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Einstein was a fraud. E= nothing

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posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: boncho
a reply to: KrzYma

YES, if matter counteracts the acceleration of gravity it is doing work ! It spent energy, real energy ( and not QM demons that don't want to be at the same place at the same time)

Matter is not counteracting the "acceleration of gravity". Newton's are a measurement of force, how much force is this matter putting down. No counteracting, no rising against such force. Just a calculation of the force.

So one of us and all the matter that makes us up, we are around 750 Newtons (168.6lbs). We are not doing anything against gravity, we are just there, weighing that much, and our matter doesn't change. But if you were on the moon you'd only weigh 27.9lbs and you'd be exerting 124.1 Newtons of force.

Now if you stand up or something, you are briefly overpowering the force holding you there, to which you can make calculations about if so desired.

Matter is not counteracting anything by just sitting there.

Get it yet?

You don't get it !!
Hold something heavy in your hand, it pulls down and you have to overcome this force with your mussels.
You use energy for that, don't you ?
Put it down on the ground, it stays there but the pulling force do not stop pulling on it, or do you think gravity stops because its on the ground and not in your hand ?
The ground counteract the pulling force of gravity, therefore energy is used..

Get it yet??

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: KrzYma
You don't get it !!
Hold something heavy in your hand, it pulls down and you have to overcome this force with your mussels.
You use energy for that, don't you ?

Yes, it requires energy to lift something and overcome gravity.

Put it down on the ground, it stays there but the pulling force do not stop pulling on it, or do you think gravity stops because its on the ground and not in your hand ?
The ground counteract the pulling force of gravity, therefore energy is used..

Get it yet??

False. It's in the same position as the ground it's on. The force of gravity is not strong enough to pull it further. There is no energy pulling it up, it's all pulling down still. The force pulling down is just not strong enough to pull it through the ground.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 05:51 AM
One way to think about mass and weight is to imagine trying to lift a boat, say 10000kg on earth.
You can't.
But, you can push it along the water using just your muscles.
Now, put you hand between the boat and the dock as the boat moves...
Bye bye hand. That's the force. Mass times velocity.

If your boat is weightless in space, and you somehow nudge it towards the international space station, then put your other hand between the two, you still lose your hand because the force is the same. Mass times velocity.
Even though the weight has vanished from your boat due to the lack of gravity.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: KrzYma

originally posted by: boncho
a reply to: KrzYma

YES, if matter counteracts the acceleration of gravity it is doing work ! It spent energy, real energy ( and not QM demons that don't want to be at the same place at the same time)

Matter is not counteracting the "acceleration of gravity". Newton's are a measurement of force, how much force is this matter putting down. No counteracting, no rising against such force. Just a calculation of the force.

So one of us and all the matter that makes us up, we are around 750 Newtons (168.6lbs). We are not doing anything against gravity, we are just there, weighing that much, and our matter doesn't change. But if you were on the moon you'd only weigh 27.9lbs and you'd be exerting 124.1 Newtons of force.

Now if you stand up or something, you are briefly overpowering the force holding you there, to which you can make calculations about if so desired.

Matter is not counteracting anything by just sitting there.

Get it yet?

You don't get it !!
Hold something heavy in your hand, it pulls down and you have to overcome this force with your mussels.
You use energy for that, don't you ?
Put it down on the ground, it stays there but the pulling force do not stop pulling on it, or do you think gravity stops because its on the ground and not in your hand ?
The ground counteract the pulling force of gravity, therefore energy is used..

Get it yet??

I think the science says something has to move for work to be done, or something similar. This is why when you stick a magnet to the fridge, the magnet isn't doing any work. However, if you hold some metal above a magnet that's resting on the ground, and this causes the magnet to jump upward to meet with the metal then I think some work was done. HOWEVER, you had to hold the metal up above the magnet for this to happen. Once they connect, no work is being done.

I guess in some way the heat and/or convection of the deep layers of Earth's core are causing the lithosphere in the outer layers to move. I do think the continents are "floating". So to some extent the ground we're resting on is representative of "work" being done deep in the hot convective core of Earth. However, I don't think that means hte ground is doing any work to keep us from falling through it and plummeting to the Earth's core. We can however tap into the energies underground using geothermal power plants.

If I rest my hand on the table and put a marble on the palm then is my hand doing work to hold the marble? Has to be no. I don't know exactly how it works, but I know I'm not using any muscles to hold it. Lucky for me the marble doesn't crash through my hand. Somehow the "atomic" structure (whatever that's) is holding hte marble and no work is being done. However, if I was somehow strong enough to move a 2000 lb marble onto it, it might crash through. Fortunately, I can't hold a marble that heavy. Wonderful how nature works in our favor that way isn't it? "You can't fly too high if you fly with your own wings" - as a general rule.

I really don't understand this stuff well. Like yourself I really don't get it. I got an "A" in ph 101, but I never went further than that because: a) i made lots of errors and teacher forgave them b) physics is very hard and i never really GOT it c) math gets more advanced in later courses. The only reason I passed any tests was because I memorized. Honestly I don't understand physics and I can't picture in my my mind how this world works.
edit on 9-9-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: notmyrealname
a reply to: knightsofcydonia

I watched all episodes of this and was amazed at the content and explanations given. I did find the following videos in the series had a lot of repeated material as if they were speaking to remedial students but, this is the state of most people in the world so, they get a pass.

If my memory is correct, the plan was to make seven videos but the author stopped at 4 to five and stated that his project was being cancelled because he did not have enough time…. I really wish I could see the remaining information even in written form.

All-in-all, great theory with a lot of supporting evidence. The nay-sayers should look past the (I believe, misleading title) and check out the video; there is a lot of food for the mind there.

So one makes a Nobel prize winning leap in physics but stops because "he doesn't have enough time?" How does that make sense.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: KrzYma

E - energy, what energy ??
some say kinetic energy, kinetic energy of what ?? a virtual (non existent) particle like photon ?

m - mass, what mass ??
1kg on the Earth is 1kg because on Earth gravitational
acceleration is 9.81 m/s^2
the same 1kg on the Sun with gravitational acceleration of 274 m/s2
or 28.0 times that of the Earth is 28kg

c - the speed of light, measured here on Earth, not near the Sun or Alpha Centauri
or in any Galaxy billions light years away.

you should not calculate with this equation.

Uh, methinks you don't understand the definition of mass.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: KrzYma

E - energy, what energy ??
some say kinetic energy, kinetic energy of what ?? a virtual (non existent) particle like photon ?

m - mass, what mass ??
1kg on the Earth is 1kg because on Earth gravitational
acceleration is 9.81 m/s^2
the same 1kg on the Sun with gravitational acceleration of 274 m/s2
or 28.0 times that of the Earth is 28kg

c - the speed of light, measured here on Earth, not near the Sun or Alpha Centauri
or in any Galaxy billions light years away.

you should not calculate with this equation.

Uh, methinks you don't understand the definition of mass.

At least he got this part right:

you should not calculate with this equation.

One should never use KrzYma's equations...

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: KrzYma

The ground counteract the pulling force of gravity, therefore energy is used..

So how much can the ground bench press? Can the ground wipe my bum in the shower? Because my hand and arm can do that no problem, gravity and everything... ground can't.

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