 PM
I understand that type-1s are unable to produce insulin in the first place, but the posters recommending a healthy vegan diet with no processed food are probably on to something. A very-low-fat diet allows your cells to get glucose with less insulin, which I imagine is great for either type. And the massive amounts of vitamins and minerals will optimize every other physiological aspect of your body.

Type-2 can be totally reversed with that approach. So it seems that for type-1s, it is probably the best approach too, although of course it won't stop the need for insulin. But it might improve standard of living, and require less insulin for the same effect.

Interview with longterm type-1 vegan

I'm no doctor, so obviously don't make any changes without expert advice. Best of luck.
edit on 1 4 2015 by Son of Will because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Son of Will
I understand that type-1s are unable to produce insulin in the first place, but the posters recommending a healthy vegan diet with no processed food are probably on to something. A very-low-fat diet allows your cells to get glucose with less insulin, which I imagine is great for either type. And the massive amounts of vitamins and minerals will optimize every other physiological aspect of your body.

Type-2 can be totally reversed with that approach. So it seems that for type-1s, it is probably the best approach too, although of course it won't stop the need for insulin. But it might improve standard of living, and require less insulin for the same effect.

Interview with longterm type-1 vegan

I'm no doctor, so obviously don't make any changes without expert advice. Best of luck.

The modern diet is so out of whack with regards to what the body has depended on for millennia. It cant be a great step up to realise that in this case "less is more". How many white carbs does a body need , that gets ferried around in a car and doesn't walk, as much as in past decades. All manual labour is now mitigated by machines etc. The human body is designed to eat when theirs an abundance and to live off of fat when theirs no food. Now we have a seeming abundance, the penny hasn't quite dropped to the realisation that all is not what it seems. The implications on the health grow, more when you factor in that as a species, processed convenient food, has been denatured, to the point, where it cant be considered as nourishing as the natural alternative.

posted on Jan, 19 2015 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Son of Will

You have to ask why type ones cant produce insulin. What causes a perfectly healthy child to stop insulin production, and what would be the causal factor in a very high percentage of the children? and what is the causal factor in the high percentage of adults getting type 2. Could it possibly be another inflammatory reaction that the body uses to protect itself against, when it has no real, genetic data base to fall back on. These inflammatory reactions , seem to be a bit to common these days in the developed world, along with a myriad of other non specific things that require a great deal of expense and time to deal with. I found this very informative piece with a fair amount of research that points the finger at a major culprit. The evidence seems to be mounting.

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 05:51 PM
I believe Halle Berry has MODY diabetes, its one of the subcategory and it is due mutation. She has not been cured from type 1.
In diabetes research there has been very common to seek "cure" in methods how to protect beta cells from being attacked but hardly no research what triggers tcells to attack. In marketing view protecting cells and continuing somekind of medical use is more benefical than curing the disease all together.
They should find the reason why immune system thinks that beta cells are the enemy and how to turn that trigger off. As you mentioned it is proven that pancreas do produce insulin producing beta cells all the time but is being attacked by Tcells.

It is not pancreas which is sick, its the immune system which is.
edit on 14-5-2015 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: dollukka
I believe Halle Berry has MODY diabetes, its one of the subcategory and it is due mutation. She has not been cured from type 1.
In diabetes research there has been very common to seek "cure" in methods how to protect beta cells from being attacked but hardly no research what triggers tcells to attack. In marketing view protecting cells and continuing somekind of medical use is more benefical than curing the disease all together.
They should find the reason why immune system thinks that beta cells are the enemy and how to turn that trigger off. As you mentioned it is proven that pancreas do produce insulin producing beta cells all the time but is being attacked by Tcells.

It is not pancreas which is sick, its the immune system which is.

That's the same for arthritis to name but one. We have to ask what foreign protein is being taken in, in higher quantities than ever before . Matching the higher incidence of these diseases?..The answer seems to be always the same Dairy Dairy Dairy.
edit on 14-5-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 01:23 AM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
Sweetie, if there was a cure for Type I diabetes, someone would get very rich, very fast.
I wish there was. It's such a pain in the butt to have. My BFF has it. : (

It seems you are unaware of how the pharmaceutical companies run their businesses only last week I had a vague death threat which I assume was connected to me telling people how frankincense oil cures bladder cancer there are natural cures for everything, you just have to educate yourself and use some unorthodox methods so take for example Gaharu wood you burn a small amount of this in a pot and then when the flames have subsided you wrap a blanket around you and sit and breathe in the smoke for 20 minutes this expels a huge amount of poisons from your body.

anonentity I read that autoimmune diseases could be attributed to lead and mercury poisoning so Retsina wine is good for getting these poisons out of your body this is the reason the greeks have such a low incidence of lead poisoning from the car exhaust fumes 2 ounces after your meal.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Garlic gets it out as well, apparently a survey was done in a very polluted area in China. The population seemed unaffected, it was attributed to high rates of consumption of the bulb. Their dairy Consumption is minimal . So the toxins don't get absorbed by the fat. The rates of autoimmune disease, and heart problems , prostate and Breasts cancers were insignificant as well. But They are rapidly catching up with the West as Cheese consumption is rising , which can be eaten by lactose intolerant races.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: anonentity

The answer seems to be always the same Dairy Dairy Dairy.

I often hear these theories about dairy product being not good at all for human. However my studies in anthropology have taught me that human have evolved during a long time and adapted to use of dairy products. A much longer time of adaptation than the relatively recent "adaptation" to carb diet. For a long time, and there are some tribes left as of today, human have been herdsman. Take the Maasai people for example, they seem of very good health.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: PeterMcFly
a reply to: anonentity

The answer seems to be always the same Dairy Dairy Dairy.

I often hear these theories about dairy product being not good at all for human. However my studies in anthropology have taught me that human have evolved during a long time and adapted to use of dairy products. A much longer time of adaptation than the relatively recent "adaptation" to carb diet. For a long time, and there are some tribes left as of today, human have been herdsman. Take the Maasai people for example, they seem of very good health.

True but they were not hearding, genetically modified Dairy herds, injected with IGF1.

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