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EBOLA: More Fishy Business in Nigeria, Sierra Leone

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posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: soficrow

Oops. Here you go:

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: soficrow

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: soficrow

So I'm thinkin' the "top" in Nigeria includes USAMRIID researchers as well as Corgenix et al. Do you concur?

If you mean like they caused the outbreak… not likely. Doubler edged sword. Especially in a time when so many enemies are waiting for a "perfect nuke" to unleash on US.

I suspect they may have been testing vaccines - and buggered up. Then they'd have to hide what they did. Happens.

I see. So not intentional, but a mistake. According to this (4 days old) they are getting a handle on it in Nigeria.


That supports non intentional. If it was they would not be getting control. And since the outbreak is so far contained to the various hotspots, I am hopeful they will also get a grip there.

Fingers crossed…

Further: I may be mistaken, was the very first index case an infant?

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: intrptr

fyi - the Forbes article is rah-rah investor pap - and inaccurate. For example, Nigeria has at least 23 cases.

RE: non- intentional = control. Don't think so. The big mistake was to cover up the initial outbreak(s) - because they assumed it would remain geographically isolated and burn out. It didn't. But by the time the denials became case reports, it was out of control.

fyi - the epidemic is NOT contained to "the various hotspots." It IS spiraling out of control, and the fact the WHO is no longer posting "Disease Outbreak News" is an indication that things are getting much worse faster.

....As I recall, the reported index case was a young child, but not an infant. Could be mistaken tho.

ETA: See my update below.

edit on 7/9/14 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:06 PM

MSF: Sierra Leone lockdown will not stem Ebola spread

The medical charity organization Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) - Doctors Without Borders in English - has criticized Sierra Leone's plan to "lock down" the country for three days starting September 19.

"It has been our experience that lockdowns and quarantines do not help control Ebola as they end up driving people underground and jeopardizing the trust between people and health providers," MSF said.

From Bad to Worse With Ebola

SEPT. 6, 2014

The widening epidemic of Ebola in West Africa looks worse with each passing day. The outbreaks in the hardest-hit countries — Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone — have outstripped the ability of humanitarian groups and fragile government health systems to treat the sick and slow the spread.

A panicky effort to quarantine a large slum in Monrovia, Liberia, using troops to keep people penned in, proved a disastrous failure that probably made things worse. A shortage of protective clothing for health care workers treating sick patients in Sierra Leone led nurses to strike last week in a desperate effort to get more help. The virus has begun to spread to other countries where there is always a danger that it could ignite a new round of outbreaks.

In separate statements last week, officials of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the medical charity Doctors Without Borders warned that the outbreak is spreading out of control. W.H.O. leaders have said the outbreak in West Africa could be stopped in six to nine months, but only if a “massive” global response, which is nowhere in sight, is carried out.

….The most shocking news of the week was how ill-prepared the W.H.O. was to organize an effective response. As Sheri Fink reported in The Times on Thursday, the agency had been weakened by harsh budget cuts in recent years and did not have the staff or ability to flood the Ebola zone. Its emergency response units have been slashed, veterans who led previous fights against Ebola have left, and scores of positions have been eliminated.

….Given the W.H.O.’s weaknesses, the White House ought to consider whether the United States should take the lead.

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: soficrow

from your quote :

The most shocking news of the week was how ill-prepared the W.H.O. was to organize an effective response.

now does this little tidbit really come as a surprise ?...after what we have seen in the past with pretty much any type of disaster management

me thinks we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg with this ebola nightmare

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:22 PM
This entire Ebola scenario gives one pause for thought...especially when one looks at a map of where all the cases in Africa started out line up very well with major oil/gas drilling companies/facilities. In almost every case. Ebola showed up in those areas of interest or where actual fracking/gas/oil ventures are rampant. Wouldn't it be something if this "crisis" is or was one of convenience and got out of hand. Say certain factions do have a way of not coming down with a novel man made strain of Ebola but that they could wipe out the locals and take over all nearby land for their purposes without the fuss and mess involved otherwise. Sounds far out, sure...but nowadays, who knows. Or maybe WHO does know.

The entire Ebola scenario has come on so fast and furious and there is so much conflicting info being put out relevant to it, one has to wonder. That planes are still allowed to arrive in the USA and with huge open border areas, one has to wonder. If fruit bats are the cause as one person suggested, and they are all over the place...why now, that they are passing this thing around. What has changed. What strain...mutated, man made, what can be the answer. No one seems to know.

