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I want YOU to fight and die in WW3, did you start training?

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posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:06 PM
I think that while the world focuses on Russia and the US and Europe and the Middle East, Canada is going to swoop down and take over America.

They're sneaky that way. . . . . . . .

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: amazing
Yes I'm trained and ready to go, except during WW3 I'll be fighting for myself and my family.

Being in Vegas though, we know we're going to get a big nuke right on top of Nellis AFB so....I suppose it just depends on how big it is and where I am that day.

I heard if you crouch with your butt in the air under a desk youll survive a nuke attack.
Gotta give the peons a sense of hope of survival dontcha know. They might get rowdy otherwise.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Advantage

Youre cute, but name calling is pathetic

I was using exactly same form as you said about YOUR PRESIDENT :0

It was figurative form of speech nothing more, but still I'm amused at someone who can honestly say that NATO has nothing to do with USA

As a matter of fact I intentionally used that form to check your adolescence. You didn't passed the check.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: Advantage

originally posted by: amazing
Yes I'm trained and ready to go, except during WW3 I'll be fighting for myself and my family.

Being in Vegas though, we know we're going to get a big nuke right on top of Nellis AFB so....I suppose it just depends on how big it is and where I am that day.

I heard if you crouch with your butt in the air under a desk youll survive a nuke attack.
Gotta give the peons a sense of hope of survival dontcha know. They might get rowdy otherwise.

Ha, but we know that nuclear war is survivable. People will survive. One of them will be me!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: kitzik
a reply to: Advantage

Youre cute, but name calling is pathetic

As a matter of fact I intentionally used that form to check your adolescence. You didn't passed the check.

Read it again.. thats not what I said. Calm the hell down and read it.. discuss it.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Advantage

Yeah, but being told what and who to be scared of makes life easier! They should make an App or something to make it even easier.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: amazing

originally posted by: Advantage

originally posted by: amazing
Yes I'm trained and ready to go, except during WW3 I'll be fighting for myself and my family.

Being in Vegas though, we know we're going to get a big nuke right on top of Nellis AFB so....I suppose it just depends on how big it is and where I am that day.

I heard if you crouch with your butt in the air under a desk youll survive a nuke attack.
Gotta give the peons a sense of hope of survival dontcha know. They might get rowdy otherwise.

Ha, but we know that nuclear war is survivable. People will survive. One of them will be me!

Maybe not if youre at Nellis, but I guess it depends on the Yield. A small tactical I guess you could survive even if youre close to Nellis. IF you stick your butt in the air.

Im just not seeing us being nukes into ww3. Maybe EMPd into it.. but even that is a stretch. Not with Russia in any case IMO. Dirty nukes.. absolutely I think its a possibility.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: Feltrick
a reply to: Advantage

Yeah, but being told what and who to be scared of makes life easier! They should make an App or something to make it even easier.

Hmm now thats an idea.. an app to tell you when and what to freak out about. FOr those who cant watch the news or read it online to get their fear triggers..

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: kitzik

If Leo WANTA is correct RUSSIA was not repaid as she was to have been under Reagan. Bush Sr is trying to steal it .I absolutely HATE the US is better than Russia argument. If you are strictly going by public knowledge alone THAT is correct.I would say NEITHER people really know each other but at a guess.
Americans are the coldest people at war,it's why we win,die and keep going.I imagine the WWII Russia had these people.
Now Russia is a messed up criminal infested world and the US is getting smoked by a shadowy group from food,media and BILLIONS spent to control us and keep us IN the plan as well as a trickle down attrition of all they can get with poisons from all sides.
I wouldn't be TOO happy about so many NOT joining. If they don't have enough by volunteerism you could be DRAFTED.
edit on 2-9-2014 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:23 PM
I got my Mad Max style clothes ready and I can't wait sign me up

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:27 PM

Im just not seeing us being nukes into ww3. Maybe EMPd into it.. but even that is a stretch. Not with Russia in any case IMO. Dirty nukes.. absolutely I think its a possibility.
a reply to: Advantage

Non nuclear EMP weapons are just imaginary secret weapons (if they exist) , generally EMP IS nuclear.
And this jargon is used a lot in recent years just not to scare public.
This is another tactic to bring public opinion to the idea that MAD is not so MAD.

EMP or dirty nuke or small load tactical nuke they all will open psychological door to the full scale of 10-20 thousands nuclear mushrooms

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: kitzik

If Leo WANTA is correct RUSSIA was not repaid as she was to have been under Reagan. Bush Sr is trying to steal it .I absolutely HATE the US is better than Russia argument. If you are strictly going by public knowledge alone THAT is correct.I would say NEITHER people really know each other but at a guess.
Americans are the coldest people at war,it's why we win,die and keep going.I imagine the WWII Russia had these people.
Now Russia is a messed up criminal infested world and the US is getting smoked by a shadowy group from food,media and BILLIONS spent to control us and keep us IN the plan as well as a trickle down attrition of all they can get with poisons from all sides.
I would be TOO happy about so many NOT joining. If they don't have enough by volunteerism you could be DRAFTED.

