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Jon Stewart Nails It on Ferguson, Race and Media

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posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: sheepslayer247
a reply to: BlackboxInquiry

I never understood why people say he is bias or has a "slant". He attacks all sides. One of the reason he goes after Fox so much is because they are the biggest joke around. Watching fox is like watching the Onion....except people actually believe their propaganda.

Some people just seem to be so gung ho for one side or the other that they can't take any criticism whatsoever.

Every place I can think of has a slant, at least ones that want a paycheck. Freeman isn't a newscaster or politician, he speaks plainly.

Most news sites are the same way. I have a general mistrust of them, as I do our politicians. Follow the money, follow the money.
edit on 29-8-2014 by BlackboxInquiry because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: BlackboxInquiry

Well then you would have to follow the money with freeman too.
He is an actor, why would that make him unbiased?

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:05 PM
That was brilliant. I think he got it spot on. How many people in USA really take Fox News seriously?

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: twfau

I don't know. What is their ratings/viewship base numbers?

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: twfau
That was brilliant. I think he got it spot on. How many people in USA really take Fox News seriously?

Not too many. Mainly they're old, senile and/or and have very low IQs.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: mikeone718

And you get offended by those words? The "slurs" for white people are like fluffy puppies compared to the racial slurs we use against people of colour. (I'm white so yes I'm saying WE)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

I'm not white so they don't offend me. Their (blacks) intent is offensive however.

If the rest of America was so loose with their mouths as they are with their racial slurs, the n word may not be so terrible.

Just saying.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 10:53 PM

WATCH: TheBlaze’s Buck Sexton Blasts Jon Stewart for ‘Lecturing’ on Racism [POWERFUL SPEECH]

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:04 PM
So basically racism only exists because of a few ignorant white people, and black people are totally innocent in all of this. Gotcha. a reply to: Kali74

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: GenerationGap


Wow defend his POV with racism..So it is reasonable to assume a black guy will take a cab to a bad neighborhood and the driver will end up dead, also the majority of racism is used by foreigners..yeah cuz that was not racist/bigoted at all. Only the right can make racism even more can't make this stuff up..

Like a good republican he took one part of an entire speech, and changed it to fit their agenda. I would like to know what part of ""I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced an indignity, from the ridiculous, to the grotesque, to the sometimes fatal at some point in their last couple of hours" was he attempting to take apart and dispel as wrong.
edit on 29-8-2014 by Onslaught2996 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: GenerationGap

WATCH: TheBlaze’s Buck Sexton Blasts Jon Stewart for ‘Lecturing’ on Racism [POWERFUL SPEECH]

WOW! That guy is a TOOL!

HAHA, going after Jon Stewart, what a "wanna be". Clearly, he was doing damage control, although he called it damage assessment.

He must have comprehension difficulties, because he couldn't remember what Jon said just seconds before he miss quoted him.

He never should have that Jon can't debate!



edit on 29-8-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: Onslaught2996
a reply to: GenerationGap


Wow defend his POV with racism..So it is reasonable to assume a black guy will take a cab to a bad neighborhood and the driver will end up dead, also the majority of racism is used by foreigners..yeah cuz that was not racist/bigoted at all. Only the right can make racism even more can't make this stuff up..

Like a good republican he took one part of an entire speech, and changed it to fit their agenda. I would like to know what part of ""I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced an indignity, from the ridiculous, to the grotesque, to the sometimes fatal at some point in their last couple of hours" was he attempting to take apart and dispel as wrong.

I should actually make it, what he only wanted heard...."I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced a sometimes fatal action at some point in their last couple of hours"

Because you can't include all of the sentence..cuz that would just make it factual..

edit on 29-8-2014 by Onslaught2996 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: mikeone718

I will take Louis CK's stance on being a cracker.

""Uh. Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called me a cracker. Bringing me back to owning land and people, what a drag."

Link On being White

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

Thank you, sir, for taking the time to read my comment and for sharing your insight. I concur with your insight and/or overall perspective. I just read these following words on this very thread that I missed a few pages back by a very intelligent and fair minded individual whose post seem to reflect a person with a great heart and sense of humanity throughout many different thread topics on ATS. I admire this particular person's wisdom shared in the past. So this is no way I slight on him but, I would like to share what he typed here:

During the day you can go anywhere in town and not have to worry nighttime however is a different story. It isn't safe for some whites in the downtown area after dark just as it isn't safe for blacks on the West side after dark.

