posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 12:35 PM
This is an ongoing difficultly I have and the leading reason my use for the internet is decreasing year by year, finding what I'm looking for.
Generally I use Duck-Duck Go, Dogpile and rarely Google and find them all wanting.
I wanted to do a post on Labor Day and wanted to do a little homework before hand. I tried all three of the above Search Engines and all (nearly
all) responses to "Labor Day News" was listing of various Labor Day Sales and other clattrap.
I remember a time when a search engine was a search engine not an advertising channel either overtly or more subtly (SEO - Search Engine
Heck, I'd be willing to pay for an old fashion Search Engine that used the old technologies that found content that you wanted. Mostly these days I
have to rely on aggregate sites to find anything of interest and it's a long process.
On a subject such as "Labor" even my regular sites tend to stay away from any mention of the subject or the larger subject of capitalism as (in the
US) both "right" and "left" have to subscribe to basic premise that capitalism is the only system that will work such as they "right" and
"left" have to support Isreali Zionism.
Even going to the library and doing the reasearch requires technology controled search engines, I can't remember the last time I saw a card catalog.
I'm getting off topic.
My question is 1) Any good Search Engines out there? 2) any tricks for phasing searches?