Will we soon hear of a new "treatment" for Ebola, a fast tracked, experimental vaccine and will it be mandatory? All things to ponder. I never like to hear the words, "fast tracked" and experimental relevant to any treatment, especially for one like Ebola. Is this all as it seems or can this be an actual outbreak that has an agenda or could have the good old "Never let a good crisis go to waste" comment we've all wondered about, when we heard same. Time will tell, I suppose.

The virus that kids are coming down with and so many needing ICU makes one wonder too. What is so different this year and why is this one so awfully virulent. The prez signs an executive order to restrain/detain folks with respiratory symptoms...he can do so if he gives the order...makes one wonder about that as well.

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Also from my quote:

...(the WHO) had been weakened by harsh budget cuts in recent years and did not have the staff or ability to flood the Ebola zone. Its emergency response units have been slashed, veterans who led previous fights against Ebola have left, and scores of positions have been eliminated.

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: shrevegal

Do you have maps showing that? ...My maps show the epidemic starting around the Kenema Hospital where USAMRIID, Corgenix et all were researching hemorrhagic fevers, and spreading out from there (the junction where Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia meet). The big industry in that area is iron ore extraction (the Simandou fields). ....? Please share your evidence! ...links, pics, whatever.

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: soficrow

Oh darn… and here I was going to get my hopes up.

Thanks for putting in the work soficrow and keeping everyone informed.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 02:42 AM
Didn't six scientists/nurses from the Kenema research center die from Ebola early in this outbreak?

If they were responsible for spreading this strain of Ebola unintentionally, maybe they were killed to cover it up?

Or maybe they really died from Ebola from some kind of lab accident and were the original source of the outbreak we see today.

Very suspicious no matter how you look at it that so many from the research facility would all die at once. Considering who they were partnered with and all the work they did, and how they would of been prepared to take precautions against infection.

edit on 8-9-2014 by 1mpl3m3nt because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2014 by 1mpl3m3nt because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2014 by 1mpl3m3nt because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: 1mpl3m3nt

The six we know about died months after the epidemic was first flagged. So not the original source. Maybe suspicious, but like another fully protected medical worker, they may have been infected elsewhere. Who knows?


posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: intrptr

You're welcome. You may find these news reports from Nigeria as amusing as I do....

Lagos records another ​Ebola ​case

September 8, 2014

Nigeria has recorded another Ebola case, the Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu, said Monday. Mr. Chukwu​ ​​said the new case is the fiance of one of the primary contacts of the index case, Patrick Sawyer.

….Mr. Chukwu said the primary contact had, however, made a fully recovery.

….He ​said​ Nigeria ​currently ​ha​s only one Ebola patient — the wife of Mr. Enemuo — whom he said was already recovering and would soon be discharged.

Despite Ebola warning, Jonathan’s re-election rally to continue in Port Harcourt

….“Just like the situation has been effectively been managed in Lagos and Enugu, the situation in Port Harcourt will also similarly be effectively managed and we have begun to do so.”

….(going) ahead with the rally runs contrary to the directive by Mr. Jonathan on August 8 discouraging large gatherings to check the spread of the deadly virus imported into the country about a month ago by a Liberian-America, Patrick Sawyerr.

In a move aimed at controlling and containing the Ebola virus, the president had said, “Religious and political groups, spiritual healing centres, families, associations and other bodies should, in the meantime, discourage gatherings and activities that may unwittingly promote close contact with infected persons or place others at risk.”

….“We urge President Goodluck Jonathan to immediately instruct the Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria TAN to suspend the scheduled rally until the Ebola Virus is successfully curtailed in Rivers state and other parts of Nigeria. Mr President is the chief custodian of the law in Nigeria and it will be ridiculous for the Chief custodian of the law to break the laws he has made without recourse.”

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: soficrow

Lagos records another ​Ebola ​case

Ha, Forbes blows! Thanks for exposing the BS there.

In a move aimed at controlling and containing the Ebola virus, the president had said, “Religious and political groups, spiritual healing centers, families, associations and other bodies should, in the meantime, discourage gatherings and activities that may unwittingly promote close contact with infected persons…

That is amusing. An announcement to do nothing basically.

"Attention sports fans, there is Ebola in your midst. Have a nice day".

…until the Ebola Virus is successfully curtailed in Rivers state and other parts of Nigeria.

"and other parts". WTF!??