This is the good ol' mighty U.S of A he is referring to here in the great year of 2014! I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around the fact that this is an actual reality or fact of life in some parts of the States: A First World Nation

There are a gazillion thoughts flying around my mind ATM and I can't even grasp one that will help me sort this out in a way that makes logical sense. My brain is exploding right now; is what I'm trying to say. I cannot believe this is a: "Oh, just another everyday fact here in America" and quite "normal way of life" from their perspective.

Like Holy Smokes, man! WOW!!!!!!!!

You either get it or don't....

My love of my life, she is sitting across from me unaware of the content of this discussion or even what site I'm on and basically just asked me: Why do you have a WTF! look on your face?

My response: Love, I have no clue how to even begin to explain it. Still trying to process it myself....


During the day you can go anywhere in town and not have to worry nighttime however is a different story. It isn't safe for some whites in the downtown area after dark just as it isn't safe for blacks on the West side after dark.

Seriously, this is a reality in America ????????

WTH is going on in the minds of society overall there that this reality exist?

ETA: Dumbfounded: That's how I'm feeling.

edit on 30-8-2014 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2014 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: Kali74

I love Jon Stewart and the Daily Show! I am so thankful for a program like this! Even if it can pander to a more left sided view point. Over all I think Jon Stewart Nails it on a 97% success Rate on all issues that come to light on his program!

I do not use TV all that often. But when I do. I watch Jon Stewart, Colbert. That is where I get my MSM doses! lol

But yeah, was very happy when I saw this run on the Daily show!
Thank you Daily Show!!

Thank you with all my heart!!!

Thank you for posting it here.. I was going to today, but saw you had it posted.. Awesome! S&F!

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 06:55 PM

edit on 30-8-2014 by humanityrising because: topic starter

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 07:03 PM
Some High lights!

Stewart replied, “Yes! Why all the interest in holding police officers to a higher standard than gangs? They both flash colors and yes, one of them has been sworn to protect and defend…”

Yes, describing the actual facts of the case really does color the way we look at it. White cop shoots unarmed Black teen does sound terrible. Whereas hero cop kills alien-hunting human for sport, would put a completely different spin on things.”

”The shooting by police of teen, Michael Brown has sparked a series of protests, which in turn sparked a stern response by police, who appear to be auditioning for ‘Robo Cop.'”

Oh Sean Hannity, you D-bag. lol

. Sean Hannity explained on his show that anytime he is pulled over by police, he explains that he’s got a registered gun in the car or if it’s on him, he’ll step out of the car and show the gun to the officer. Stewart said, “If only Michael Brown, instead of holding his hands over his head, had reached down ot his waist and lifted up his shirt to show the gun he didn’t actually have, this whole tragedy could have been avoided.”

Now the greatest part of the show was when Stewart showed clips of news broadcasts of White anchors outraged over trivial things like Festivus and nativity scenes not being displayed, Stewart says, “Imagine that instead of having to suffer the indignity of a Festivus pole blocking something you could have just set up in your own yeard anyway, instead of that, on a pretty consistent basis, you can’t get a f*cking cab, even though you’re a neurosurgeon, because you’re Black.”

The Daily Show really comes through for us !!!
edit on 24114110585 by zysin5 because: Edit1

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: zysin5

I kind of wonder if any cops watched that are actively looking for a reason to pull over Hannity...

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

How about we try to get statistics that link murder rates and socioeconomic standing? Then we might get somewhere.

I'll take a shot at it.

The number of whites in poverty is nearly twice that of blacks in poverty.

There are 18.9 million non-hispanic whites living in poverty (9.7% of the white population)
There are 10.9 million blacks living in poverty (~27% percent of the black population)
source: National Center for Law and Economic Justice

Whites account for 6.02% of all people in poverty in the US.
Blacks account for 3.47% of all people in poverty in the US.

Just because Blacks have a higher percentage of poverty within their own population relative to whites, it does not mean "more blacks are in poverty". That's all you need to know to nullify your socioeconomic argument and maybe open your eyes to liberal media tactics.

How about something, related.. like employment. Lets look at the total for "Unemployed + Not in the labor force" for both races in July 2014:

Whites: 78,779,000 not working. This is about 40% of all whites.
Blacks: 14,004,000 not working. This is about 35% of all blacks.
source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Not only are 5.6 times more whites not working than blacks, but even a greater percentage of whites within their own group are not working relative to blacks.

