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"Out of the Blue" - Hands down the best so far!

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posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:42 PM

I caught this show on the History channel this past weekend. IMO, it is by far the best documentary on the alien presence.
Has anyone else seen it? If you haven't seen it, order a copy off of Amazon or Tivo it next time it's on.

I also have to say, that it feels like disclosure is coming in the very near future. The history channel and Sci Fi channels are pumping out show after show on ET's. Anyone else notice this?


posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:45 PM
I don't receive either channel!

can I download the show maybe?

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
I don't receive either channel!

can I download the show maybe?

You can buy the DVD for less than US$14 + shipping on Amazon. I highly recommend it. You will NOT be disappointed.

Here's the link to the shows website:


posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:53 PM
It does seem disclosure might be near, if near means a little less than a decade.. However, I don't think history channel or the sci-fi channel are the best channels for conveying information, as their audience base, is quite small and insignificant, and especially in the case of sci-fi, already predisposed to such matters.

The moment these shows start to be televised on more mainstream networks, in the same intensity, is when your optimism for disclosure would be better founded.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It does seem disclosure might be near, if near means a little less than a decade.. However, I don't think history channel or the sci-fi channel are the best channels for conveying information, as their audience base, is quite small and insignificant, and especially in the case of sci-fi, already predisposed to such matters.

The moment these shows start to be televised on more mainstream networks, in the same intensity, is when your optimism for disclosure would be better founded.

Yeah, I see your point Indigo. The thing is, that these shows are on major networks more and more regularly and the thing about the History channel specifically is the number of shows in a given time frame. One after another after another and now seem to be on more regularly as well.
My guess at a timeframe is two years or less, but then... I'm an optimist


posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:34 PM
It has been my outlook that what has been made simple to realized, has only been seen by those that wish to believe.... I do see a need to look at it as away to make it obvious were not the only ones here... But I will continue to ask, as many have, Where are we in the big picture of their being here... The subject of this goes on in many threads on this site..

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:35 PM
I found a .torrent-file on it @ Not many seeders, but I've got the show in a cpl of hours
I also saw some people on DC++ who has the show in .AVI-format.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by jammerman

I caught this show on the History channel this past weekend. IMO, it is by far the best documentary on the alien presence.
Has anyone else seen it? If you haven't seen it, order a copy off of Amazon or Tivo it next time it's on.

I also have to say, that it feels like disclosure is coming in the very near future. The history channel and Sci Fi channels are pumping out show after show on ET's. Anyone else notice this?


The SciFi Channel has pledged to do all the research that it can to uncover the truth about Aliens and UFOs. They are pouring over information all of the time, constantly looking for something of substance. Let's just hope they find something soon.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:33 AM
People they can't even tell us who all shot JFk, do you honestly think they are going to disclose a damn thing to the mass public?

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:14 AM
I agree jammerman,out of all the DVDs I have,Out of The Blue is at the top of the list in terms of quality and info it contains.It is a 'must-have' IMO.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 11:32 AM
I managed to download the whole program and I must say this is by far the best tv-program on this issue I've seen. If someone have 400mb of online space I can upload it for you who can't afford the DVD or own a DVD-player. Being a TV-program I guess the copyright laws are semi-slack too

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
People they can't even tell us who all shot JFk, do you honestly think they are going to disclose a damn thing to the mass public?

Twitchy, Your right about the JFK incident, however that was one event... I've seen/heard, many argruments on this, its a security thing that comes into play here. To know what he knew at the time(JFK) or his attempts to wish to disclose that info, well it will never be really known if that was the reason, or the fact he had the Balls to approch the Cuba incident like he did.
Now, those that wish for us to believe there is nouthing beyond our own world, they have now a more difficult time to disprove it.....
It's amazing, all over the world it is being realized, but in the media, its hard to see it in most cases... Unless its comes out of the Blue!

[edit on 6-12-2004 by jessemole]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 12:24 PM
I have this show in DIVX on my hard drive, along with about 400 other documentaries, many on UFOs and conspiracies and such. I'll open up a server in about a month when I'm settled back in the United States, in case anyone wants it. If you don't have it in a month you can u2u me and I'll give you my FTP info, and you can download it off me. But like I said, it'll be another month before I get my server up, so you might wanna try getting it a different way. I'll be a last resort in case you can't get it by then.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 12:33 PM
Disclosure coming soon? I don't really think so. Just think about how this would make the Government look. Remember, alien and ufo's are a Hollywood thing. Only crazy people say they are visited by aliens, and they end up in the hospitals.

This is a very highly defended issue by elements within the Government, one where people are terminated for trying to expose.

There are many books and videos being made on this issue, but that does and is not bringing the Government any closer to disclosing anything.

As far as the Official establishment is conernced, aliens are for crazy people. That is what they like to uphold.

The common people can stumble upon bits and pieces of evidence concerning the issue and that is what we usually work with.

