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Did we exist before becoming human?

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posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Robert A Monroe talks about how we communicate in non-physical reality using a language called Non-Verbal communication which in his encounters another entity would send him a rolled up package of thought that he called "Rote". He would interface with the rote and suddenly he would have a dream-like experience from the perspective of the entity sending him the thought packet.

Dreaming is an example of non-verbal communication. They are working examples of how information, or a data-stream of thought can render into a vivid experience. What we have is a reality composed of awareness that communicates with itself using highly organized non-verbal communication where by the end result of processing that information falls in line with "rendering" an experience based on that data.

It's my opinion that even our physical reality emerges from these communication exchanges with other larger systems of intelligence. Which falls in line with the idea that we are living in a simulated virtual reality aka a dream world in the most literal tense of that word.

I also support the idea that Earth is a highly tuned virtual reality that in every sense of the word has been programmed and engineered by an aware intelligence and designed for the purpose of inviting other participants to come and see what has been created in terms of the game of life.

What we see here in terms of information, belief, knowledge et al is all by intelligent design. The participants for the most part likely are not interested in knowing that they are another type of awareness playing what can metaphorically be described as a cosmic video game in a simulated reality hence why you'll find a lot of backlash from others on any idea that suggest something outside their belief systems.

So I wouldn't worry about the locked in locals, they are quite happy and content in what they want to believe after all, and likely unknown to them... the signed up for it in the first place. Where as if you are having these insights from outside of physical experience and they are showing you the non-physical side of this system, I say embrace them. Treasure them because having the first-person experience trumps any desire or need to believe in this stuff like some religion.

It's all an opportunity for your to get to know your larger self a lot better. That there is more to you than meets the eye. And it's fun to explore this other side of ones self. To see just how far the rabbit hole goes.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Well, I think it's wonderful that you've found God and have a lovely belief-system to filter through. Congratulations.

I hope it all works out for you in the end.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

Very interesting.

What is your physical self doing when your non-physical self is having non-physical experiences?

How is the non-physical you able to experience? Do you have any idea how you still see, hear, feel and think but without eyes, ears, skin and brains?

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 10:13 AM
Very nicely written OP. The way you describe the fractal existence of post-life was perfect. I know exactly what you are talking about, I've been there in an OBE and also with the help of a substance I won't mention. Being in the fractal existence was more of a mind blow for me than being bored with existence. However i can see how it could get boring once you figured out everything about that existence. Being in that type of existence for me was more like the biggest deja vu experience ever, while at the same time remembering my true form existence 50,000 years ago. The time before time. The most inhuman you could possibly feel.

Is this what your saying is after death if we chose? Also I was wondering if you could explain how you followed your memory stream while OBE to the pre human existence? I also can induce OBE's so I would love to mess around with that. I feel like we have a lot of the same experiences. I can't recall any past lives but did have lucid dreams which led to having OBE's, was a little scary psychic as a kid, and been to the pre human existence. I also believe we are living in a dream. A much denser dream where thought does create reality just much slower than a dream.

Thanks for this post, good to know I'm not the only crazy one out there

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

May I recommend you read (if you haven 't already) Johnathan Black's excellent book The Secret History of the World. It covers the mineral body, plant body etc etc through to the human and, if I remenber correctly the auric bodies.

It makes you think and I would say that the 'tail' and fig leaves are demonstrated in our local museum just as he tells you. A lot more of what one sees that were one to think about it is explained.

Very interesting thread.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: Aphorism
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

Very interesting.

What is your physical self doing when your non-physical self is having non-physical experiences?

Personal input when the metaphysical self is active the physical self is active... They co-exist just on different planes but ARE AWARE of each other more so like a arm is aware of the hand but part of the HIGHER SELF body.

originally posted by: Aphorism
How is the non-physical you able to experience? Do you have any idea how you still see, hear, feel and think but without eyes, ears, skin and brains?

