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President Obama's fault?

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posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 01:59 PM
USA Today.

The murderer then proceeds to blame Pres. Obama for this.

As if Obama was the one wielding the knife. Or murdering innocents in the ME.

Have the foreign policies of the U.S., as represented by Mr. Obama caused problems? Hell, yes, they have. Have innocents died as a direct result of them? Yes. There's no denying that, or sugar coating it. Excuse it all you wish, but at the end of the day, innocents have died.

But this? 'fraid not, folks. ISIS stands guilty of their own crimes. No one, least of all the President of the United States, put that knife to that mans throat, and proceeded to do what he did...

To blame Mr. Obama, and by extension you and I? Really? Are we truly that stupid? I'm not. ISIS stands guilty by their own admissions.

I care not in the slightest for their excuses. Their reasons. What the **** ever, guys. I don't give a damn about the "reasons". You've committed unpardonable crimes against humanity.

In this situation? I stand behind what ever actions are necessary to stop ISIS. No half measures. None.

Mr. Obama, and your successor in two years:

No half measures. No declaration of victory aboard an aircraft carrier. ISIS poses no physical danger to the US, that much is true, for the moment. Does anyone doubt who the targets truly are? Once an Islamic state is carved by the sword out of the region? Anyone?

If ISIS wishes to bathe in blood, let it be their own. Airstrikes? Fine, so far as they go. Troops on the ground, when they'll be able to strike a telling blow.

Whatever the **** it takes, Mr. President.

As a result, a significant portion of the world will hate you. ...and by extension, me and my fellow Americans, and Europe. So? Sometimes doing the right thing is painful. This is, IMHO, the right thing to do.

Were there a peaceful way to solve this, I'd urge doing that. I just don't see a peaceful solution to this. ISIS intends to carve a nation out of the ME in a welter of blood.

It'll take blood to stop it, I'm afraid. Let's, at least, make it theirs. Not children who've done nothing wrong save exist.

I'm fairly certain that at least some of you will call me a warmonger, or words to that effect. You've done it before. Fine. Just be sure you've got a solution of your own.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:03 PM
These animals need to culled, the problem i see is if the usa or its western allies send troops to stop these aholes, more martyrs will join there ranks, we has westerners need to take a step back and let there own people deal with this issue.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:07 PM
When one of the most powerful men in the world stands by an does nothing while American citizens get their heads cut off....

Then yes, he is partially to blame for his continued lack of ANYTHING.

It's like watching a rubber duck float along shark infested water......

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:12 PM
It is very unfortunate that these events come after 2 questionable wars already in the region. Like the OP I am not normally for war nor the US involving itself in others affairs.
ISIS does worry me and the OP is right to questions it's end goal should it achieve it's objectives. I'm also concerned about he amount of young Muslims making the journey to fight and the potential for those who cannot travel to mobilise and bring the war to the UK.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:17 PM
I agree whatever it takes to stop them. This group cannot be stopped with polite, friendly words, diplomacy doesn´t work with them. More we wait the more damage they do in ME, more waiting will be a genocide of Shia Muslims and every other religious belief there might be. They have made no exceptions in civilians, they kill families, children all who have a bit different view than they do. It is disgrace.
Eventually this is a dog which will bite owner's leg, longer it can mess around ME more terrorist threath it is to western world too .

edit on 3-9-2014 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: seagull

Blaming any one particular person, in any one particular time frame for the mess in the middle east, is short-sighted.

Short-sighted bad journalism. Plain and simple.

These middle eastern issues have been ongoing for decades... and has been progessively getting worse year after year, decade after decade. The can just keeps getting kicked down the road. But we may very well be stepping into the final stage, the climax.

Fasten your seatbelts.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

That's a valid concern. ...and one that will need to be considered by the people we pay to make these decisions.

Will an intervention make for more issues tomorrow than it solves today? We've no way of knowing for sure, but I suspect that some may be driven to it by any actions taken today...but that's an issue for tomorrow. We can't let the possibility of problems tomorrow keep us from doing something today.

Not just with ISIS...but that's a thread for another day.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: seagull

It may not be president Obama's fault.

But is it president Obama's responsibility?

(My answer, yes)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: anon72


There's a point there. Mr. Obama's response to anything like this is to, IMHO, over think it. He's a political hack, in a position that demands solo decisions sometimes. He works through consensus. Which most times is acceptable (even if I don't necessarily agree with his ideas.), but not in a situation like this.

He should bring in the military experts, and experts in the region, get their opinions, then choose.

He's searching for an ideal solution for a problem that has no ideal solution.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: beezzer


The buck stops right there in the Oval Office. But... In his defense, as much as it pains me, anything he does will probably be wrong. The Middle East has defied any solutions for longer than all of us have been alive.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: beezzer


The buck stops right there in the Oval Office. But... In his defense, as much as it pains me, anything he does will probably be wrong. The Middle East has defied any solutions for longer than all of us have been alive.

That's why the job pays so well and has such a tough interview process.