It's always good to continue investigating, though, but i doubt disclosure of anything will be forthcoming in the near future. Disclosure of aliens by the Government is like the Government saying they are the ones who created AIDS to kill off excess human populations.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by jammerman

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It does seem disclosure might be near, if near means a little less than a decade.. However, I don't think history channel or the sci-fi channel are the best channels for conveying information, as their audience base, is quite small and insignificant, and especially in the case of sci-fi, already predisposed to such matters.

The moment these shows start to be televised on more mainstream networks, in the same intensity, is when your optimism for disclosure would be better founded.

Yeah, I see your point Indigo. The thing is, that these shows are on major networks more and more regularly and the thing about the History channel specifically is the number of shows in a given time frame. One after another after another and now seem to be on more regularly as well.
My guess at a timeframe is two years or less, but then... I'm an optimist


Jammer I also have to disagree with you. People have thought for years and years just as you do but disclosure never comes. The reason you see so many tele shows and books etc. is because people know this is a popular subject and it sells and gets ratings.

Don't get your hopes up and by the way I also watched "out of the blue" the other day, thought it was on Sci-Fi though. It was one of the most convincing peices I have ever seen. I especially liked Gordon Coppers claim of one landing at the AFB and him filming it. He is pretty credible in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:53 PM
on the website of the show, from the disclosure link on the left, you can play a clip. on that clip is footage from the Disclosure Project. I watched the really long video from the Disclosure Project and was very disappointed.

for those who have seen Out of the Blue, how much does that specific project figure into the whole?

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by swordfish

Jammer I also have to disagree with you. People have thought for years and years just as you do but disclosure never comes. The reason you see so many tele shows and books etc. is because people know this is a popular subject and it sells and gets ratings.

Fair enough, however... we are in the last stages of a major transformation of human perception of reality. I highly recommend reading "The Convergence Series" by David Wilcock. "They" (read: the secret government elite) cannot keep this secret forever, particularly when there are many types of aliens visiting and interacting in different ways with human beings (if not covertly integrating into our society).

After watching the "Out of the Blue" film, I feel that it would be intellectually dishonest of someone NOT to think there is an alien presence. Even the editor of "Skeptic Magazine" found it compelling.

It just feels that disclosure is imminent whether those in the "know" want it or not.

Does that make sense?


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 03:02 PM
ABC aired this story about UFOS, i am new do not post much and do not know how to use quotes, received this from a web ECETI, thought it was pertinent to this topic, ABC, NBC and CBS should be carrying more of this. I personally live in the NE and have not seen a UFO.

December 2, 2004

By Dan Tilkin and KATU Web Staff
Trout Lake, Wash. - Mount Adams has become a hotbed for UFO believers who claim to have witnessed extraterrestrial travel there night after night.

The people are led by a man named James Gilliland who owns a retreat at the base of the mountain and has spent years capturing his encounters on video.

Gilliland says his window into another world opened 27 years ago when he nearly drowned, a near-death experience that he says allows him to receive extraterrestrial telepathic messages.

Throughout the years, he has drawn countless people to his retreat who are hoping to make alien contact, but around the town of Trout Lake, Gilliland is known as 'Cosmic Jim.'

"I've lived here 34 years and I've never seen anything out of the ordinary," says Andy Van Laar with Andy's Valley Service. "Just a beautiful mountain and beautiful country. That's about it."

"A long time ago, I transcended any need for acceptance or approval outside of myself," says Gilliland. "For them to say that I'm nuts and not look at the evidence, it's really inconsistent to make a statement like that."

Related link:

Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by phlake
I managed to download the whole program and I must say this is by far the best tv-program on this issue I've seen. If someone have 400mb of online space I can upload it for you who can't afford the DVD or own a DVD-player. Being a TV-program I guess the copyright laws are semi-slack too

Could you send me the documentary please. I've seen it b4 and I liked it alot, I agree that it was extremely good. Me and my dad watched it like a year ago or something like that when it first came on, and we were so excited to watch it! It got us thinking alot about the stories and evidence, very credible stuff. I have noticed the history channel doing alot of shows on UFO's, kinda weird actually, cuz they usually put the same old documentaries on every now and then, but now theres a bunch of new ones and they are on right after another. Watch the History channel on the weekends, I'm positive there will be some shows on the subject. I use to watch Sci-fi's "declassified" tuesday. It was an awesome set up and I ennjoyed the documentaries alot, is it still on or no? If not what happened to it? Thanks!


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 05:53 PM
i dunno what's so great bout it, ive just seen it right now.. & its not really any different from other UFO documentaries ive seen.. u dont c alot of UFO footage in it, lots of animations tho lol.. & lots of interviews.. i liked the 1 with n UFO shooting a beam on the rocket & the F-16 airplane (or sum other plane) tryin to shoot a missile on this UFO.. this video doesnt really change anything anyway

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