Now, on to the murder statistics.

"Whites" accounted for 45.3% of murders from 1980 to 2008. Blacks accounted for 52.5% of all murders in the same period. Since Hispanic population is about 25% that of whites, we'll modify the 45.3% by shaving off the Hispanic portion, and bringing the adjusted White homicide rate down to 34%.

Note: On these "statistics", the FBI/UCR classifies nearly all Hispanics as "WHITE". There are an estimated 54 million Hispanics in the US, and Whites are actually only 196.8 million, so about 63% of the population

Second of all, most of the homicide offenders are male. Around 90%. This has large implications on what percentage of the population is actually doing the murdering.

That Black male pool measures to about 18.8 million people ( about 6% of the population)
That White male pool measures to about 98.4 million people ( about 31% of the population)

In 2008 there were 16,272 homicides. We'll take out the woman perpetrators and adjust the figure to 14,645 homicides by males for clarity.
source: Bureau of Justice Statistics


From a pool of 18.8 million black males (6% of population), we have 7,689 black murderers in 2008. This means 0.04% of black males are murderers on average, or 1 out of every 2,445 black males you meet has been or will be a murderer.

From a pool of 98.4 million white males (31% of population), we have 4,979 murders in 2008. This means that 0.005% of white males are murderers on average, or 1 out of every 19,763 white males you meet has been or will be a murderer.

By the time you meet 1 white murderer, you will have met 8 black murderers according to the (1 out of 2,445 black males...) vs (1 out of 19,763 white males...)

This is what it means to say that "Blacks are 8 times more likely than whites to commit murder".

This paints the disturbing picture that even though:

1) White males outnumber blacks by more than 5 times
2) Whites in poverty outnumber blacks nearly 2 times
3) Whites that are unemployed/not in labor force outnumber blacks by 5.6 times.

Blacks are still 8 times more likely than whites to murder, commit 64% more murders than whites, and commit over half of all murders in the country even though there are so many more whites in numbers, so many more whites in poverty, and so many more whites not working.

So yeah, after looking up all of this info, I don't buy the "crime stems from poverty" excuse.

Let's try to verify with a few examples from wikipedia:

These are not necessarily the same year, but this info should do for our purposes.

Baseline: The poverty rate of USA is 15.1% with a murder count of 14,173.

Comparative examples:
The poverty rate of Haiti is 77% with a murder count of 1,033.
The poverty rate of Equatorial Guinea is 76.8% with a murder count of 142.
The poverty rate of Zimbabwe is 72% with a murder count of 1450.

So far poverty and murder rates aren't tying up. These 3 countries have the highest poverty in the world, yet don't touch US murder rates.
There are many countries with MUCH higher murder rates than these 3 countries, yet are well below the above poverty levels.

Let's check out some countries around 15.1% like USA and compare murder counts:

The poverty rate of Chile is 15.1% with a murder count of 550.
The poverty rate of Azerbaijan is 15.8% with a murder count of 194.

Guam has a murder count of 4, and a poverty rate of 23%. Much higher poverty than the US and practically no murders.
Brazil has a murder count of 50,108 and a poverty rate of 21.4%. Many more murders than Guam, despite a lower poverty.

Or a really low poverty? Ukraine has a poverty rate of 2.9% with 1988 murders.

I'm not seeing a correlation between poverty and homicides on a global scale either.

In the US, the cities with the highest murder rates also have the largest black populations. This site says that 94% of all black homicide
victims are killed by other blacks.

Could it be gangs? In inner cities?
Blacks account for between 30% and 40% of all gang members, beaten by nearly 50% of Latino gang members who hardly commit homicide as much as blacks.


Ok. This has been eye opening. Too tired to continue. Maybe someone else can pick up with education or some other factor.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: BlackboxInquiry

Well then you would have to follow the money with freeman too.
He is an actor, why would that make him unbiased?

He's not telling the story to try and gain/keep office, nor use/abuse policies or pork barrel bills.

I thought that would be the obvious

So to clarify, meaning he's not a politician, nor is he trying to get into the political'd be like you or me talking for the most part. (except, I'm almost certain he earns way more than you and I combined. If not, wanna hang out?

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