If it were easy, an idiot coul-. . . . . never mind.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: anon72
When one of the most powerful men in the world stands by an does nothing while American citizens get their heads cut off....

Then yes, he is partially to blame for his continued lack of ANYTHING.

It's like watching a rubber duck float along shark infested water......

He isn't the blame because he didn't send those Americans over there they went there of their own free will. He isn't the blame when stupid civilians choose to go into a war zone.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: beezzer

First thing I'd do is ask for a raise... No way could they pay me enough to do the job...

Thankless job. A quarter of your bosses hate you. The other quarter think your poo doesn't stink (which would get tiresome fast...). ...and the rest don't care one way or another, which would annoy me, too. Love me or hate me, but don't ignore me.

But he could be as smart as he thinks he is, and the Middle East would still make him look like an idiot. Has any President looked like a genius is their dealings with the Middle East? I can't think of one, right off hand.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:37 PM
Its an excuse to point the finger elsewhere to play distraction to evol ignorant deeds...

many complain the US is the instigator and emitter of the most evol, yet no Muslims are being tortured or attacked in the US just for being Muslim and if they were the US laws would protect them... Unlike elsewhere

There are no broadcast of the US beheading non CHRISTIAN followers as there are demonstrated in some ignorance areas of EA*RTH attempting to represent ISLAM.

There is not the extreme ignorance treatment to women due to many insecure men AFRAID to allow the women their equal rights out of more FEAR they may provide different direction/approaches to many political religious issues and so they preach in the name of a god that women are to be oppressed or be below the men there.

What would they do if they found out there were powerful QUEENS near EA*RTH space that can command fleets to rain upon this mentality, its not a good look

Not to mention how the children are observed FORCED to follow in line of neglectant leaders who only wish to manipulate and control these youth into death traps later otherwise they will kill the YOUTH

1 is not saying the US doesn't have its issues that need fixed as a couple other EA*RTH based Super Powers do at times. But they are not demonstrating this ignorance evol shared by those who wish to carry an ancient Egyptian goddess name? and spew violence and death as a way to gain more followers.

Now if maybe the US played unfair by global rules of war and started mass abductions with Unidentified Flying Objects why at the same time releasing DARPA type attack insects and avian bots in mass that can home in on certain ignorance's and precisely deliver something to these ignorance targets in mass w/o them knowing that its time released or that they have been marked. Why @ the same time using drones to shut down areas these ignorance's are located with directed EMP beams/waves/lasers stopping the infrastructure they communicate with and survive with and then hacking their money supports to the point where there are no lights no clean water no communications in mass (quiet) no money to purchase ammo and then send in air and ground supports to FREE the living shields or else timer sped up.

I could imagine the ignorant crying out loud for the world to stop it the (reflecting process) placed upon them as they get a taste of their own projected ignorances...

Now after mass abductions (and not just with US blk craft CHINA and RUSSIA as well as ISRAEL etc) occur with many blk craft and drones and attack insects/birds the remaining followers of ignorance should go back to practicing religion in more appreciative respectful manners... Why the core ignorance are taken off world for better contact with energies more destructive then those abducted.

But since the US isnt doing this, the ignorance emitted from those attempting to distract and point fingers away, is just that ignorance for if you represent a god (not ALLAH) interested in killing children and innocent then perhaps you shall meet them sooner.

The Mahdi isnt with them neither. So no not Obamas fault its a SAPIENS SAPIENS ISSUE

sa fica sa luc

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: seagull

The only time that region knows peace is when some one with power exercises it over the people in that region. It has been that way since Mohamed. They respect power, and not only that, they fear it.

If the West goes back, It should be with the full resolve to wage actual war. That is the only thing the extremeists will understand.

Time to hunt the jackals down and kill them and their followers down like the dogs they are.
edit on 3-9-2014 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:44 PM
He's not doing anything for a reason. I think something big is about to happen and they know it.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: beezzer

First thing I'd do is ask for a raise... No way could they pay me enough to do the job...

Thankless job. A quarter of your bosses hate you. The other quarter think your poo doesn't stink (which would get tiresome fast...). ...and the rest don't care one way or another, which would annoy me, too. Love me or hate me, but don't ignore me.

But he could be as smart as he thinks he is, and the Middle East would still make him look like an idiot. Has any President looked like a genius is their dealings with the Middle East? I can't think of one, right off hand.

Thomas Jefferson?

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
.... when stupid civilians choose to go into a war zone.

I, for one, am very grateful there are civilians with the courage and dedication to bring those untouched by war, conflict or disaster the news of what is taking place.

From it, the world can learn and act.

Calling them 'stupid' for it
edit on 3-9-2014 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:53 PM
I think Obama, just like his predecessors before him, is going to try to kick the can down the road.

Nobody wants to be in the presidential seat when the final "Battle Royale" with the middle east kicks in once and for all.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Thomas Jefferson...

The Barbary pirates? Really?



You know, you may be right... He discovered that paying danegeld only bought you more Danes... ...and reinvented the United States Navy. which is ironic, since he was steadfast in his opposition to it before he became President.

You got me. Score one for the bunny.

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