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posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
I only believe in one fairy. Her name is Destinyone.

Ah,the cookie fairy!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 11:26 AM
I used to go out into the woods in search of "fairy houses" all the time ^_^ Love the fairy website you listed, very cool!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: ConsciousnessAwakened
No such thing as fairies!

Booooo hater see ya later.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:17 PM
I had imaginary Gnomes as pals as a kid.
I used to sneak downstairs into the coal cellar and help them move coal from one end to the other.
Still looking back it was all so real I can still hear them singing

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger
You don't have to wait for the 1st of May & wait a year later to see if they can be seen.
Just before sunset, walk barefooted into a field of wild sunflowers or any place where wild sunflowers grow. Ask permission to the lovely flower & pull its' pedals those pedals underneath your pillow...Oftentimes you will be woken up by their presences....

Buena Suerte

edit on 18Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:55:35 -0500pm2014-09-02T18:55:35-05:0055pmE35p9 by GraciaEspn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 09:16 PM
The Coast-To-Coast show from last night is on YouTube now. The discussion with Simon Young, on fairies and mythical creatures begins about 1:16:00.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: GraciaEspn
a reply to: ColeYounger
You don't have to wait for the 1st of May & wait a year later to see if they can be seen.
Just before sunset, walk barefooted into a field of wild sunflowers or any place where wild sunflowers grow. Ask permission to the lovely flower & pull its' pedals those pedals underneath your pillow...Oftentimes you will be woken up by their presences....

Buena Suerte

There's a pasture a few miles south of where I live that contains acres of wild sunflowers.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz4

originally posted by: ColeYounger
I like the idea that there just might be these "wee folk" out there in the woods and meadows.

me too. that would be cool. i always liked the 'cottingley fairies' story

The Cottingley fairies' story was a major hoax. Thee are so many holes in those photo's that they could rival Swiss cheese for holes, although admittedly, I must give credit to the original photographer for the quality at a time when special effects were very complicated to produce... lol

But really one of my major problems is why fairies of the era would dress and have hair styles of the Dead giveaway as to their fakeness.

Not a good example to use in defence of the existence of fairies.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 08:28 AM
I have a liking for Faerie also. I actually have a fairly wicked looking fairy tattoo on my shoulder. He's not very cute and cuddly, but he is similar to a certain type of fairy everyone in my family has seen at one time or another.

When I was getting my first tattoo, my mother felt I should get a "bad" faerie tattoo to counter balance my optimistic, rose colored worldview. LOL. So when I was looking through Brian Froud's "The Good Faeries, Bad Faeiries", illustration book and I saw his sprigan - and I instantly recognized the crypto as something I'd seen myself throughout childhood.

A spriggan is a cornish fairy with a nasty disposition. They are small and round and look like a demonic rat (in my experience) - and it's said they can inhale air and grow to terrifyingly large proportions. On the ground, when they sit still they often are mistaken for rocks and live in the mountainous sky regions of the world. Why they would visit my family in Michigan, a valley, I've no idea! These are the faeries that are accused of abducting children from bed, and leaving a sickly changeling child in it's place. They also can blight the crops of their perceived enemies, steal your trinkets and items, and can call upon destructive winds at will.

It might be strange to add such a tattoo to oneself, but - I like my body art to tell a story. The spriggan is one of the faerie that cause me to clap my hands and say, "I do believe in fairies, I do believe in fairies!".

I wrote a thread on fairies and it's similarities to alien abduction. Check it out!
The Fairy Phenomenon & it's Similarities to E.T.



posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:28 PM

Sorry, I couldn't resist! LOL

I have always loved the idea of faeries, but can't imagine something so enchanting being real. But hey, who knows right?? I mean, I'm an elf so who am I to doubt?

posted on Sep, 4 2014 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: Specimen
Would little Green Men, from outer space with big bulging black eyes with death rays be a possible candidate?
Possible. But yo ucan find lots and lots of accounts on faries.

A famous example is the faries of Cottingley which turned out to be fake of course. The only problem is that fairies witness are restrict to European and Western folks, if they were all over the world it would be just famous as UFO sightings.

If faries exist they wouldn't be related to humans like in the stories, but completely different creatures.

My bet is that they are astral beings of another plane of something.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: ConsciousnessAwakenedand yet you have on your avatar the all seeing eye with the sign of immortality under it cool you believe in that others believe in other things what ever floats your boat hay ?

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:24 AM
Theosophists call fairies, gnomes, elves and all other such entities "elementary spirits". They belong to an evolutionary process of which birds are a part and which is parallel to the human one. Birds eventually become fairies, just as dogs and cats become humans when they acquire individual souls. Before that big step in their evolution they share a part of a "group soul", or a sort of soul pool or collective soul to which their soul reverts when they die. The group soul accumulates the experience of all the individual incarnations. Human kindness quickens the evolution of animals greatly. Horses are on a lower level as compared to cats and dogs. They're a coarser breed and they eventually become dogs. Dogs that can't tolerate exploding fireworks and run off and get lost behave thus because they used to be horses taken to battle and had to put up with cannon fire and bursting artillery all around them before meeting a violent death.

The source for most of that is the theosophy books that belonged to one of my grandfathers, who was also a freemason. The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 in N.Y.C. but eventually established its main headquarters in Adyar, Madras, India. It has always had seers. It's odd that people here seem never to have heard about this old organization. Its motto is "There is no higher religion than the truth", which was initially the motto of an Indian rajah, if I remember this well.

In Iceland they believe in and respect all those creatures. When they were building a road there came a time when all the big machines they were using broke down and it was impossible to fix them. Someone found out that they were about to make the road go through a certain place inhabited by elves and fairies, so they decided to make a long detour, and after the decision was made the machines started to work once again and there were no more problems.

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 09:53 PM
we joke around at home that we have a silverware fairy or elf. ive bought new silverware twice this year atleast 20pc at a time...we have maybe 3 forks and a couple spoons one knows where they go..kinda just dissapear.

we also have a laundry dryer sock monster lmao

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 10:03 PM

I encountered fairies and they talked to me and sang old hymns(*think MR. Sand Man kind of sound)

These words, like deja vu + some kind of nostalgia to me right now.

Like I experienced the same thing or something but the memory is so faded, only enough remains to make this comment about the feeling I get from reading that comment.

Or it was a dream I didn't remember when I woke up...SOMETHING! gah lol

posted on Sep, 7 2014 @ 10:09 PM
They must exist, here they are on youtube!

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Tavg0911
we joke around at home that we have a silverware fairy or elf. ive bought new silverware twice this year atleast 20pc at a time...we have maybe 3 forks and a couple spoons one knows where they go..kinda just dissapear.


The silverware had the habit of vanishing little by little, item by item, in my parents' house, but there were no fairies in the neighborhood, I think. My mother eventually decided to get rid of the housemaid.

Going over the said books I see that the name is "nature-spirits", but I think I once saw the term "elementary nature-spirits".

"The great majority of them apparently prefer to avoid [human beings] altogether; [their] habits and emanations are distasteful to them (...). On the other hand, instances are not wanting in which [they] have as it were made friends with human beings and offered them such assistance as lay in their power, as in the well-known stories of the [Scottish] brownies (...)./This helpful attitude, however, is comparatively rare, and in most cases when they come in contact with [humans] they either show indifference or dislike, or else take an impish delight in deceiving [them] and playing childish tricks upon [them]. Many a story illustrative of this curious characteristic may be found among the village gossip of the peasantry in almost any lonely mountainous district (...)." (The Astral Plane, C.W. Leadbeater)

edit on 11-9-2014 by quodlibet because: Minor grammar error

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