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What may be really bothering Obama

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posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Damn Beez, first you're a Obama sympathizer, now "You're not a conspiracy guy"
Brings a fellow rabbit to mind, 'He don't know me very well, do he?"

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: beezzer

Damn Beez, first you're a Obama sympathizer, now "You're not a conspiracy guy"
Brings a fellow rabbit to mind, 'He don't know me very well, do he?"

Reminds me of a Bond film.

"II don't want you to talk, Mr. beezzer. I want you to die."

It's my cynical nature to doubt the media and the government.

It has also been my long experience working within the government that it is run by arrogant, inept, incompetent people.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 08:58 PM
actually I think hes on a fence... I already screwed the US but now... "should I do like the roosevelts and seek a way for a third term... or should I seek a more militaristic action like Hitler and see that only ME will have absolute power... or should I pursue the Roman model and nominate myself emperor"

Decisions decisions...

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 08:59 PM
It's easier to claim "conspiracy" than admit incompetence.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Obama's dilemma is, 'how to create the public image of intervention, without inhibiting the ISIS agenda'. ISIS is an American and Israel funded monster. Obama couldnt take out Assad the first time around, so he sent John McCain over to organize the local psychopaths.

Its not that Obama is incompetent, or even stupid. He's trying not to get caught red-handed.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Willtell

It has dawned on me that Obama may be resistant to going into Syria because he feels he is being and has been manipulated by the Intelligence agencies

Maybe or maybe he knows the public is tired of war regardless of what the MSM is parroting. Also I believe Putin may have something to say about invading Syria and definitely Iran.

NATO is also squealing to move into east Europe to "stop the Russians." There's only so many fronts we can fight.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
It's easier to claim "conspiracy" than admit incompetence.

Yawn. Being awake is watching every one move, but knowing exactly what's going to happen, like a film you've seen before. The "Its just this one president ... get rid of him and everything will be okay!" narrative is a film I have most definitely seen before, and I know how it ends: With all the same stuff continuing under the next president. The OP is therefore much wiser in spirit than many of the responses I am seeing here.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
It's easier to claim "conspiracy" than admit incompetence.

Actually beez... thats a damn fine quote. Something worthy of Hemingway or Eisenhower.

Very good... Never knew you had it in you.

... Its so good that it will go to my signature!
edit on 31-8-2014 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Willtell

LOL u can't be serious. Obama knows exactly what he is doing. He was asked does he watch the news the dude said he doesn't have to because he knows everything. This is after the fact that he said he found out about the IRS and a number of scandals from the news.

The guy is a pathological liar.

He doesn't want to do anything because he helped armed the Syrian rebels who changed their name to ISIS. Now why would he want to destroy his own creation.

Order out of chaos is the NWO motto, this is exactly what they are doing in the middle east. THey are trying to create a Radical Islamic Empire to justify a future invasion prob under Clinton.

edit on 31-8-2014 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: Willtell

The problem with your theory is that Obama does not attend the briefings. Unless things have changed he began his presidency off by neglecting security briefings. I guess they were too early in the mornings lol

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: ausername

I explained precisely why he is "going around in a funk" in that post.

Yes he certainly looks like he's in a funk...

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Willtell

No matter how he is defended, excused and pampered, it can't hide the fact he is incompetent. Nothing but a community organizer with no real experience for the top office. This is what his fans have been doing all along, making excuses for him, blaming everyone else except him for his own failures. Even he believes it.

I'll have to string along (where's that pygmy pigeon when
I need him) with the incompetent flock on this one.

I don't think his Marxist ideology and being just about
raised in the Shop got his ego ready for this eight years.
Imagine a rocket sled to the top CEO job in the country
(OK the world for now) after putting in your time as an
effective public speaker and little to nothing else.

Now plug in a country already set up to tank economically,
socially and probably at its soul-- and being powerless to
stop the people that put you "in" from effectively tripling
the damage; if not pointing the engineered frigate of fail
twice as close to the point of no returd in the toilet vortex.
No typo (damn can I turn a phrase or whatnot)

He might have loved this country once, I can't read his
heart or his mind: but if all he gets to do is be a blow-by-
blow announcer of the intelligence agencies' newest
batch of deadly antics into a cam and teleprompter it'd
get kind of old on me after five or six years. I cite the
example of "He's Dead" clip and the door swinging out
from a good kick: I'll give it a 60 because it had an honest
beat for frustration level. And nobody including Dick Clark
could dance to it if having a right mind.

Check out how fast his hair is turning... sure it isn't
Charlie Heston with homespun on and lugging down a
pair of tablets but he's getting some up there. I don't
sympathize one bit for his plight-- a little extra reading
as a kid would have told him Kennedy was set up too.

Difference there is, maybe Jack believed he had a
chance to make it better for those that came later,
and paid for it. I think the recent funk is a well masked
crackup around the edges of that King of the World
facade... or at least the main mamu of the UN.

Well if misery loves company, he helped create plenty.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Bassago Very agreed, how many wars can we practicably be in? It takes troops and money. It also takes public support, and I am not seeing much of that. A number of my right wing friends are getting skeptical of marching merrily to war, now that the bill has made itself clear.

To do the all the fights McCain wants, we'll need conscription and a build-up. And money: we didn't win the CW, WWI, or WWII with tax cuts.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 12:11 AM
Some great dialog here. However I did want to bring a tad of my own observations.