The metaphysical eye(s) and SENSES 3rd eye? are not physically based primarily on this 3 Dimensional plane that the physical eyes and senses see experience with (but they can tune into the 3D eyes - senses frequency for observation/evaluations) and so metaphysical and physical eyes see in different spectrums sort of like a flower or person is observed within different perspectives by insects or cameras that can see in UV

edit on 9/4/14 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: caterpillage
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

I agree with your thoughts here, there is one thing that has allways puzzled me and would like your take on it.

As the population on earth is ever expanding, doubling, tripling even in relatively short time spans, are there an infinite number of available beings wishing to have this experience? Or is it a finite pool and as our population expands some other population on some other world dies off?

Interesting thread btw.

If the Earth population puzzles you, what I will tell you next will puzzle you even more. Based on what I've learned from the Entry Station observations. Not only do we pick attributes of the "experience" we want to have from this system before "locking in" but the time/space vector at that vantage point does not follow our current chronological flow of time.

That means, in that non-physical state at the entry station you could go and experience what it's like to be a football player in the NHL in 1975, then after go and experience what it is like to be a Roman Soldier in 100BCE.

Because the Earth itself is an information system, like a database of experiences it operates much like a virtual reality would in that the entire Earth's history exists not only as past/present/future in this information system, but all the probable outcomes within that system.

And as part of it's design when our awareness interfaces with it is to partition our awareness so that we have a clean slate when coming into a new life it to largely filter out any information that might upset the era of that sojourn. It's not perfect, and information does leak hence why we can have people in the past like Nostradamus who has memory of "probable events" in the future, or biblical prophecy where the person at that time may have had some future memory translated into the language and metaphors of their time. Or Egyptian hieroglyphics of a helicopter, tank and airplane. For the most part the system tries it's best to filter this out but it can leak through a bit.

Now as for the participants who come and experience those lifetimes what can be said about those numbers. Well, what I have put together is this based on the fractal like memories of my pre-human entry. One thing I know is that our awareness can be partitioned into smaller bits and we can then run simultaneous multiple experiences with out the requirement of a single constraint.

Each node can branch off and also run simultaneous experiences and so forth but all of this fractal branching of awareness is interconnected to one larger whole, or the sum total of all it's parts. It's here that we likely have all of the religious inspirations of encounters with those memories and slap on a God label ... done.

I prefer to call it the self, because fundamentally that is what it is and each of us are a node of awareness within this larger whole self which embodies all reality physical, non-physical etc.

How I see it is we have this singularity of awareness which at some point has evolved the ability to partition itself into something more. The way I metaphorically see it is a fractal of awareness that permeates the Universe with the essence of anything that becomes "self" aware. It is an awareness field that embodies everything and is partitioned into sub-sets and smaller sub-sets of awareness to fulfill the demand of actors and characters within it's grand universal dreaam.

When we become too far down the nodes of the self into very smaller parts, where now we see "other" and not the self. Well that is like where we are right now. Everyone sees "other" and not the "self" anymore, we are just too far down the partitions and again that's part of the design.

Think of how you are part of reality yet in many ways you can feel separate from it. Reality exists, you exist as a part of it. You are by extension reality experiencing itself through you as you are then experiencing the larger reality outside of you, but everything is connected and is still reality in the big picture.

The whole is reality and each node that branches off from it becomes "other" and we are the personalities that have evolved within this larger system, but we are still the larger system even if a bit reduced to smaller bits and bytes of awareness within it. And that system is astronomically massive so infinite? Probably. How many lifeforms in how many simulations of Universes and the probable lifeforms? It's astronomical really when you think about how many smaller bits of information the larger system supports.

What we are looking at in the big picture is likely larger than our combined dreams and imaginations can tell, it's a multi-verse of the self that stands before us, and it's seemingly infinite and endless.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

Wow ok. That's a lot to wrap my little mind around. I may have to do a few sodukus to limber up then read it through again.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 11:08 AM
After reading about your insights into this matter, I could not help but think of Donald Neale Walsh's Conversations with God series. Have you ever read any of them? He seemed to have reached many similiar conclusions. He did expand a little further on how we are all connected past, present, and future reincarnations with everything and everyone. Basically, at the singularity of beginning...we all are God experiencing his own stimulating virtual creations. It took me sometime to understand his concept that 'I' am 'you', essentially just a different aspect or perspective of the original one or I Am. If you have never read any of his stuff, do a google search. I found it interesting and enlightening, though naturally with all truths coming from another's individual perspective...I still have yet to fully form my own personal perspective.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

It's simple and the answer is the answer to the reason for life and the purpose of our existence.

