Today I had to go to the shopping mall, I hate grocery shopping because people there piss me off! After parking my car and heading towards the
supermarket entrance there are hawkers selling car detailing products and I know they are gonna come for me because I have a nice looking car. I
managed to avoid them going in, but they'll be waiting for me on my way back out and then they'll force me to tell them to # off!
So I get to the supermarket and the trollys/carts look like #, I chose what I thought was the best one and it still trundles off sideways making it
difficult to steer. So I start my shopping experience down the back where the toilet paper is next to the icecream freezer. As I turn into the aisle
there is a gaggle of women blocking the way, not one # was given by them even after they saw me coming. Then after I grumbled "EXCUSE ME" they give
me black looks as if I had disturbed them or something. Don't go blocking the #ing aisle and talk # about how "Fluffy the cat was neutered" when
other people are shopping for groceries!
While I'm on the subject of blocking aisles, there seams to be a growing trend of supermarkets blocking their own lately. They will stack extra
products in the aisles that cause a bottleneck so only one shopping cart can get passed at a time, and if you have a # cart like the one I had then
negotiating the commando course they have provided is even more #ed up! I'm pretty sure Occupational Health and Safety laws and regulations prohibit
blocking aisles and lanes, but who gives a # right?!
Then as I turn sideways into the next aisle there is a married couple with 4 kids and not one of them are leashed! The kids are running amok playing
chasey/tag and picking their nose, the parents seam totally oblivious to it all.
Then, I go to buy some nice fresh tomatoes and there is this old guy molesting them all. He picks one up, feels it all over then puts it down, then
picks another, feels it up and puts it down.....Other people have to eat this # too and this guy is rubbing his grubby hands all over the produce!
I was only half way through my grocery list, but I had enough of my shopping experience so I headed sideways to the checkout. Now, there is 12
checkout registers plus 6 of the "do it yourself" types. Only 2 of the 12 registers are staffed and there are other people lined up waiting to be
served, so I head to the self serve checkouts and people there have full trollys and by this stage as you may have guessed, I had lost my patience.
I notice a guy with a dumb arsed look on his face and assumed he was the manager, so I said to him "you need to open another checkout". He told me
that checkout 12 was about to open down the other end, so I head down to checkout 12 and just as I'm approaching it the couple with the screaming kids
gets there first!
Finally I get served and I head out the exit sideways, when a young man in a neon safety vest holding a can of "Waterless Car Wash" approaches me and
says "Good morning sir". "# OFF!"
Who decided to #ing spell aisle like that anyhow? End of rant, that feels better.
edit on 1-9-2014 by weirdguy because: (no reason