posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 05:45 AM
Thank you for the information DreamLandMafia, I really appreciate it. The text that I'm using, identified in my last post, doesn't mention embed
tags in the index or glossary. I was working with the Macromedia Suite of Applications: Dreamweaver MX, Flash MX, Fireworks MX and Adobe Photoshop 7.
With these tools available, to insert a flash video, you open with Dreamweaver, click in the document at the location where you desire to embed the
file, then go to Insert Menu drop down to Media follow the directional arrow to the right and click on Flash.
This is my first return to this thread since my earlier post and I've since learned that whatever you download to insert as the required .swf file,
it must already be in the .swf format. It is not possible to download a clip and merely change the file extension (which I asked about earlier) and
expect it to work; it won't.
I hope our posts will help anyone else who views, is interested or is as frustrated as I was. Also I discovered a terrific website for anyone needing
what I was seeking for my project at the start of this thread:
A friend of mine did this:
Thank you for your posts and all the information you've shared regarding embed tags