Most people don't care about the why and instead focus on the how, so let's address that first.

The how....

We are not this body. When we think of ourselves the thinking is our consciousness, but what IS our consciousness??

Is it the biological processes involved in the functioning of our brains? NOPE...well at least not really.

My conclusions based on all of my research is that it is a specific frequency of energy that is partially captured by our brains once our nervous systems start to function.

It is the frequency that defines us and makes up our consciousness. I specifically stated that it is only partially captured by our nervous systems because this helps to explain much of observed reality that is not otherwise explained. Connections between twins, past lives, the ability to tell the future, out of body experiences etc...

Wherever that frequency of energy exists so does our consciousness. The problem though is that our physical bodies limits how much of that consciousness filters through to this level of our existence.

That leads to the reason for life. The reason for existence is to experience the self. Without existence there is only a conglomerate consciousness which is all frequencies combined, this is often referred to as God.

The experience of the self requires this limit on the consciousness that is created by our biology.

Now comes the purpose of existence.. The purpose that we have in our lives is to prepare to become a part of the conglomerate consciousness again. This requires experience in all forms of existence for all frequencies of energy.

So we are constantly shifting throughout the spectrum of existence.

I could literally write a multi-volume series of books describing all of my belief on this point so I will go ahead and cut it short here. In fact,I have considered writing a book about it several times and I think thinking about the result of books like dianetics have prevented me from doing so thus far...


posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 11:30 AM
At work so will be back later on in the evening.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Aphorism

The questions you should be asking is how are your eyes, ears and skin able to perceive what it does???

The answer is that they are perceiving not physical reality, but the frequencies of energy that make up what we refer to as physical reality.

The non-physical us (our frequency of energy) not only is able to perceive these frequencies of energy that make up physical reality(because we ARE an integral part of that energy), it is able to perceive those frequencies more fully and the frequencies of energy that are not considered the physical reality in an unencumbered state.

Our eyes, ears, skin, taste buds and noses actually LIMIT our ability to perceive reality because it gives us more individual relating experience so that we can better experience the self, but it limits our perception of reality.

The more we can access our higher selves, the BETTER able we are to perceive ACTUAL reality rather than our physically limited perception of reality.


p.s. it is a misnomer to believe that reality can only be experienced through physical contact with reality. It is the opposite. Physical contact with reality limits our experience so we can better appreciate the self.

edit on 4-9-2014 by Masterjaden because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

Ok then. We are partitioned nodes of larger and larger and larger. We are so far into the partition process that we see others, rather than one, which we really are/am.

In all that you have written so far, you touch on volition, free will, from the stand point of the extra-human experience, however I could find no insight on 'human" free will. How do you understand human free will in regards this whole understanding of extra-humanness. Once we "incarnate" from the extra-human and become human, in what ever time zone, now or then or later, how does the idea of volition in each individual, me, you, everyone else apply or not apply to the course of that individuals life. Are these individual lives just an experience with no steering wheel other than the conditions set up at the entry point or can course adjustments be made along the way while in human form. And if so, how do you see that these course adjustments along the way might affect the, shall we call it the, exit point?

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

That is quite the lengthy post, very in depth. Thank you for sharing, I have come to a similar conclusion and then I read something written by Monroe a few weeks after my discovery. I was ecstatic that someone else had gone through the same thing I had, it was like we had watched the same life experience. Finding these things out on your own instead of blindly believing is vindication and energizing at the same time.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

Ok then. We are partitioned nodes of larger and larger and larger. We are so far into the partition process that we see others, rather than one, which we really are/am.

