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Here’s How the Price of Your Favorite Fast Food Would Change With a $15 Minimum Wage

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posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 12:44 PM
Yeah and Democrats care so much, which is why they are shipping in bus loads of illegals, not enforcing the border or existing laws, which will take away more jobs from the already poor Americans who actually live here.

Besides, the above price stats come from __________________, which has a vested interest in spreading lies and furthering the economic divide. They represent the interests of the rich, the powerful, the well-connected. Truly when it comes to social justice and economic equality their opinions should be considered null and void.

Just add Media Matters or another democratic group and it applies all the same.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: kosmicjack

So their pay has increased but how much has the cost of living increased.

6 bucks now has the same buying power of what a dollar had in 1970...

And if you're going to compare their increase in pay from then to now

Look at the cost rise in what they pay their employees too

What was min wage then? What is it now

Much of it is relative.

I don't disagree that it's crazy how much these CEOs make

But it would really upset me to build a business and grow it into a powerhouse. Only for the people I employ to tell me I can only make a certain amount....

I'm not advocating unfair labor practices

But it's a bit hypocritical to propose to cap someone else's salary while asking them to raise you're own

edit on 9/5/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

It's equally hypocritical to have an exponential increase in executive salaries while the labor force languishes on welfare and prices skyrocket...but then blame labor for the increase.

My own employer of 15 years promised to grandfather in benefits - twice. Each time they reneged. And no one except managers or above is full time. Store square footage and inventory decreased. Product quality declined. But executive pay increased...

It's ridiculous for anyone not to acknowledge that something is inherently broken here.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: IntroduceALittleIrony
Yeah and Democrats care so much, which is why they are shipping in bus loads of illegals, not enforcing the border or existing laws, which will take away more jobs from the already poor Americans who actually live here.

Besides, the above price stats come from __________________, which has a vested interest in spreading lies and furthering the economic divide. They represent the interests of the rich, the powerful, the well-connected. Truly when it comes to social justice and economic equality their opinions should be considered null and void.

Just add Media Matters or another democratic group and it applies all the same.

Yup, you are right the Democrats do not care. Neither do the Republicans. That is a big part of the problem. No one cares at all about the average citizen. All they care about is other politicians and the corporations who bribe them, donate to their campaigns, and give them cushy jobs after they leave office.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 12:57 PM
The "Democrats" or at least I should say, the other "Team" in DC are the same serving their corporate masters over the well being of the nation.

The Majority of Americans are against Illegal Immigration except for the political, banking and corporate class:

A super majority of Americans support immigration enforcement and oppose Amnesty according to countless polls and surveys about illegal immigration. Unfortunately, the pro-Amnesty lobby is circulating a few politicized polls that claim the opposite.

The Pro Amnesty Lobby backed by Corporations want that cheap labor for our domestic markets and want cheap labor abroad in foreign markets.

Here you can see for yourself how Americans truly feel about illegal immigration. It is clear that Americans want enforcement, instead of Amnesty for illegal immigrants. Please check back often for updates and feel free to use these polls and surveys about illegal immigration in your letters to Congress, letters to candidates and campaigns, letters to the editor, books, articles, talk radio shows, and online posts!

Top Corporate Executives Descend On Washington To Lobby For Amnesty… - See more at:

(Bloomberg) - Evangelical pastors, corporate leaders, elected Republican officials and small-government activists arrive in Washington next week to lobby lawmakers to revamp U.S. immigration policies before year’s end.

The “conservative fly-in” will involve about 600 people and include personal meetings with at least 80 Republican members of Congress, said Ali Noorani, an organizer of the event and executive director of the National Immigration Forum.

- See more at:

edit on 5-9-2014 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: karmicecstasy


Unchecked immigration of non-professionals benefits the corporations and businesses who need cheap labor. A flood of unskilled labor into the job market protects McDs from any real impact of exactly the kind of worker uprising we see now.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:06 PM
After preaching the lie of trickle down economics I have no idea why any one would listen to the right about economics.

Tax breaks doesn't create jobs, much less good jobs.
Vulture capitalism is a obvious failure.
All ingredients used in fast food is governmental subsidized.
These same subsidized foods are also the chief reason for the nations health crisis.
The corporations use tax loopholes and government programs to avoid taxes.
The low paid employees are forced to use governmental welfare costing the tax payer even more tax revenue.
Tax revenue the right are absolutely against.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack
a reply to: karmicecstasy


Unchecked immigration of non-professionals benefits the corporations and businesses who need cheap labor. A flood of unskilled labor into the job market protects McDs from any real impact of exactly the kind of worker uprising we see now.

When it is a employers market, they say you are paid based on market forces utilizing the supply and demand of labor. When it is turning into an employees market, they don't up the pay in accordance with market forces to attract employees, no, they get around that by increasing the worker supply via cheap foreign labor overseas and cheap labor over the border to rig the market in their favor.
edit on 5-9-2014 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: TDawgRex

The whole raising minimum wage and living wage is nothing more than a distraction from the real issue. That being, the United States government has sold all of our middle class, blue collar, manufacturing jobs to cheap over seas labor countries.

