So, the other day I got into quite a heated debate in the middle of the street on the issue of Scottish independence and saw what I think would be
fair to call the ugly side of the “yes campaign”. Now I am sure that the “better together” crowd also have their ugly side but its the
“YES” group that have gave me cause to write this thread.
Firstly let me say I am a undecided voter, in principle I would support a independent Scottish State however I have yet to see any clear plan as to
how this would work from the “YES” campaign and for that reason I am leaning towards voting no.
Anyway to get onto what happened to me the other day that showed me the ugly and dare I say it the “Ignorant” side of the “YES” campaign.
Yesterday I was walking down the high street in my local town and as anyone living in Scotland will know you cannot walk down a street these days with
out coming across a stall with a big “YES” stamped on it with guys and gall's out to convince you to vote for independence. Well I came across
quite a large one of these stalls with a huge group of people. I stopped for one reason, a guy stopped me with a big blue “YES” on his chest and
said “have you registered to vote yet”. Now to my eternal shame I had not actually registered so I walked over to his little wooden table and
filled out the form to ensure I get to make my vote count. Then big blue “YES” man done something else, he asked me to fill out a little card to
confirm I would be voting “yes”, I then politely said “I am only here to registrar to vote, never said I was voting yes”. And this started a
rather long debate that seemed to gather quite a crowd in which I saw what I am calling the “ugly” side to the “YES” campaign.
As soon as the words “I am a undecided voter but leaning towards no” left my mouth these guys were on me like vultures. First the young man with
the big blue “YES” stamped across his chest started on me. He was bedazzling me with his facts about Scottish poverty and going on about all those
awful wars we were dragged into how Scotland has been dealt such a rough deal by Westminster and so on. It was actually quite a impressive argument,
he made several very good points my only rebuttal was to say that I have yet to see any actual proof that a Independent Scotland could do any better.
This seems to be where they got a little upset. A second older man bashed into the conversation blue “YES” man was shunned to the side. What
followed was the most idiot argument I have ever heard for independence. The guy pressed me on why I would be against independence, I explained that
part of my argument was that I did not believe we could ever have true independence if the Queen was head of state and we were using the pound and in
the EU because we would still be surrendering some of our sovereignty and would never be truly independent. Further more that because of this I
believed Scotland could never actually be truly independent and as such I would much rather we had more devolved powers.
This really got the older man annoyed. In some very colourful language he explained to me that the “F##kin English” were the problem that the
“C##ts in Westminster had none nothing for us” and the the royal family were a bunch of “Lazy English B####rds”. I told him that there was
more to the UK than the English and what he was saying could be considered as racism under UK law. I said for all you know I could have welsh mother
and a English father but have been born in Scotland. His response was that I was “part of the F##ing problem then”.
I should point out that at this point I had not swore once (and never did) yet this guy was really going for it.
He really did not like the “English” monarchy in particular something that I used in my debate with him. I asked him if his hate of the
“English” monarchy was a big reason for him voting no to which he said it was. To this I point out to him that this was a pretty dumb reason to
vote yes because under the current plan for independence the Queen would still be head of state so independence would not change this for him. He then
started on about something called the “Kingdom of Scotland” and then his argument honestly lost me.
By this point quite a crowd had has appeared quite a few people heckling me and quite a few nodding with agreement so in walked “Independence
woman”. She literally screened in my face “WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU FROM??”. I responded honestly and said I was from the United kingdom of great
Britain and the provenance of Northern Ireland. “NOOOOO!!!!!” she cried “WHAT COUNTRY WERE YOU BORN IN”. I then explained to her I was born in
what she might call the nation of Scotland. So she said “you are Scottish?”, “no” I said “I am British.”.
She then started to say that come the 18h of September I was either with my fellow countrymen or against them. I gave her the rebuttal that while her
“countrymen” are just the people of Scotland mine are all the people of the UK.
Again she did not like that.
She then started to talk about how “the” English had stole our oil and that with independence we would get it back and become “The richest
country on earth”......
“you must be very nieve if you believe that they will give a independent Scotland all that oil” I told her.
She then started tell me blatant lies, apparently she was at a meeting of the biggest oil execs last night who told her that Scotland would be the
richest nation on earth.
“hmmmmmm.....” I said, “so you really expect me to believe that the heads of BP, Shell, Gazprom, Total and so on have all came to you personally
and told you that”. Further more I added, “ you really believe that the likes of RBS, BAE, BP and all these big companies are going to stay in
Scotland in favour of sitting with the Big boys of the UK.
She did not like the fact that I had caught her out.
Her response was this.
No joke.
“Dont get me started on Gaza”
And she walked away.
From across the table I got lots of dirty looks.
I also think I might have to re-registrar on-line to vote because I would not put it past those guys to rip up my voting form.
edit on
30-8-2014 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)
edit on 30-8-2014 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason
edit on 30-8-2014 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)