Presidents are judged throughout history in several categories.. Our current president seems to have missed the memo on his desk the first day of work. Surround your self with the best and wisest group of advisors you have and never rush to judgment until you have all the facts. Confusion reigns in the oval office right now. There's just to many "Situational Events " Going on right now. The staff has been transitioning and Obama really doesn't seem to recognize anyone giving him advice. His head is literally spinning.

Example: " ISIS are the JV team..." Obviously a sound bite from his morning security brief from a mid level manager.
another, "Your going to be able to keep you current Health Insurance." Just Two of many statements that he was severely misinformed about..

He is way outside his executive Span of control. When he stands in front of the mic and makes a statement like, "We have no plan for Syria" I could feel the air rush out of senior White House corespondents. Who's telling him this #?

The Staff War College has a plan for any and all contingencies world wide. Thats there job. If the Commander in Cheese wants a War Plan he has a stack of responses on his desk in minutes... So thats all BS. Right now Obama is "All In" and head deep in #. OUR problem is those advisors are giving him all this sage advice and possess the wisdom of a spoiled Tenth Grader...

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: Metallicus


He is doing nothing because his globalist puppet masters are telling him to do nothing...for now...

He has and always will be a construct of TPTB...

That is why he is so "depressed' and "forlorn" ... He is like Bush Jr. only he thought he would get to "play" more...

well,... TPTB are approaching the Endgame and they really don't care what their puppet thinks or feels and he knows this...that is why he plays golf...and plays golf,...and is told about the world horrors,....and plays golf...

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
I have condemned Obama as much as anybody but that still doesn’t explain his weird behavior.

He did refuse to bomb Syria. MANY DIDN’T LIKE THAT.

Then, all of a sudden we hear of this ISIS group going into Iraq and kicking ass.
That doesn’t make you think beyond the superficial?

Frankly, whatever the case, I want them to exterminate ISIS ASAP.

I’m wondering what ails Obama in this obvious choice since before this he was willing to drone anybody, anywhere.

What might make sense is he seeing the CIA and black ops for what the are something ALL presidents probably experience one time or another.

When Kennedy did he made the wrong choice.

No I hear ISIS crossing over in TEXAS and he does not give a crap!

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 12:27 AM

they are very distracting.

obama is just a mensch.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Willtell

No matter how he is defended, excused and pampered, it can't hide the fact he is incompetent. Nothing but a community organizer with no real experience for the top office. This is what his fans have been doing all along, making excuses for him, blaming everyone else except him for his own failures. Even he believes it.

The CIA/NATO created IS is going along just as planned. It takes time to build something as large as IS and it takes time to take action. What action the US have planned for is unkown. The goal With IS might not even be to take out IS, but to use them so that the US can take out other objectives, Or to make other objectives "Nations" submissive to the US in some political way.

The ceation of IS is actually brilant. It already have you fooled. You want the US/NATO to take action no mater what asap. The US intelligence and the US government is a lot smarter than it seams to be.

The American empire is not built on stupidity by stupid People. They are way abowe you and way a head of you.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: spy66

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Willtell

No matter how he is defended, excused and pampered, it can't hide the fact he is incompetent. Nothing but a community organizer with no real experience for the top office. This is what his fans have been doing all along, making excuses for him, blaming everyone else except him for his own failures. Even he believes it.

The CIA/NATO created IS is going along just as planned. It takes time to build something as large as IS and it takes time to take action. What action the US have planned for is unkown. The goal With IS might not even be to take out IS, but to use them so that the US can take out other objectives, Or to make other objectives "Nations" submissive to the US in some political way.

The ceation of IS is actually brilant. It already have you fooled. You want the US/NATO to take action no mater what asap. The US intelligence and the US government is a lot smarter than it seams to be.

The American empire is not built on stupidity by stupid People. They are way abowe you and way a head of you.

but not YOU! right?

you have it all figured out.

lol, it's a wonder you are still posting. or are you an insider?

a disinfo guy?

or another conspiracy nutter?

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: tsingtao

originally posted by: spy66

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Willtell

No matter how he is defended, excused and pampered, it can't hide the fact he is incompetent. Nothing but a community organizer with no real experience for the top office. This is what his fans have been doing all along, making excuses for him, blaming everyone else except him for his own failures. Even he believes it.

The CIA/NATO created IS is going along just as planned. It takes time to build something as large as IS and it takes time to take action. What action the US have planned for is unkown. The goal With IS might not even be to take out IS, but to use them so that the US can take out other objectives, Or to make other objectives "Nations" submissive to the US in some political way.

The ceation of IS is actually brilant. It already have you fooled. You want the US/NATO to take action no mater what asap. The US intelligence and the US government is a lot smarter than it seams to be.

The American empire is not built on stupidity by stupid People. They are way abowe you and way a head of you.

but not YOU! right?

you have it all figured out.

lol, it's a wonder you are still posting. or are you an insider?

a disinfo guy?

or another conspiracy nutter?

Non of them. I just understand what i see, hear and read.

You People dont.

I was a combat diver 22 years ago in 1992. I do have some inside knowledge about howe these Things work.

Do you see any difference between the propaganda used a head of situations like this and what takes Place after? I bet you dont.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

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