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Zara removes striped pyjamas with yellow star following online outrage

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posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: Lady_Tuatha
a reply to: AllSourceIntel

I dont understand what you mean about the orientation of the symbol? When I look I see that the bike below it is askew in relation to the flowers, seems that the prints were displayed intentionally haphazard. India is a company they use to manufacture goods so I don't see why the explanation is hard to believe. I suppose tho it doesn't really matter, people will either decide to be offended or not, I just don't get it, I mean what would it gain this company to intentionally upset people? it doesn't make any sense, especially for such a large worldwide company? I honestly think its a case of people being over sensitive . In my opinion anyway. ah to be honest I dont really care that much, my initial post was sort of a rant at the ridiculousness of it all.


And tolerance for the war crimes they are perpetrating in Gaza.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Psynic

That's just all too bad. If people want to take offense to something that is not offensive - they can and will.

If Zara are making some sort of statement that the jews - r israel, or zionists or what-the-hell-ever and the correlation between their acts and those of the Nazis, all they're doing is telling the truth and people seem to take offense to the truth so often that we walk around in a lying haze of lies just to keep the constantly offended quiet for a few minutes.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:45 AM
Regarding the swastika on the handbag if it was indeed made in India it has an entirely different meaning

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been found worldwide, but it is especially common in India.

The swastika is most commonly used as a charm to bring good fortune (in which case the arms are bent clockwise), but it has a variety of religious meanings as well, which are described below.

And the pyjamas has a six point sheriffs badge which is the norm. The questions you'd want to be asking is why are people "outraged" about something so small, it looks like a way for people to incite more hatred by picking on an insignificant pair of pyjamas and making it headlines news.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: sosobad
Regarding the swastika on the handbag if it was indeed made in India it has an entirely different meaning

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been found worldwide, but it is especially common in India.

The swastika is most commonly used as a charm to bring good fortune (in which case the arms are bent clockwise), but it has a variety of religious meanings as well, which are described below.

And the pyjamas has a six point sheriffs badge which is the norm. The questions you'd want to be asking is why are people "outraged" about something so small, it looks like a way for people to incite more hatred by picking on an insignificant pair of pyjamas and making it headlines news.

And who benefits by keeping the Holocaust in the news 70 years later?

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Psynic

It is the people complaining that are making these stupid stories hit the news, those who are offended by the silliest of things.

Some people see offence when there was none intended.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: Lady_Tuatha
a reply to: Psynic

It is the people complaining that are making these stupid stories hit the news, those who are offended by the silliest of things.

Some people see offence when there was none intended.

The question was:

"Who benefits by keeping the Holocaust in the news 70 years later?"

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Psynic

Noone should, but certain people keep feeling the need to bring it up, people understand it was an atrocity that never should have happened but our history is filled with atrocities and genocides, more are being made by the day ( just look at Gaza) The world has many victims from every race and culture.

The only people I can think who benefit is those who cry 'poor us, look what happened to us' and use it as backup in arguments where they claim all who oppose their viewpoint are anti-semitic, which is ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Lady_Tuatha
a reply to: Psynic

The only people I can think who benefit is those who cry 'poor us, look what happened to us' and use it as backup in arguments where they claim all who oppose their viewpoint are anti-semitic, which is ridiculous.

Ridiculous eh?

They have a whole government department perpetuating this kind of "ridiculous".

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Lady_Tuatha

Ah, political correctness and guilt at play again. Give me a break. I'm sure if they wanted to sell a Holocaust shirt they would make one that actually looked the part.

This looked like a cross between a sheriff and prison uniform.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: Lady_Tuatha

I'm sure if they wanted to sell a Holocaust shirt they would make one that actually looked the part.

This one was close enough to serve the purpose.

It can only be banned once; it can't be MORE banned.

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