Our numbers are too low now to have a totally voluntary. It would be conscription ... draft

You said we are cold in war? Maybe. WE .. not our govt.. we like to win. WE like to fight. WE love to win a battle against a real foe. If we were lead by an adequate leader/administration.. WE would be on the right track on out relationship with the world. WE are a segment of the population of this country that would fight.. and make the other bastard die. Many might hate us.. our fellow Americans.. but when its time, boy do they come running and want us to die for them.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: kitzik

Im just not seeing us being nukes into ww3. Maybe EMPd into it.. but even that is a stretch. Not with Russia in any case IMO. Dirty nukes.. absolutely I think its a possibility.
a reply to: Advantage

Non nuclear EMP weapons are just imaginary secret weapons (if they exist) , generally EMP IS nuclear.
And this jargon is used a lot in recent years just not to scare public.
This is another tactic to bring public opinion to the idea that MAD is not so MAD.

EMP or dirty nuke or small load tactical nuke they all will open psychological door to the full scale of 10-20 thousands nuclear mushrooms

I dont think they are imaginary
I understand why you would though. We can agree to disagree.
DIrty bombs are nuclear. and have been used in the past. I disagree with full scale nuclear war with mushrooms everywhere. Putin is no fool and thats not his vision. Thats a bad battle plan to destroy what you want and destroy yourself. The world will not allow Putin or Kim or the US... anyone else to cause a nuclear event that will effect the world. That sort of world is the end of ALL of us and our way of life.. the world and everyone in it. It will not occur. I really wholeheartedly do not believe it.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
I got my Mad Max style clothes ready and I can't wait sign me up

Are you saying all this Russia /Ukrane stuff is just viral marketing for the upcoming mad max movie??

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Indigent

OMG we just found the biggest conspiracy ever!!!
I bet they send around Tom Hardy to duff us up

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:45 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

originally posted by: kitzik
Non nuclear EMP weapons are just imaginary secret weapons (if they exist) , generally EMP IS nuclear.

That's incorrect. General Electromagnetic Pulse Information
There is nothing imaginary about non-nuclear EMPs.

Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP) weapons

Devices that can achieve this objective include a large low-inductance capacitor bank discharged into a single-loop antenna, a microwave generator and an explosively pumped flux compression generator. To achieve the frequency characteristics of the pulse needed for optimal coupling into the target, wave-shaping circuits and/or microwave generators are added between the pulse source and the antenna. Vircators are vacuum tubes that are particularly suitable for microwave conversion of high-energy pulses.[3]

NNEMP generators can be carried as a payload of bombs, cruise missiles (such as the CHAMP missile) and drones, with diminished mechanical, thermal and ionizing radiation effects, but without the political consequences of deploying nuclear weapons.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Advantage

Putin is no fool and thats not his vision

Putin is rationally thinking individual, but if he will be convinced that his fate is the fate of Milosevich or even Kaddafi
I think he will prefer life in bunker over death in sewage trench.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

There is no open public demonstrations that such devices can be comparable to nuclear induced EMP

The first scientific experiment con-
ducted jointly by the nuclear-weapons
laboratories of the United States and
the Russian Federation occurred at a
high-explosive facility at Arzamas-16
on September 22, 1993—the day after
President Yeltsin sent tanks to surround
the Russian White House. (The Los
Alamos contingent, consisting of all the
authors except Max Fowler, plus Lynn
Veeser, Pat Rodriguez, and Jim King,
tried to ignore the growing political cri-
sis as they completed the final prepara-
tions for the experiment.) The objec-
tive of the experiment was to verify the
performance of the unique high-current
generator, the Disk-Explosive Magnetic
Generator (DEMG) developed by
Chernyshev, that could potentially be
used for the MAGO plasma compres-
sion experiments, as well as other high-
energy-density physics experiments.
The DEMG has no counterpart in
the United States, and its properties and
operation were unknown. Although
small models of the DEMG had been
briefly described at the Megagauss-III
conference (1983), it was not until
Megagauss-V (1989) that the full power
of the DEMG was revealed.
The device, shown in Figure 7, has
cylindrical symmetry and consists of a
series of concave conducting disks that
are stacked together in pairs, like op-
posing pie pans. Magnetic flux is
trapped in the space between two disks.
Detonating the DEMG collapses the ...

I said those weapons are secret and never were tested full scale. And i stand on this.
Moreover, if and when this kind of energies will be tamed by scientists, weapons made by this principle will be more devastating than our current Neutron/Deuterium or anything we know.
Such weapons will be able to destroy not only 90% of life on Earth but literally bomb this planet to pieces , may be even with Mars and Jupiter lol

edit on 2-9-2014 by kitzik because: correction

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Advantage

YEAH,and so am I because I was good at it BUT some of THESE people think our military will move against us too.

WHAT BEEZ? Canucks INVADING me THEY haven't got a chance WE outnumber them 30 to one THAT DARK BEER?

YOU GUYS IN CANADA can make that too?

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: kitzik
a reply to: Advantage

Putin is no fool and thats not his vision

Putin is rationally thinking individual, but if he will be convinced that his fate is the fate of Milosevich or even Kaddafi
I think he will prefer life in bunker over death in sewage trench.

Oh he already knows our funny way of slaughtering our "friends" when they arent useful or arent a part of the end game. He has no worries Im sure. I definitely get what youre saying, but Putin and Russia.. theyre obviously part of the endgame of this current issue. Ukraine is expendable.. and everyone in it. IMO Its a petty staged fight... our president/Admin obviously doesnt intend on holding up our end of the agreement against Russia with the Ukraine.

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