posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 01:17 PM
it is a problem deeper than that
the other thread about this topic had a reply that a log-out+log-in operation would resolve the mess
Wrong... or .... my 3 time log-in is normal.... & the 'reply' balloon is absent on that other thread about the timing-out malfunction
this is ATS server bugs ... not the TWC (isp) problems I have on a recurring basis
in the meantime just click the 'refresh" on the address (advised by
intrptr..) ... aka: f5- or the 'refresh' icon on your address bar
and you'll have no trouble with the post
although I had both posted messages 'articulated' and 'lost' without doing any f5 or refresh clicks , before I got wise to the gremlin in the Forum
edit on th31140933672229252014 by St Udio because: yadda
edit on th31140933684429272014 by St Udio because: (no reason