Did Buddha teach resurrection based on Good Karma? If not what did Buddah teach about Karma?
Thier are major flaws with Good Karma, that are against Buddha's other teachings.
The concept of Good Karma as a birthright? If one man is born a prince to become king, while another man is born a slave the prince calls this Good
Karma as a reward for past lives. While the slave had Bad Karma and is thus being punished for past lives. This sounds good enough, few give this
any additional thought.
But if you believe in this than you are saying that your quality of life is based on your material success. Since the prince has more of God's
favor/love than the slave.
With this belief it might also be argued that the slave is being punished by God and should not be helped out of his slavery.
Did Buddah teach that a man's material possession were anything? Didn't Buddah teach the noble path for everyone, and claim that anyone could become
According to Buddah it was the responsibility of the Prince and the slave to seek the noble way. That whoever followed the path would find Nirvana, a
place free from worldly desires. If the prince refuses to follow the path he will walk down a path of anguish. If he walks the path of the light he
will find Nirvana, and the same for the slave.
This concept of all having an equal path to enlightenment is called equanimity.
So as far as Buddah was concerned the signs of Karma cannot be material.
If you do something spiritual in order to receive a material reward haven't you decided yourself? Material work gains material possessions,
spiritual work gains spiritual possessions.
So if you love seeking material reward, you are mistaken. The reward for love is love.
If you love for a reason other than love itself, you should expect no reward at all. The only Good Karma is created when one loves for the sake of
love, because they will find the only thing that is spiritually pleasing, love.
Buddha taught that we were to overcome cyclical existence. The ruling class version of good Karma goes against both cyclical existence and
equanimity. As a matter of fact it creates a new type of cyclical existence.
Thier are two cycles of birth and death the spiritual texts speak of.
The first physical birth and death, is simple we are all aware of the physical passing away of the flesh. Buddah said that we would return to the
The second is more complex but what accounts for the majority of the teaching. A man who refuses to acknowledge the light, Holy Spirit within will
go through many cycles of birth and death in this life. We have natural cycles like the death of our infant mind and birth of our toddler mind, the
death of our adolescent mind and the birth of our adult mind.
Spiritually we go through the same sort of growth. We die and are reborn each time new knowledge comes to us that changes our spiritual perception.
As a child your spiritually naive and have no fear. As you get older the fearless spirit learns about pain and suffering, the fearless spirit dies
and the spirit of fear is born. Overcome that fear and another birth cycle begins. This is the cyclical existence we need to escape.
Once someone acknowledges the light, Holy Spirit, in themselves all cyclical existence ends.
Thier is no resurrection based on Good Karma. We return to the light and give account for our lives.
Our birthrights therefore are selected by chaos/Karma. Chaos the true meaning of Karma. Since chaos elects our birth and we all have access to the
same light, none is favored by God, except those who follow the noble way, just like Buddah taught.
The spirit of Chaos is created when a crime goes unpunished. This chaos will land somewhere, God sends his (love and chaos) on the good and bad.
Some of the Native-American tribes honored the spirit of chaos by having one member of the tribe act like a Jester.
There is another who believes in equanimity. When Jesus was asked "Good teacher", he replied" why do you call me good, none are good except the
He was telling the student that he himself was created. Even though he is the light, the Holy Spirit, he still considered himself no better than any
of his other created brothers. It is enough for the student to become like the teacher.
If anyone wishes to believe in reincarnation, it can only be based on chaos. Anything less than equanimity leads to Zionism by a ruling class.
edit on 28-8-2014 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)