posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to:
I agree for the most part but I think there are certain things where one does not need to provide a link. By this I mean, things that one is talking
about that another can enter into a search engine and easily pull up that information. It is similiar to common knowledge I suppose but might take a
little effort. Also, I don't think there is a need in normal plain discussion unless asked...I've done this a few times knowing I could provide a
source or citation but didn't as it was comon chit chat on the thread, not debating. I figure, if someone wants the source, they will ask...or yell
It is the more in depth and obscure information that links and citations are needed if there is a debate going on. There are quite a few as you
pointed out where very specific and/or detailed information is being discussed or debated and one fails to provide source material. Also, I would like
to see more civility and perhaps tact of everyones interaction with one another. Name calling, trolling, yelling are uncalled for. We are all here to
question, everything. We each may hold certain beliefs that we strongly hold onto and do not want to let go, be it conspiracy or drinking kool-aid
(what have you) but that does not mean we can't be adults.