Any politician that is pushing for a higher minimum wage is doing nothing more than trying to cover their behinds from having to reveal to the American public that we are destined to fail because we have been forced into an economy that is based on low wage service industry jobs.

This whole scheme along with all of the unnecessary regulations that are being levied against small businesses will create a giant vacuum that will kill almost every small business in this country! Starting to see the picture yet?

My grandfather worked for 50 cents a day and managed to raise 8 kids. Gasoline was 9cents per gallon; I know if we could only get wages undercontrol and back down to this level we could all afford more stuff. I just know the prices of everything would drop, like gas you know, if we would just pay less for labor.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
So I see a lot of the arguments here saying. "So what if it costs more to eat crap". Admittedly that's a weak argument in favor of increased wages

You DO know that massive chains like this buy huge amounts of goods to run their businesses don't you?

So you DO know that them having to compensate will affect other markets don't you?

I shouldn't be surprised that people for this are so short sighted that they can't see the impact further along then just the cumulative waistlines of the people eating there...

Somehow in a world of 7 Billion people, with severe issues in over fishing and pollution of our water, the public having far less say into things like pesticide use and GM foods in part because the "bulk" buyers dominate the purchase orders this can only be a GOOD thing.

Are we expected to believe if there are less Mc Burger joints the gap for people wanting lettuce and beef will be an issue? No one will buy it other places?

I absolutely know it will affect other markets lol

For the better

People will have to sell that food somewhere and while that might all be wonderful for Govt taxation when 2-3 companies or 20 whatever, buy 90% of the food and distribute it and great for those companies it doesn't do squat for me or you honestly, it just lowers the standards and blocks competition.

I don't want my food at the top handled by CEO's looking to save a nickel per burger and load me full of junk, I want these guys to compete out the arse, have to make less profits and bid for me as a customer.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:19 PM
About every three or four month we have one of these Minimum wage threads pop up and the same old arguments are rolled out to support the government artificially setting the wage of a company’s employees. Maybe I just had a different Econ 101 class than many of these folks but that class very succinctly spelled out why minimum wages were wrong on multiple levels. That’s just basic economics but bleeding hearts and anti-profit types just don’t get it.
So let’s go over this one more time.
Let’s suppose I run a small business. Say a restaurant since we are talking fast food. Now as a small business man I am at the place from open to close. I have my wife working with me and my son and we have 4 employees to help cover the full shifts of the day. I pay those employees a wage that I value the labor at. It’s an agreement between I as the owner of the job…That’s something that you guys don’t get, as a business owner I OWN the job not the employee…So I decide that I will pay 3 dollars and hour for waitresses /waiter, they will get tips based off their ability to provide polite and efficient service to the customers. My busboys and dishwasher will get 5 dollars and hour because they will not get tips. So I advertise this position. Now in my local area I will most likely get two types of applicants for these positions. Hispanic immigrants who have not picked up enough English to work in other positions yet, and students. That’s just my area, YMMV. So when I interview them I will tell them what the job pays. I will explain to them that this is an entry level position and that if they work hard and increase productivity that I will show my appreciation by giving them a pay increase. This is all up front and in the open. There is no force involved, I am not chaining them to a dishwasher or putting a gun to their heads and forcing them to accept this position. If I decide that an applicant will work and offer them a position it’s their choice to accept it or not. If they do accept it then there will be no surprises on payday and they will have no reason to complain. If for whatever reason they decide that I am not paying them what they believe their effort is worth they are free to quit the job and move on. No one is “stuck” in a position. What they are doing is making a value judgment. They are putting a value on their continued employment versus what would happen if they quit and the amount of “stuff” that they are putting up with at work. At no point in time should the government be involved in this agreement at all. People who demand government protection for “worker exploitation” are demanding that the government save them because they are too irresponsible to make basic decisions. Minimum wage jobs are not supposed to be lifetime positions. They are not supposed to be jobs that you raise a family on. They are supposed to be the jobs that you do while you are going to school or while you are just getting by to better yourself. The fact of the matter is that if you are not an immigrant, a student, or maybe a retiree and you are working a low wage job, you have failed. Its not something you cant fix its just that you have to stop making bad decisions and better yourself. I get real tired of people telling us that they “Can’t” do better? Really? Can’t never did anything as my father always told me as a boy. Don’t tell me you “can’t” do it, I didn’t go to college until I was 30 and I was making $50K + a year based on just personal work experience. I am not special, I worked my way to where I am today through mostly self-education. You want to not make a low wage? How about putting down the vaporizer and picking up a technical book?

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Blackmarketeer
Or maybe the upper management and multimillionaire CEOs can take a smallish pay cut, and let their workers earn a slightly more livable wage.

This. This a million times over.

I'm waiting for a graphic to be presented with the math related to the cut a CEO would take by raising their workers' wages. Haven't seen one yet, and I won't be holding my breath.