In all that you have written so far, you touch on volition, free will, from the stand point of the extra-human experience, however I could find no insight on 'human" free will. How do you understand human free will in regards this whole understanding of extra-humanness. Once we "incarnate" from the extra-human and become human, in what ever time zone, now or then or later, how does the idea of volition in each individual, me, you, everyone else apply or not apply to the course of that individuals life. Are these individual lives just an experience with no steering wheel other than the conditions set up at the entry point or can course adjustments be made along the way while in human form. And if so, how do you see that these course adjustments along the way might affect the, shall we call it the, exit point?

You have to understand that not ALL of us is trapped within space/time, our higher self is not trapped in space/time. Our higher selves know past/present/future. In that respect we have freewill and make all of our choices outside of space/time. Therefore we have already made ALL of our choices and the apparent lack of free will is actually an exercise of freewill outside of space/time, we have already made all of our freewill choices.


posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

The questions you should be asking is how are your eyes, ears and skin able to perceive what it does???

How? Anatomy and embodiment in a rich environment. We are able to see, hear and feel because we are embodied, and have the necessary physical parts and a physical relationship with the rest of the world that allows us to do so.

The answer is that they are perceiving not physical reality, but the frequencies of energy that make up what we refer to as physical reality.

The non-physical us (our frequency of energy) not only is able to perceive these frequencies of energy that make up physical reality(because we ARE an integral part of that energy), it is able to perceive those frequencies more fully and the frequencies of energy that are not considered the physical reality in an unencumbered state.

That doesn’t explain much. How is a non-physical us able to perceive a frequency, which is a repeating physical event? In other words, how is a non-physical thing able to interact with and perceive waves, oscillations, vibrations etc.?

Energy is equivalent to mass. How were you able to discover a massless energy without any way to detect, analyze or measure it?

Our eyes, ears, skin, taste buds and noses actually LIMIT our ability to perceive reality because it gives us more individual relating experience so that we can better experience the self, but it limits our perception of reality.

That is not true. In fact, you are unable to perceive anything with out them. It is the opposite, they enhance our ability to perceive reality.

The more we can access our higher selves, the BETTER able we are to perceive ACTUAL reality rather than our physically limited perception of reality.

p.s. it is a misnomer to believe that reality can only be experienced through physical contact with reality. It is the opposite. Physical contact with reality limits our experience so we can better appreciate the self.

It sounds like you are speaking of rather a lower self, someone born without sense, and born without a body. In other words, someone not born at all. This sounds like a doctrine of death. Is this what you wish us to be? Is this how you understand reality?

Lastly, why do you return to this false reality, when there are many avenues of escape from it?

edit on 4-9-2014 by Aphorism because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

A massive topic you have served well.

But I beleive in the guff. The hall of souls and God
and Jesus Christ and can't really abide in this threads
direction of reincarnation. And to be clear, I beleive if
it were something Christ acknowledged? He would have
done far more than just elude to it.

But that's just me.

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

The metaphysical eye(s) and SENSES 3rd eye? are not physically based primarily on this 3 Dimensional plane that the physical eyes and senses see experience with (but they can tune into the 3D eyes - senses frequency for observation/evaluations) and so metaphysical and physical eyes see in different spectrums sort of like a flower or person is observed within different perspectives by insects or cameras that can see in UV

Interesting. Are you able to explain it without using analogies that relate to the physical world?

Non-physical eyes are not eyes at all. Are you able to describe these metaphysical senses, and their operation, without the use of physical analogies?

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

I have to say I also remember before I was born, or in between so to speak.

I will not return again.

I also remember the a being trying to convince me to return, but next time I will tell them to go in my place, since they feel Earth is such a great experience.

Although I'm enjoying my life and the wonders that come with it; I feel I have experienced enough here throughout many lifetimes.



P.S. Excellent job on your presentation of facts.

edit on 4-9-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: YouAreDreaming

I think I did. I've had enough experiences to suggest that I was a rebellious spirit long before I was incarnated into this flesh.

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