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 08:39 AM
What about the new"unrelated" ebola outbreak in the Congo confirmed by WHO on the 26th of last there are two deadly forms out there now that are confirmed...can't wait until they meet up in the middle and form a world killer together.....

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 11:18 AM
This is like a bulls az and nut. It draws in fly's, stinks, and #es all over to pollute the ground water but noone really cares about it, cause it does not effect enough of the general populace. BULL is BULL and will continue to do so over and over again. So why cry over a little #e. It not going to pollute the ground water. The ebola is the same way. It will cause deaths but not enough for people to worry about the pollution of ebola, so why worry about a bulls #e anyways. Sure, it is sad that some people got this and died. This ebola thing will just fizzle out and life will go on again. I'm sure our Government and congress will take care of the situation so it doesn't get out of hand. What is sad, is that why the country over there, cain't fix the problem themselves. Others have to fix it for them. Why does America have to Police the world. NOW THATS WHAT IS REALLY SAD. You see any other countries step up to the plate to fix this problem. NO. THEY DON'T CARE.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: cloaked4u

Yeah it's kind of hard to believe that those hospitals don't have clean needles, gowns, facemasks, IV fluids, or couldn't acquire those things when needed. Or that their government couldn't purchase basic supplies in a time of outbreak.

They would rather get it for free I guess from the pity of others then spend their own money.

I'm glad the USA is sending in the Military now, but damn Africa is bad.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: soficrow

Doctors and nurses who volunteered to work in Nigeria's Ebola wards are getting stiffed - they were promised hazard pay and insurance on top of their salaries, but they've been paid nothing at all, not even their salaries. In addition, Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu denies the N1.9 billion released for the management of Ebola was for the Ebola fund - he says, “It is not for Ebola fund.

I am getting so cynical about everything, (my daddy always said don't believe anything you hear and half of what you see) I wonder if there IS an Ebola crisis. Money and resources = Ebola

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: intrptr

...…until the Ebola Virus is successfully curtailed in Rivers state and other parts of Nigeria.

"and other parts". WTF!??

I don't always bold the good bits. Glad you caught that. ...More:

Journalists Urged to Report Positively On Ebola Outbreak

….World Health Organization (WHO) Disease Prevention Control Officer, Dr. Kelias Msyamboza said this in Blantyre during a daylong briefing session for media personnel on Ebola Virus.

Ebola virus is surging in places where it was beaten back: experts

….."As long there is one case of Ebola virus disease anywhere in the world and people are allowed to travel," Nigeria's health minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu, said recently, "every country in the world remains at risk."

....Chukwu is a lying fool. Hope this latest gaffe gets him fired. Maybe he can work at Forbes.

ETA: From the African press.

Liberia: Demanding Reports On Ebola Donations

edit on 8/9/14 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: soficrow

Thanks for the link. From that:

This time, the virus is travelling effortlessly across borders by plane, car and foot, shifting from forests to cities and springing up in clusters far from any previously known infections. Border closures, flight bans and mass quarantines have been ineffective.
"Everything we do is too small and too late," said Poncin. "We're always running after the epidemic."

In a nutshell. Running to catch up. Will ultimately fail because:

People in contact with the sick have evaded surveillance, moving at will and hiding their illnesses until they infect others in turn.

Exactly what I have been saying from the beginning. Finding potential cases and their contacts works if people submit to that process but we see from the actual reports that people evade and hide from fear. This results in:

Dr. Peter Piot, who co-discovered Ebola, said Ebola isn't striking in a "linear fashion" this time. It's hopping around, especially in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone

Somebody better do a thread on this . It is why the disease continues (will continue) to spread despite any containment efforts. People aren't cooperating.

It only takes one hidden case somewhere left undiscovered, reinfecting others to start another micro break all over again where they thought it was previously controlled.

That is after all how it all started, from one person. I have always contended that Ebola was a force to be reckoned with and been jaw dropped as I watch this unfold.

Stay tuned. This is far from over.

(Ping me if you would with a U2U if you or anyone brings new threads about this. Thanks in advance soficrow)


Your Source Article

edit on 8-9-2014 by intrptr because: added link

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:44 PM
Anyone see this? Sucks for that guy!

The FBI and CDC are investigating an attack on a federal air marshal who was injected with a syringe full of an unknown substance inside the Lagos, Nigeria airport on Sunday, according to a Situational Awareness notice obtained by


Hope we dont keep seeing attacks like this with actual Ebola. My guess is this guys was just crazy and had a syringe full of water, but who knows.

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