Some people actually enjoy serving crappy fast food. So what? Some people enjoy the constant interaction with the public. So what? Why does that make them idiots? Why does that make their life choices any lower than anyone else's? Someone's gotta work at these places, and I would rather it be someone who is 'taken care of' so to speak than a teenager fresh out of school with a bad attitude and a tiny paycheck fueling their issues.

In my short stints in fast food work, I always liked when I had a person who had been at the store for a number of years. They kept the show moving smoothly, and were generally more helpful/personable than the managers.

I have a strong feeling that people bashing fast food workers haven't ever worked in the industry. It can actually be a lot of fun if you have the right team working with you. But that's something some wouldn't understand, because 'unskilled' work is for idiots and imbeciles. I'd like to see some of the people doing the # talking handle the lunch rush at my local Subway restaraunt. 120+ sandwiches an hour, from 11am-3 or 4pm. You do the math. Good luck.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: kdyam

originally posted by: kelbtalfenek
a reply to: TDawgRex

The real issue here isn't wages. The real issue is the devaluation of the dollar.

Think about what $10 used to buy...a full paper bag of groceries, a tank of gas, date night at the movies.

Now what does it get you?

The dollar has been devalued as it's fiat money now. Middle class jobs are dead or dying or being shipped overseas due to demand for ever cheaper products (which the influx of devalues the worth of our dollars even more.)

This isn't 1960, it's 2014. People are making more than .75 an hour now too.

If someone wants to get a middle class job then they need to be smart and get one is a field that is not and cannot be outsourced, such as point of service healthcare or insurance sales there are many many others as well. Only thing is you have to learn the skills associated with those jobs, and most of the jobs are fairly hard work which a lot of people don't want to do.

I'm not talking 1960s sir. I'm talking 1980s. If we want to get into 1960s, we could do that too. However you are missing the point: Our dollar's value has dropped and dropped and dropped and dropped. Along with that dropping there has been a decline in the middle class jobs which a lot of people actually do. Where are the manufacturing jobs? Where are the call center jobs? (Hint: Asia) It's cheaper to ship out raw materials to these countries to have them turn those materials into finished goods...or have them man the telephones 24/7 for the rough equivalent of about $10.50 per DAY.)

Why? Because we're so concerned about having things NOW and CHEAP.

Honestly though, the minimum wage increase at fast food doesn't directly impact me, because I don't eat at any of those places. But I do know people that work at them, along with 2 or 3 other jobs...just to pay rent, buy food and basic necessities.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I do agree. I'm not totally heartless. But I have a problem with the term living wage, when it's applied to a part time job as most of these workers are (Not all though, and I think that if they are full time employees, they probably have more responsibilities and as such should receive more pay). The point I was trying to make in the OP was that this will have a cascade effect.

I just picked up my rental car for a trip I'm taking (your familiar with that). I specifically said I do not want a Chevy and prefer that it wasn't Red in color either. So what did I get? A FLIPPIN" RED CHEVY! "It's all we have right now." I was told. Bad omens Bro, bad omens. The customer is always right has seemed to gone by the wayside here in the States.

edit on 5-9-2014 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Tax breaks have lured a lot of companies back to the States from places like Mexico and China. Wisconsin and Ohio are just two of the examples.

The entire thing is a complicated issue, and raising the minimum wage may just be a step in the right direction, but doubling it will have some bad repercussions I would bet.

When are these people going to get it through their thick skulls. These are entry level jobs, a means to step up, not career level.

And there is already a social net in place as noted to help people who cannot mentally or physically move up the ladder.

Do these people realize that if they were to make $15 a hour, many of them would lose what benefits they are currently receiving? I'm thinking they don't and will take to the streets again when it happens.

"It's not fair!" They'll cry.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: theMediator

It's so easy to blame "the rich" for the worlds problems huh? No personal accountability ever comes into play, does it? Nope, just pass the blame along. Sheesh.

While I agree that many of those working at the fast food chains aren't there by choice, many are through fault of their own. While schooling isn't cheap, there's other options that will land you a better paying job. It takes time and energy, something people don't want to have to put into something, so they'd rather be stuck at their job while demanding their pay go higher.

I'm not interested in having to pay someone for their life mistakes.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:00 PM
Raising it will do nothing. First, they need to go after the wall street speculators and stop them from creating the fake inflation that they have. Cut inflation by more than half, then put a cap on it. Arrest all WS speculators now for what they've done to America.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:06 PM
May I allow a small glimmer of sunshine for everyone who hates the wealthy?

Once Quantitative Easement ceases (The Fed is still pumping 85 billion a month into the market) everything will collapse and you'll be able to urinate on all the former-wealthy.

Of course you'll have plenty of time since you won't have a job any longer, but what the heck!

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:08 PM
How TPTB got so many people in America to blame the poor for most if not all of the country's problems has got to be the most masterful psyop I've ever seen.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Don't they have fully stocked underground shelters just waiting for the collapse they had such a role in creating?

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