a reply to:
Hi Truebro,
Can I just offer another perspective on this?
The people and politicians of Scotland have spoken out against, and fought against the will of successive westminster governments over several decades
We have consistently voiced our opposition to illegal wars, invasions, nuclear weapons etc
Our politicians have voted against these things many times when given the opportunity.
But, our voices are not being heard.
Our politicians are outnumbered 10:1 by the lapdogs of westminster.
We, the people of Scotland, keep getting successive governments that we haven't voted for - worse still, we keep getting governments that we have
deliberately voted AGAINST.
The current "democracy" is failing us. The London-centric policies of successive UK governments keep taking decisions that go against the will and
interests of the Scottish people, and we can do nothing to change that from within.
But now we have an opportunity to become free of that.
An opportunity to stand apart from it, and to lead by shining example.
Get rid of nuclear WMD's. Denounce illegal invasions, occupations and wars. Have our voice heard.
Our problem is NOT with our friends or family, the people in the rest of the UK.
It lies SOLELY with the UK Westminster government and it's despicable policies which WE never endorsed or voted for.
My hope is that Scotland gains Independence, and freedom from westminster.
We have already set a date for a Scottish general election, which will take place shortly after the declaration of Independence. We would then get the
government that the people of Scotland actually vote for, for the first time in decades. Our governmental policies would be determined by politicians
living and working in Scotland, not London.
And we could end forever any association with the aforementioned illegal wars, occupations etc.
We would still be British. We form a very large part of the British Isles after all.
But we would be free. Free of the wrongdoing of others, and when we mess up, as we probably sometimes will... We will have to stand tall and accept
it, then look to fixing it by ourselves, without any reason or excuse to lay the blame elsewhere. For me, that's what it's all about. Taking on
responsibility for our OWN ACTIONS AND DECISIONS.
We can't do that without change, and on Sept 18th, we have the opportunity to do just that.
kindest regards,